Reviews from

in the past

I will never emotionally be the same man I was before I started this game. Perfect.


Very good overall but not a fan of how it assumes incompetence by the reader. There is no reason why the same events in different perspectives needed to go into as much detail as they did in the later doors when we were already able to intuit character motivations off of the first few, made it drag unnecessarily. (I am not saying that we shouldn't have seen them at all)

i want to have sex with the maid

Anfangs habe ich ein bisschen gebraucht, um mich hooken zu lassen und ich musste mich etwas an den Artstyle gewöhnen (finde ihn aber mittlerweile super schön). Aber es hat sich gelohnt. Was für ein Ritt! Und absolut wundervoller Soundtrack.

One of the best stories written with some stunning music to accompany it.

It's been a year since i finished The House in Fata Morgana and still to this day i regarded it as one of the greatest story ever written. From story development and unique characters and settings that are set in 3 time periods, with interconnected characters and stories to using modern Japanese with a little 'flavor' of language from ancient times, which makes The House in Fata Morgana adapted to the current era. All of that provides a tense, sad atmosphere and at the same time a bit of comedy. However, the story in Fata Morgana is available in 7 Bad Endings and 1 True Ending, where the true ending of this visual novel gave me a cool breeze for my heart which has been holding back emotions since the story began.

The House in Fata Morgana has 8 different stories to tell throughout the entire story or what they call them "door". The story is set in one main setting, an old mansion which has a dark history starting from the persecution of a girl known as a 'witch' to the story of the protagonist 'you' and the maid welcomes you, sees your condition, and offers to give you a tour, which she hopes will help you jog your memory. Each room leads to you viewing various memories of past events that have taken place there. These memories are quite memorable, and set the stage for future revelations, even if it’s quite subtle in how it does it.

The first story tells the story of a brother and sister who live peacefully and freely with their family, until a mysterious white-haired and red-eyed girl comes to become a servant for the family.

The second story is probably the darkest part in this story for me, it tells of a 'monster' known as a sadistic murderer who lives in the big old house and a girl who is the same as the first story but in a different form enters the mysterious house. This story is extremely gruesome and graphic. Is it not for the faint of heart and I felt a little sick reading it at times.

The third story tells a wealthy businessman and his estranged relationship with his wife and the story behind that estranged relationship. It’s an incredibly moving story that shows how even the very best and self-sacrificing people have limits, and everyone will eventually break.

And from the fourth door to the last door or the eighth door becomes the main story which will discuss the past of the 'witch' who haunt the mansion, the servant girl, and the main character 'you', as well as their relationship with the three stories in the initial opening.

All of these stories have incredibly tragic ends, that could have been avoided with some other decision be it better communication, honesty, or repentance. But they serve to introduce characters that have a long-lasting effect on the overarching narrative, as well as establish the relevance of the mansion and its curse. Describing even a word past chapter three or door three leads too far down spoiler territory to say any more so i won't go deep into that.

There is quite a bit of foreshadowing as you expect from mystery genre like other titles, in even the simplest of events, and the story takes the time it needs to expound on each character, story, and theme. And that what makes The House in Fata Morgana's storytelling excellent.

Then you add another fantastic element on top of the writing which is the music because holy macaroonis they ain't lying when they said you have to experience it with headphone in the loading screen. Each character, scene, and mood is properly represented with a theme, that is sometimes really eerie with noises and sound effects, other times a moody piano, and often with simply incredible female vocals like the soundtracks 'Giselle' and 'Cicio'. The words are all in an ancient dialect of Portuguese, and sound very Latin and mysterious. Some of the songs will make your hair stand up, while others sound nearly reverent.

What i learn from The House in Fata Morgana is that wherever and whenever a person are there are people who will love and care for them until they wait for us to return and be by their side, revenge is not a good thing but you have to let go of it and move forward in a better direction. Life is a difficult thing where sometimes we encounter bad things and even tragedy, but behind it all there is a beautiful story.

All in all, The House in Fata Morgana is one of those tales that is incredibly well written, mature, dark, and bloody that explore the deepest, darkest depths of depravity in the human soul. Even though at first I was not used to the realist images of this visual novel, in the end I realized that the realist images and the choice not to use voice actors for each character were so that players could enjoy the story, and for me personally this visual novel has parts that can answer questions in life. An unrushed story with the characters each having their own reasons and backstories that portrayed what is sacrificial love looks like.

