Reviews from

in the past

um vazio
+cena chocante e incesto, canibalismo oh yeah rock n roll guys đŸ€˜đŸ€˜đŸ€˜~
completamente barato e nojento
REPUGNANTE, morte aos envolvidos.

mano isso aqui é o nivel de uma fanfic de pré adolescente pra gente esquisita

é só tipo, nossa olha só como é chocante canibalismo, nossa incesto, ao mesmo tempo que tudo isso é romantizado pacaralho pq nenhuma cena "'PESADA"" tem impacto sobre oque eles fazem e logo depois é esquecido e tampado em cima de comédia e humor pq eles são louquinhos

tenho que admitir que o jogo é divertidinho, engraçadinho tb as vezes, mas é um bagulho de não se pensar mt, pq qnt mais tu pensa nisso mais ce ve o quão tosqueira é

omg honey they made a game out of edgy AO3 fetish slop

waiting for more chapter,fcking loved this game

Interesting concepts and a great premise. I totally get the mixed opinions, but I enjoy the darkness of this game.

Some games make you feel something. Some games make you feel absolutely nothing, but I'd rather feel disturbed and disgusted than to feel absolutely nothing if I'm being honest

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Horrible Game. I’m an old woman and I’ve indulged into a lot of uncomfortable, disturbing subject matter over the years. Either personally or conceptually through life experience or various media.
If you think I’m weak for not liking this you are horribly mistaken. The reality is that despite it’s art direction and codding, which probably took quite a bit to make properly function, this game doesn’t offer anything substantial aside from really bad dialogue that comes across as genuinely entertaining because it’s so unbelievably stiff and shocking. I'm not saying this game doesn't have a right to stand it's ground, art is open and free. But I'm not judging this off freedom of expression, it purely just doesn't have any substance to offer aside from being a teenagers wet dream of “dark and edgey subversion”.

Most people love this game because of what it's not, not for what it is. Peel back it's skin and there's absolutely no thematic resonance, it’s music is lacking, it’s character expressions and character focus is gutted and way too focused on using them as props for torture, and it’s completely lack luster in a narrative because this game has nothing to do with sending a message aside from “look what I can do, it’s a carcass!”. I’m not shocked by this subject matter, I’m shocked that it basically doesn’t have anything meaningful to say. People are so focused on reading the authorial intent as if they are romanticizing murder or incest that they fail to realize that the dialogue and characters basically only have 1 or 2 things to offer. Andrew is a guy who's isolated and goes along with his sister with a bit of resistance but not as much. And Leyley is a horrible psychopath uh oh. They like each other because they isolated themselves and don't have much to turn too. They did this to themselves, especially Leyley. There's some differences between the different endings but that's because they live on the edge all the time. Ready to waver in depravity even for or against each other.

Horror delights in talking about subject matter not to often discussed, uncomfortable realities, taboo topics that exist in the real world through a “Real” metaphorical or allegorical lens. In many ways, I enjoy the strength in stories like this. Berserk, Oyasumi Punpun, American Psycho, House, The Lighthouse, Hereditary, ect ect all have unsettling subject matter that relishes and thrives thematically through it’s dark depictions of reality. These are all stories I absolutely love these but it’s because I can say so much more about the themes, it’s characters, it’s larger scopes, its outrageous but revealing portrayals of systematic issues, what beautifully horrifying psychological mindsets can feel or look like. It’s not one thing, it’s a myriad of things that culminates in so much meaning with sometimes so little time. So many themes and concepts to gleam from that go beyond the scope of even it's premises. If you’re confused why I’m comparing it to novels, movies, or manga please dont be; this is basically glorified visual novel with little to no interactivity. It has multiple endings but even than it’s shot through the lens of a barely playable game. It’s a story, lets just keep it at that okay? My point is that this is a story that deals with horror and it’s darkness. There’s a beauty in the darkness that illuminates the light of life.

