Reviews from

in the past

I remember really disliking it... But also kind of liking it. It's a little strange. but honestly I don't know if it's genuinely bad or if it's just because the first game is so good.

I need to play it again and see.

I think this is more solid than people give it credit for

Did you remember to build anti-nukes? No? You’re fucked.

The game is perfect and hard to give a note. Its refreshing to play and fun, hard to not replay it.

Babies first RTS, but also really fun. It's simplicity is by far it's greatest strength.

Never played the first one, but this game is pretty fun if you're looking for a RTS that's futuristic and definitely a lot of fun. This is definitely a game that interests me and to me is a nice replacement to forget about the disgrace that is C&C 4.

Edit: This was a real fun time I was having with a friend playing this, but I was never as good as him sadly. It's the kind of RTS that I love being very much like C&C with all the different units and the related buildings and research for upgrades! The campaign was also fun, though as I ended up playing this one first, I feel like I missed a bit out of the main storyline so I was a little lost, but I still enjoyed every moment of it and how your main unit can harvest resources from destroyed buildings and machines to get more resources.

Such an underrated RTS it gets a lot of crap for being simplified but honestly I just have so many memories playing this game. I also just find it really immersive and engaging.

Probably the first RTS I ever played, it's so good and enjoyable.