Great vn, at least the second half. I'm just sad this didn't blow my mind, I think I grew insensitive to the bombardment of tragedies, which is a shame because I probably would have enjoyed the last two chapters way more otherwise. Nice ending, but some things about the last chapter I just don't buy, sorry.

i aint even into vn like that but the way the story unfolded was actually insane. i came into this hearing glowing reviews and was thinking the pacing was really slow until i got to the second chapter w "bestia" and when everything was revealed through perspective i was like ??? bc i didn't even see it coming (and i am someone who can usually predict plot twists)

outside of the writing, i cant even describe the story. in a world where everything seems to be going through endless tragedy, yet it still never failed to have a sense of hope. my heart seriously goes out for the characters in this, even as the antagonist just wanted to watch the world burn, you understood each and every detail that led them to that point

with house of fata morgana it starts out slow, but by persevering through the lengthy text u get a beautiful tragedy that will leave u speechless 10/10

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✔️ Played on Steam Deck, it works fine (20/03/2024). 'A' button to advance text and touchscreen for all the menu and choices-related stuff.

An exquisitely crafted story with beautiful art and music. I really loved all the tragedy, the love stories and how everything ends up connecting and making sense towards the end. Its main flaw for me would be how dragging and pace-breaking it felt to be reading the same scenes over and over from different points of view.

The characters all felt so unique and well written and I'm not even exaggerating by saying this story has one of the best and most elegant LGBT representations I've seen in a visual novel so far.

there's not much else to say about fata morgana other than peak, life-changing, beautiful, and thank you novectacle for your genius writing, i aspire to be as good as you guys one day

really cool way to piece together a story. prepare to feel.

Novel boa, música boa, história de época (pesada, de época antiga) estilo de arte muito bonito, história muuuito boa

Did not finish it yet but man that's more than enough to give it a 5/5.
Just finished door 7, I don't cry from tv/games, but this shit killed me. Not many stories have impacted me on this level

Very well-thought-out story with a beautiful soundtrack and art. I loved most of it, but I found the final acts a bit underwhelming and the dialogue felt too long and repetitive at times. Regardless, this game really got me emotionally invested.
F*ck boob grabs tho.

raw goat kino swag. the catharsis was worth it. love is real. we're all gonna make it

fantastic stories, beautiful music, just quite long for a visual novel and yeah it's nearly more a book than a video game. Stil I absolutely recommend it, as the nights I spend with these stories were very memorable

The House In Fata Morgana is a visual novel focusing around a manor, named "The Rose Manor", it is a very Shakespearean-esque Light Novel, taking subtle ,but alot of references from the theatre plays- It is a light novel about insanity, and the passage of time- And you, the Master of this Manor, trying to recover the memories of who you once were, assisted by your Maid.

For what? To break a witch's curse, a witch's curse as old as generations- I went through this novel expecting a good story, because that's usually what a normal people does. A good story, nothing more- But holy fuck, has it shattered my expectations by the ROOF. (I can't give any names on who The Maid's name, or the Witch's, or the Master's name, because they're all spoilers, and this is a story that I don't want to tell to anyone, or spoil to anybody- It doesn't matter to me if people will never read it, it doesn't matter if they're not interested, in this game, but this is something I am truly passionate about.)
And if Shakespeare was still alive, I think this is something he'd genuienly enjoy. I find it quite frankly beautiful, and the aesthetics, the artstyle, the orchestration, the music... Everything is so excellent.

The writing is phenomenal, each doors are representing different "memories" of the manors, all set in different times. This is one of the most beautiful stories about tragedy, and insanity. The passage of time ; I can't go all in-depth here- But the story has such a multi-layered complexity that so much stories I have read, does not par up to this.

It baffles me how good it is, it is genius. It is honestly insane, and maybe I'm emotional, but the amount of tears I've shed for this VN is genuienly insane- Because, even though you know the tragedy is coming, as it is the purpose, it doesn't stop to baffle me. And the ending... God, the ending made it so worth it, after it all.

This has a very, very sweet spot in my heart. I am so glad I could experience this, even if other people may think of it as mediocre, it won't budge the experiences I felt with this Visual Novel. If the world disagrees with me, it doesn't matter. I love this, and I think practically nothing can help me change my thoughts about this.

Deeply harrowing yet still has me crying tears of joy at the end

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The VN had a bit of a slow start and I can definitely say that the latter half is a cut above the first. If I had to rank my favorite doors it would go something like 7>8=5>4>1>2>3 (door 6 was more like a side story so I wouldn't include it). Overall, I would rate the base contend around 8/10. The prose is really good, the music slaps and the stories could easily stand on their own. The more emotional moments in the latter half are what elevates this experience to a 8.5/10. I don't really have any critiques for the novel, but it just wasn't able to reach higher highs and the first half just was a bit weaker than I would've liked. It's far from perfect, but it's definitely an amazing story that everyone should experience

quite possibly one of the best stories i have ever read in my entire life, possibly to ever be written

This is going to be a complete review, door by door, don't expect something extensive, or an analysis, simply how this has impacted me and my opinion about it, basically a review.

(1.) First door:
The Door is an incredible intro, a pretty underrated intro for what it is. Let's start with the introduction of the work, a servant who leads us through doors, some small stories.
This first story is short, with a perfect rhythm and a way of telling the story in a brilliant and exciting way. Something that seems corny but tragedy and corruption are present. Good characters and, It's not boring and it's dynamic. And the ending with a wonderful plot twist, once you see this first door, you definitely want to continue reading this.

(2.) Second door:
A second door that is totally different from the first, A protagonist something that is quite confusing. The girl with white hair again, we still don't understand anything about her and why she is so good, as does the maid and the mystery of her. This door is the worst without a doubt, sometimes it gets boring and the rhythm is very heavy and uninteresting, the only thing to praise about this Door is its dehumanization and predictable plot twist.

(3.) Third door:
The third door is the best of the previous two. A slower and longer door than the previous two. But with a better executed and much more precise story, with more complex and tough themes. With a much harder plot, delving into human emotions and politics, an indecisive and cruel love.

(4.) Fourth door:
Another door better than the previous ones. We finally get to see our protagonist, a wonderful introduction by Michel, through a somewhat invented story with fictional touches in a story that is not so fictional. It is a totally perfect story, where we are introduced to our protagonist and deuteragonist perfectly, and we see how their relationship grows little by little, even with the supernatural sphere in the middle, in Michel, something bittersweet with a wonderful ending.

(5.) Fifth door:
And here we go, the best door of the 5 by far. A door that has impacted me quite a bit, in a real way. A story without patches, a real story without supernatural imaginations, a story of accepting your being and remembering yourself. A story that seems to be the same as the fourth door, but totally different, but much more charming. Michel and Giselle's dynamic in this door is wonderful. Something totally comfortable. Amid tragedies and fears, both bring their tragedies together and love encompasses both. Something that has impacted me a lot, especially the love that Michel has and his ideology.

(6.) Sixth door:
I don't remember this door much, it's a little worse than the fifth, but a good Door, where you delve into Giselle and her story inside the mansion, whose mansion I waited 700 years to see Michel again. We can see how Giselle makes a hunch and dehumanizes herself for her own good to wait for Michel, we also see Morgana and how she tries to manipulate, but she is also her only companion. A good door, quite short, very good explanations of everything, incredible execution, and amazing symbolism.

(7.) Seventh door:
And well, here we come where everything breaks and becomes even more of a masterpiece. We delve deeper into Michell's deep backstory. But I don't want to explain anything, I simply want to say that this door is incredible, the conflicts are wonderful and Michell's backstory is totally confusing and destructive, a majestic plot with a wonderful ending and well, I'm going to talk now about the eighth door

(8.) Eighth door:
Eighth door and I will also talk in general about the work. definitely the best door by far, a fairly long door, but incredibly good, the best thing about it is that since it is long, it is not bad, it does not have any plot holes and the consistency is perfect, it is not boring and it is dynamic, its The execution is wonderful, each character is incredible and we gradually delve deeper into all the characters, their conflicts and why their souls have done what they have done. I loved Michel at this door, here we are shown the real Michel, Michel a totally humble, human, altruistic and self-sacrificing protagonist. A perfect human with eternal love, a human who prefers the happiness of others to his own, a human who despite the adversities, conflicts and corruption around him, does not become corrupted, does not become evil, a hero , a human and totally pure hero, always optimistic above all, a born savior, with parallels with Jesus like Morgana, it must be said that this work has many religious, biblical and philosophical things. A masterpiece. Morgana is a wonderful antagonist, who does not allow herself to be convinced very easily, the hatred she has makes us all convince that this is not going to disappear and she has many reasons, and yet, Michel, is perfect, and solves everything to that even Morgana can free the souls of those she has condemned. And well, Michel, I think he has given me many life lessons, and very profound ones that have had a great impact on me. The ending of the game, I was almost crying for 20 minutes while everything progressed, something totally destructive and I am not a big fan of happy endings, but Fata Morgana makes this happy ending totally perfect, a beauty of art, a perfect visual novel and one of my favorite games so far.
A work that has captured my feelings, such as happiness, anguish, fear and sadness. A story that has exceeded my expectations. A story that everyone should experience.
And Giselle is an amazing and charming character, imagine having a girlfriend like Giselle, who is able to wait hundreds of years without thinking about other people for you


Top 10 characters:

1. Michel Bollinger (top 5-6 characters in video games)
2. Giselle
3. Morgana
4. Jacopo Bearzatti
5. The White-Haired Girl
6. Yukimasa Aida
7. Mel Rhodes
8. Didier Bollinger
9. Maria Campanella
10. Nellie Rhodes

Door Ranking:

1. Door 8
2. Door 7
3.Door 5
4.Door 6
5. Door 4
6. Door 3
7.Door 1
8. Door 2

Top #7-6 videogame oat

EN: The House in Fata Morgana was my introduction to the medium of visual novels and I immediately feel like I've already read the best of the genre without experiencing the rest.