So what do I have to say about this game that makes it so unbearable? It’s that it’s a story that basically thinks it’s being contrarian when in reality I think it’s an annoying hissy fit of a game that relishes in the idea that it’s “different” when it really isn’t. A simple truth players have to face is that subversion in a story is not subversive, it’s just methodology and it’s a lot easier to achieve than people want to admit. You simply look at what people are telling you to do and you decide not to do it. It's really not deep, it just takes defiance. It takes a little f you attitude that really goes a long way in terms of making bold art, but defiance in of itself has no substance if you don’t know what to do with it. There’s a real line between bravery and stupidity and I think this game’s basically is the latter. This game is seemingly so fine with being dark but is also incredibly self conscious. EP2 has a “no fuck you” option just in-case you wanted to stop playing, it’s thinking about it as if people who want to stop there are just upset at it for “being dark”. Even at times when it’s being metaphorical it insist that “you read to much poetry, cringe :( “. It’s developers are eager in the idea that “You will dislike this game hehe it’s so daaark”. but not me, your dialogue and themeing sucks. Your plot makes no sense, you literally just go to the next thing and the next thing over and over at tedium. I don’t think you’re glorifying anything aside from the fact you think you’re saying anything different or better than everyone else.

What does this game achieve with it's contrarianism? Nothing.
Because the reality is that it takes effort to say something substantial, it takes skill and heart to make a story with dark subject matter that actually wants to say something about it. The constant homicide, torture, cannibalism, passive aggressive manipulation, crude language, incest, and romanticizing is only a vehicle to show that the world is dark, not what that darkness says. Most of this game is is just focused on how they kill people, not why. Hours of spending tediously chopping up, bagging, killing, and torturing people for basically for nothing. It's literally exhausting methods of killing for hours and hours for an aimless adventure. It takes a fantastic writer to be able to say something about a corpse, about the problems of the world, the real torture of it. A terrifying depiction, with beautiful artwork and striking commentary. Real problems and darkness that I can find even in myself, in the world around me, in order to even prepare myself, learn something. But this game isn’t that, it’s just an electric chair, that can’t even kill you outright. Just boring, drain your soul. The body smoking from the lack of an actual fucking resolution of anything. Just torture and no play.

Extra: It should be noted that while I immensely dislike this game and it’s execution, I understand that depictions of manipulative behaviour might strike a chord with you, maybe that helps you in some way. Maybe you see yourself in Andrew who just wants to be accepted by his sister who seemingly berates but loves him. That whiplash and the isolation of it maybe is tangible. And It’s overall entertaining and because the cringe doesn’t stop, it’s something you can get lost in. I just wanted to note that this isn’t to scare people away from taking what they will from it. But for me, I truly feel this is waste of time and just horribly unfunny and nothing interesting to say. Maybe you can take something thematic away from the cult? But even than I’m just thinking it doesn’t do much. Psychopathic behavior is a really interesting topic I've researched to death, but I don't think it's all that compelling here. The idea of nature and nurture really intrigues me but not this at all.

If you think I’m bugging about incest-eliminate that immediately from your mind,
I’m a monogatari and game of thrones fan \o/

Nasty ass game. only game i've ever gotten a steam refund for in the same day.

De todos os jogos que jĂĄ joguei esse fica incesto lugar de mais estranho. O jogo nĂŁo tĂĄ completo ainda, mas eu gostei bastante da arte, a trilha sonora Ă© boa mas falta um trabalho de mixagem pra deixar o loop dela mais natural, e a histĂłria Ă© bem esquisita mas bem escrita.

cannibalism and parricide are fine but incest is absolutely intolerable. i sure love powerscaling immoral acts in fiction!!

god i want to beat the fuck out of these two inbreds so bad

bothered me to a point where i had to stop the game for a bit, cool!

eh, its cool, a little forced sometimes

this game makes people mad so i played it

nothing special feels like a wattpad fanfic

I like em younger... as young as possible

Started out pretty okay but lost steam pretty quickly near the end. There is almost something interesting with the abusive relationship the two siblings have but I can't really say it goes anywhere. The weird incestuous undertones were also really fucking weird. I can't say it's very interesting mechanically either as it's mostly some very bog standard RPG Maker adventure game puzzles with the rare choices here and there.

I could go on but the gist of my feelings is that I'm just not into it at all, really.

Played it for the horror, stayed for the memes.

There are aspects of this game that I really like, puzzles and starting premise was good. People who have to make crucial life n death decisions, what it tells the player about the world and the characters that live in it...
...and I say characters, since I'm not convinced they exist. The tonal shifts compiled into a tonal roller coaster between the horrific scenarios, their goofy humor and the implied relationship between blood-related siblings.

