Reviews from

in the past

Imagine Nester's Funky Bowling but a bit more fun and without Nester. Those are both pros in my book.

Virtual Boy Complete - Game #18

I would like to apologise to Nester. Your game isn't very good, but it functions. Virtual Bowling... not so much.

Virtual Bowling is, of course, a bowling game - you find a spot on the lane, and press two meters at the right time, one for roll direction and another that seems at first to be for strength - there are two problems I have with this game: first is the second of the two timing meters - this meter, as I alluded to, does not determine the strength of a throw, rather, not hitting the center will just... cause a gutter ball. That's literally it. It feels like the ball gains sentience and just decides to roll a gutter for fun half way through. The other big problem I have is the pins. The pins kinda exist in their own void, they react to the ball, but not one another - you can't make a chain reaction of pins knocking down other pins, and the ball hitting them feels quite weak and fleeting.

I guess comparing this game to Nester is the classic situation of "content vs. base mechanics", the base mechanics work significantly better in Nester - you don't have to perfect your shot to hit a pin, and pins clash with a proper physics system - while Virtual Bowling, despite not being based on an established character, has a more engaging world and graphics, that makes good use of the VB's 3D, and more options for customisation. Which one of these you prefer will come down to taste, IMO both are bad, but I'm a gameplay guy, so Nester edges out a little bit for me.

Suprisingly feels the most functional through emulation. I didn't suck at this game as bad as the others which may be why I enjoyed it more but it seems simplistic and that seems to be a common theme with these games as I continue along.

A very competent bowling game with great POV dynamic presentation and sharp golf-meter based inputs. You can buy a copy on ebay for $8k.