Reviews from

in the past

I think a lot of the time it feels pretty cool to play, and I like all the PlayStation gadgets that you can collect. I just can't really get over its obnoxious, over saturated, pixar-y aesthetic. Overstimulating, ugly, and kinda gives me a headache.

Cool tech demo with actually solid platforming. I'd love for team asobi to work on something like ape escape that has more personality to it since I find the astrobots themselves pretty bland. The PS5 controller is pretty neat and I had a good time going through the levels, though the gyro parts I personally found pretty annoying. I really like how they add in a ton of references to the entire playstation history instead of just circlejerking their recent cinematic successes.

The first game I played on my PS5, a great museum-piece and showcase.

Great free game/tech demo.
Playthrough as well as fully completing it is recommended.

A great way to show off the Ps5s new controller. Sad no games have taken full advantage like this yet.

The speedruns are the best of the game!

This is so weirdly addictive, polished and pleasing to play for what is essentially a tech demo for the console. Had no right being so good and adorable

Sony did it right by supplying a playable tech demo with their PS5 consoles. Showing off the console’s features while providing a free entertaining game. I’m not normally into platformer games as typically you need minute precision and lightning-fast responses to pull off moves like in the Mario series but Astro’s playroom doesn’t want to focus on the challenge but the experience. When playing this game all I could imagine was excited children on Christmas day wanting to show this game to their less than interested grandparents.

Split into 4 worlds with 4 levels in each, Astro’s playroom is short and sweet. Each level shows off a different capability of the controller or 3D audio. You traverse different elements such as: ice, sand, wind and water. Each one provides a vibration feedback on the controller that makes you really feel like you are experiencing those conditions. As I mentioned previously this game is not too hard to play but the end boss, which I will not spoil , can be a bit of a bugger to beat. Took me a good few attempts anyway.

This game is also a massive tribute to all the PlayStation fans who have been with the console from previous generations and I absolutely adored it. You can tell this has been made by developers who also grew up with the console and have a passion for it. References range from normal such as 3D models of each console to niche such as all the different prototype PS logos from the early 90s. You can also spy popular PS franchise characters dotted around the levels. Collecting each 3D model or “Artefact” as the game calls them, is not frustratingly hard at all. You tend to be rewarded with them for exploring a bit more or for taking a slightly trickier route. Jigsaw pieces are also a collectible that can be found on each level, the result of collecting them forms a mural for each PlayStation generation back in your hub world.

A great introduction to the console and this game alone made me realise that the PS5 and Xbox Series X are not just two different consoles with the same games, the difference in experience you can achieve from both consoles playing the same games is quite big.

I've 100% this game 4 times. I'm now thinking about PlayStation trophy completion as well

Pleasantly surprised with this one, I don't play these kind of games but this one was a nice change of pace.

kinda weird but ig fun whenever bored

this is better than the 3d platformer that was a launch title on ps5 lol

This a great 3d platformer, even if it is kind of a gimmicky, tech demo for the PS5. It showcases the PS5 controller really well, especially the haptic tumbling and Astrobot is a very cute mascot who really needs his own full game. For a free game on PS5 though, this is a banger!

Play as Astrobot as you hunt for and uncover Playstation consoles and accessories. Why? To celebrate Playstation as a brand, I guess?

The game plays great, a buttery smooth, 3d platforming experience. Rarely did I have any issues with the camera, controls or anything else. The game offers more gameplay styles in addition to the 3d platforming as well, but give Astrobot suits and guns to use as certain points in the game.

Playing this game definitely makes me wish I had more nostalgia for the Playstation 1! I only had an N64 back then, so I never really got to spend any personal time with one.

The game only loses points for not really have much in the way of a story/motivation (I mean, you just collect Playstation stuff) and because it's entirely too short. You'll finish this in probably 2 sittings at most, and that's only if you going for the platinum trophy. You can probably finish it in an hour if you're just blasting through and not looking for collectibles. Great game otherwise!

Cute! Short but jam-packed with detail. Even a little bit challenging at times. Feels like it reinvents the pack-in mascot platformer for this generation in a really smart way.

Most of the suit gimmick stages get old quick, but monkey suit is 🐐. Would gladly play 50 more levels of that one.


i haven't thoroughly played any games to completion in the past few months, so astro's playroom was a pretty good, quick stray from that!

i'm sure a lot of people will write it off as just a tech demo since it, literally is, but astro's playroom stands off as its own wonderful little platformer with nice collectibles and a super cute artstyle!!

i don't have a whole lot to say besides it's just a genuinely good game and fun if you just want something short and cute. wouldn't overlook it if you have a PS5, loved everything about it, slapping a good 8/10 on it

My life would be so much better if my PS5 was infested with these funny little tech demo robots instead of spiders.

It's better than Ratchet and Clank.

If you want a fun platformer and a true showcase of what the PS5 can do, this is the game for you.

What’s better is it’s free and comes with every PS5.

I'd pay 20 bucks for this 'tech demo' it is just that good. Beautiful graphics and really has you hoping for good PS5 games.

Fácilmente la mejor demo de la putísima historia

A good introductory game for new owners of PS5. Lots of homage to the PlayStation's history and a really fun game too

Short and sweet just like this review.

A fun little tech demo for the PS5, but is lacking in some areas but is to be expected with a tech demo

Breezy, fun, good demonstration of the features of the controller. I wouldn't pay extra for it, but it's a solid pack-in title. Doubling as something of a showcase of Playstation's history is also really nice.