I can laugh at it for being a game, knowing that concepts/ideas in this game are mostly fiction... mostly...

a relative suggested this to me....deleted expeditiously and will never willingly touch anything related to this game ever again.

Checked this out because of all the controversy it stirred up online and I wanted to see for myself what it was actually like. I honestly enjoyed a lot about it. The art style is nice and I very much appreciate the rpg maker horror game vibes (especially as someone who grew up on Corpse Party, Ib, Mad Father, etc.). The music is also really excellent. The writing feels a little "3 edgy 5 me" at times, but that's definitely the intention, so it didn't bother me much.

The elephant in the room with this game is obviously the incest element. While it is present, it just succeeded in highlighting how unhealthy/disturbing their relationship is for me, and I didn't feel like it was "romanticizing" it. The discomfort their relationship gave me didn't feel out of place for a horror game imo (and honestly it kind of reminded me of Norman Bates' relationship with his mother -- toxic and potentially incestuous familial relations are definitely not a new trope in horror lol).

I will say I enjoyed episode 1 a lot more than episode 2. The original premise involving the quarantine was more gripping to me than most of what happens in episode 2.

Very funny, very well written, very fucked up.
I like fucked up things that are harmless.

i feel guilty when i play this game

I am so fucking mad at twitter and the dullards that talk about games they haven't played

Incesto nunca foi tão engraçado.

É sĂ©rio, que roteiro esdrĂșxulo que nĂŁo tem medo de burlar convençÔes sociais, e nĂŁo de um jeito forçado como um adolescente viciado em Linkin Park escreveria, Ă© uma parĂłdia. Uma sĂĄtira.

O jogo nĂŁo Ă© sobre canibalismo, nem sobre o culto satĂąnico que persegue os protagonistas, nĂŁo Ă© sobre a pandemia (bem, tem seus paralelos), nĂŁo Ă© sobre incesto ou o paternicidio estilo Suzane Rishtoff.

É sobre saĂșde mental e pessoas tĂłxicas, sĂł quem vivenciou ou conhece alguĂ©m como Andy e Leyley enxerga o tema por trĂĄs de todas as atrocidades edgys do jogo, e todo o retardo mental que leva o comportamento dos irmĂŁos, sĂŁo sĂł a camada, pra um interior que sabe muito bem sobre o comportamento de pessoas tĂłxicas.

Talvez eu achasse repulsivo ou doentio se eu jå não conhecesse pessoas que se comportam dessa exata mesma maneira na vida real (de maneira menos exagerada claro...). Talvez por ser um arquétipo menos comum, muitos não devem notar que é uma paródia, e não os culpo. Talvez sejam apenas sortudos que não tiveram a oportunidade de conhecer pessoas assim, e eu te garanto, elas existem.

7/10 (no aguardo pela parte final)

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I tried hard to give this a fair chance, but this game has way too many flaws to ignore. It is written so, so poorly.

The plot feels like it is on the back burner more than half the time and is outright ignored for furthering the relationship between the two characters, who absolutely do not act as if they are in a serious, life or death situation at any point. It feels as if they are out of place within their own story, not even they seem to grasp what is going on at any moment, or have any awareness of the danger that seems to be just around the corner. There is no suspense, and there is not what I would call "a heartfelt moment" until the very end of chapter 2.

The art style is somewhat interesting, but is also sort of really awkward and bothered me at times; there is a quality to it that I just can not place that always feels vaguely off and is somewhat uncomfortable as a result.

The "ermm she's right behind me, isn't she?" humor mixed with the "dank memes lmao" feels like it's dated itself for a time it isn't even from, especially since the plot seems to take place within the last five years.

I think the concept of this game could be interesting, but none of the interesting aspects are explored further. If the writer could step away from the dismissive, overly lighthearted tone to actually write this game's plot and dialogue, it would greatly benefit. I do not need an full length novel, I want... anything to chew on. Everything is handed to you so straight, it is hard for me to not feel bored whilst playing through this game.

I wanted to like this game and push through it, I've completed everything there is to do currently and plan to play it to completion to further develop my views, but I was just not a fan and it is hard to see myself ever enjoying this game. I will try to return to this with an open mind, but as of now, this is just a mess.

If you like this you're either 14 or need to be blacklisted from every family gathering possible