Reviews from

in the past

played frequently as a kid, couldn't get super into it but sunk hours into doing nothing and being dumb

What makes this game so good? Its environments are beautiful, its lore is lush, its pace is malleable, its interface is simple, its fun is fun (lol). This game in short does its best without worrying about trying to bleed the gamer dry. It's a little sad that I haven't had this much enjoyment out of a game for a while, with most of gaming becoming mainstreamed the creativity I usually see is scarce these days. Skyrim is a haven of creativity and is a game that delivers on almost all accounts.

I loved the world more than the gameplay, but I really loved the world. Spent a couple hundred hours in it. Then Zelda: Breath of the Wild came along, giving me a world and gameplay alike I both loved.

Mds, o tanto que eu joguei essa porraa nao ta escrito, meu rpg favorito, e de tempos em tempos me da vontade de me aventurar novamente por tamriel

Do you get to cloud district very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.

Skyrim is fun and I've played it a decent bit, but it's never THE RPG for me, it's just one that is a classic and exists. It's plagued with all of the Bethesda shortcomings, but at the end of the day it's just good ol' fun.

Gosto muito e já até platinei, a side-quests são as melhores coisas do jogo enquanto a história é meio fraca. Não consegui terminar as dlcs infelizmente


I have it on switch it says no.
Not for me, but I understand why it’s one of the games of the century.

meu jogo fav de todos os tempos

Skyrim is an interesting case from many perspectives, not for what it is as a game, more so for what it represents. A shifting point for Bethesda, as they realize they can release an unfinished mess and still be acclaimed for it.

Mediocre writing at best, technically not impressive even at the time, AI without the I, asinine menus designed for console controllers' ergonomics but applied to PC, sneak attacks able to one shot every single content the game has to offer, both alchemy and forging system are dull and repetitive, limited bestiary coupled with horrendous spawn systems making the map feel empty, dragon encounters are so frequent you actually start thinking dragons are more common than freaking nirnroots, finally, actions with little to no consequences, you may have saved the world, reached prestigious ranks, most NPCs will still address to you like you were nothing.

And yet, none of that matters, Bethesda does not care whatsoever and the reason is simple, somebody, somewhere, will fix it for free.

The Elder Scrolls games used to be decent and could be enjoyed without mods, leaving the optional task for modders to sublime the game, if they actually liked the vanilla game and were willing to do so, that is. Skyrim is another story, Bethesda took modding communities for granted. Modders, torn between passion, generosity and a Stockholm syndrome, ended up doing what Bethesda should have done in the first place, before even releasing the game.

When searching online about legitimate flaws Skyrim possess, more than often the top answer is just a reference to some mod, this observation alone says a lot.

Back in 2011, I wished Skyrim would receive the same reception as the infamous horse armor pack for Oblivion, but I knew it wouldn't be the case.

In conclusion, this is how Bethesda's ethic died, with thunderous applauses. From this point up until today, Bethesda, like many other video game companies, strive to push gaming industry's boundaries in the wrong direction, from their point of view, players are money, modders are slaves, and both shall comply to mediocrity if not less.

"Bu oyunu hiç mod kurmadan deneyim etmiş sayılı oyunculardan birisiyim sanırım. Ama oyun her türlü eğlenceli. Zaten RPG öğelerinden bahsetmeye kalkmayacağım burada. Genelde vuruş hissi zayıf bulunur ama ben genelde çok savaşa girmediğim ve girdiğim zamanlarda necromancy kullandığım için benim için çok sorun yaratmadı. Oyunun sırf güzel müzikleri ve manzaraları için bile 5 veresim var ama objektif olmak lazım. Manzaralar uzaktan iyi güzel ama dokular kalitesiz ve çok çabuk bozuluyor. Oyunun ilerlemesini bozacak tek bir bug'la karşılaştım, o da çok sorun yaratmadı. Fakat bence özellikle büyü çeşitliliği daha fazla olabilirdi.

Um marco na minha infância/pré-adolescência. Um dos melhores RPG's que já joguei em toda minha vida, com uma história épica, worldbuilding impecável e gameplay imersiva. Skyrim é e continuará sendo uma referência para todos os RPG's de mundo aberto.

porra eh skyrim nao tem nem o que fala

Its goddamn Skyrim, just give Todd Howard your money or he'll starve to death.

Countless hours lost in this world. The pinnacle of what an open-world experience can be. A new adventure around every corner. The ability to play as whoever you want, however you want, all while experiencing the ultimate power fantasy. This had a major impact on how I view video games and helped tailor my taste in this medium. All this before even discussing the incredible modding community surrounding this title. This is a game that only ends when you want it to.

despite it be bugging as fuck it was still a fun game and you can easily get lost in this world

It's Oblivion but somehow even less interesting and with less viable build diversity.

Definitely revolutionary, but not my thing.

Despite its many faults and oversimplefied systems its still takes a special place in my heart.

Play'd it once during the pandemic and I've been meaning to come back 2 it.

Une MASTERPIECE, que ce soit l'ambiance in game avec les musiques, les interactions avec les pnjs, le fait que, peut importe où on va, on rencontrera l'aventure ou encore (marque de fabrique de chez Bethesda) la possibilité de faire absolument ce que l'ont souhaite et qui changera à jamais toute l'histoire de votre partie. Incroyable.

i ain't me if there's a better rpg

absolutamente cagado, mas e perfeito fodase.

Chega a um ponto que é repetitivo pra c**

Igual que el Fallout 4, lo dropeé porque me aburría vastísimo

Base game is not THAT great, but mods can really give you a whole new experience.

Still gotta finish it but after about 50 hours the thing that stood out the most was the feeling of discovery. The atmosphere and ambience is also top notch. Just a good world to get lost in for a while.