Reviews from

in the past

was fun but i never got past that damn submarine level or whatever it was

Após zerar um exclusivo do caixismo( starfield) eu zero um jogo exclusivo do poderoso sonysmo pra equilibrar as coisas, sou muito vídeo jogador tlg 🤏😎

Gabe Logan: Killing even more terrorists with even more style

Jamais pensaria que em seu último jogo, Syphon Filter entregaria uma das melhores trilhas sonoras dos games, e nossa que final triste.

Strangely one of the few games I've played more than once, finishing it handily two times over. Excellent stealth gameplay and interesting narrative if not a little dry. Definitely a more buttoned up Metal Gear style espionage game, although again, no silly gadgets and crazy spy weapons, more of a by the books spy thriller with interactivity built in. Great setting selection, docks, european cities, scientific research complexes, it hits all the beats but does it right on time. The play becomes exciting after the first few hours of slowly crouch hiding and silenced pistol'ing several dozen guards when you eventually start collecting gadgets that enhance and vary the ways you can move through the map. Can't say it was so gripping that I remember much but the pacing goes at a good clip and before you know it you're watching credits role. Definitely consistent with altering the gameplay as you go to introduce new challenges and gameplay mechanics so that the player is forced to be creative even if they are more comfortable with a certain play style.

-"Mãe, compra Metal Gear pra mim?"
-"Mas filho, a gente já tem Metal Gear em casa!"

O metal Gear em casa: