Reviews from

in the past

Efectivamente son Vikingos, pero creo que están menos perdidos que yo

Haven't played since I was real young, so my rating is purely based on my memories of how much I liked it then...

I appreciate the concept and perhaps it would've been a lot of fun to play back when it was released but having to reset the level every time one of your vikings dies is such a clunky mechanic. They could have made checkpoints of sorts. I get that the pacing is supposed to be slow but I just think it plays far worse than a regular platformer.

Very charming, clever, and cool game. But also really tedious and frustrating

A fun little game that was requested, you play as a group of three vikings who are abducted by aliens and then have to find your way out of the different levels that you get thrown into, getting every viking to the end, using all of their skills.

You have a short and fast guy who can do really high jumps, a large fat one who bears a shield that can block anything and can even be used to float down and a muscular one with a sword to smash things and enemies.

Combined, their skills are needed to progress through the increasingly difficult stages to operate switches and buttons to unlock the exist to the next stage. All the while attempting to survive to the end.

The game has a cartoon design that works with the fun sense of humour this game gives out. Certainly worth checking out if you're interested in a fun puzzle-platformer to take up your time.

Gameplay + Stream

Joguei com meus amigos bêbado em 1 tarde. Não lembro ao certo o que estávamos fazendo, gritos espaçados e um QUE PORRA QUE TÁ TOCANDO 10/10 jogo todo natal com os manos.