"No one knows who first said
...that the mansion was cursed."

It is a Visual Novel in which there is a mansion which is cursed, in which a servant girl guides you so that you, the master, can remember who you are, she presents you with stories of former members of the mansion in the form of memories and each one presents different themes, between tragedy, human nature and madness. These give way to a great mystery and the search for the answer to the curse that affects the mansion.

A masterpiece that highlights in every section the talent behind the game, showing an incredibly well written story, with the presence of extremely human characters, with a soundtrack that subtly tells its own story, as a set of things that create the atmosphere of the cursed mansion, it is a terribly depressing work, so much so that it tears the soul but at the same time through all the tragedy continues to light a hopeful fire and that immerses you in this love story.

It seeks to explore in depth the search for identity, the importance of communication and mutual understanding, how our surroundings shape us and build our being and how even small moments of human connection and warmth create a lasting effect on the people around us. it teaches us to accept reality and facing it can be as painful as reality itself. no matter how dark it gets, there is always some light at the end of the tunnel.

There are no words that can describe everything I felt through the characters, they are so human you can feel their own pain. everything maintains a level of believable realism that of what makes the narrative so heartbreaking. everything you are presented with has a purpose, putting the big puzzle together, seeing how it all came together as I went along was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever experienced in a game.

It's not a perfect VN by any means, it's pretty unevenly paced, but I forged a greater emotional connection to this story than almost any other I've ever experienced in my life.

It is beautiful, breathtaking, heartbreakingly tragic, unflinching and brutal, and one of the best love stories ever told. It will take you on a journey of strong emotions in every way. Nothing so much passion and heart was put into could leave anyone without having gained something valuable from reading it. I am so glad I read it, because it is an experience I will never forget and it will stay in my heart.

ES: The House in Fata Morgana fue mi introducción al medio de las novelas visuales e inmediatamente siento que ya he leído lo mejor del género sin experimentar el resto.

"Nadie sabe quién dijo por primera vez
...que la mansión estaba maldita".

Es una Visual Novel en la que existe una mansión la cual está maldita, en la que una sirvienta te guía para tú, el amo, puedas recordar quien eres, te presenta historias de antiguos miembros de la mansión en forma de recuerdos y cada una presenta distintos temas, entre la tragedia, naturaleza humana y la locura. Que dan paso a un gran misterio y a la búsqueda de la respuesta a la maldición que afecta a la mansión.

Una obra maestra que destaca en todo apartado el talento detrás del juego, mostrando una historia increíblemente bien escrita, con presencia de personajes sumamente humanos, con una banda sonora que cuenta sutilmente su propia historia, en conjunto de cosas que crean la atmósfera de la mansión maldita, es una obra terriblemente deprimente, tanto que desgarra el alma, pero al mismo tiempo a través de toda la tragedia sigue encendiendo un fuego esperanzador y que te sumerge en esta historia de amor.

Busca explorar en profundidad la búsqueda de identidad, la importancia de la comunicación y del entendimiento mutuo, como el alrededor nos da forma y construye nuestro ser y cómo incluso los pequeños momentos de conexión y calidez humana crean un efecto duradero en las personas que nos rodean. Nos enseña aceptar la realidad y enfrentarse a ella puede ser tan doloroso como la propia realidad. No importa lo oscura que se ponga, siempre hay algo de luz al final del túnel.

No hay palabras que puedan describir todo lo sentí a través de los personajes, son tan humanos que puedes sentir su propio dolor. Todo mantiene un nivel de realismo creíble que de lo que hace que la narración sea tan desgarradora. Todo lo que te presentan tiene un propósito, armar el gran rompecabezas, ver cómo todo iba encajando a medida que avanzaba fue una experiencia de las experiencias más gratificantes que he experimentado en un juego.

No es una VN perfecta ni mucho menos, tiene un ritmo bastante irregular, pero he forjado una mayor conexión emocional con esta historia que con casi cualquier otra que haya experimentado en mi vida.

Es hermosa, sobrecogedora, desgarradoramente trágica, inquebrantable y brutal, y una de las mejores historias de amor contadas. Te llevará a un viaje de fuertes emociones en todos sentidos. Nada en lo que se haya puesto tanta pasión y corazón podría dejar a alguien sin haber ganado algo valioso al leerlo. Me alegro mucho de haberlo leído, porque es una experiencia que nunca olvidaré y se quedará en mi corazón.

Pretty good, it's all but subtle, pretty good regardless

Se me ha hecho larguísimo y no he conseguido empatizar con la historia ni personajes. Quizá no lo jugué en el momento adecuado.