Reviews from

in the past

If you're looking for an action RPG with a surprising heart, this one might be worth checking out.

30 mintues cutscene. 5 seconds play. 2 minutes cutscene into another 3 minutes cutscene.
you fight 3 wolves. cutscene.
you enter a temple. cutscene.
you pickup something in the same room in like 2 seconds. cutscene.

can i f*cking play this game?

Fun little hack & slash game that kind of reminded me of the stuff I used to play on the 360. It's a very linear "open world" game that I actually enjoyed quite a bit. There was no unnecessary backtracking or grinding to complete the campaign.

My main gripe was that there were way too many cutscenes. They kept interrupting the game quite a bit, which took away from the overall enjoyment. Overall, a nice and cozy palette cleanser when you're not sure what to play next.

Workmanlike production. Completely playable, but uninspiring. Great game if you need an X for a Platinum Alphabet challenge.

Great game!
It has just about all you need: great story, proper length for its content, believable characters with unique personalities, engaging combat, beautifully crafted world and amazing soundtrack.
Recommended 100%!

An enjoyable but flawed game. A surprisingly good main cast of characters with a genuinely great sibling duo with great voice acting and dialogue (the strong protector sibling with the weak younger sibling is a trope I usually hate, but it's done fantastic here), flashy combat with lots of fighting styles, a good variety of enemies, and a fun mini-game (Zhoulu Chess, which numbers among my favorite minigames now, alongside the Witcher's Gwent, and Kingdom Come's Farkle Dice). If you want a simple action RPG where you can have fun fighting monsters and humans alike this is a pretty good option. The story is nothing special and honestly the final act of the game feels like it is speedrunning the story. But there is a soul here. A great combat-system, fun moments, developer passion, and more makes it worth your time. Just don't expect a perfectly polished experience. This is jank, but good jank. (A note, if playing on console and the lighting flickers or looks bad, check and see if your TV has the option Game-Mode enabled, if so, disable it, I had to do this and once I did the game looked way nicer). Getting 100% trophies was very easy, so achievement hunters, this is a good buy too.

A competent ARPG with an exotically Chinese setting and a satisfying, intimate storyline that falters a little at the very end. Different kinds of builds allow for role-playing here.

6个多小时弃坑了 实在玩不下去
画面,音乐和配音还凑合 演出和建模实在是感人 最失败的是战斗系统 导致玩起来一点意思没有 动作游戏做不好就继续做回合制吧 不丢人