Reviews from

in the past

Put the cartridge in the SNES and then remembered I need a Super Scope to play...I don't have a Super Scope so instead I threw my remote at the tv for a similar effect.

Honestly way more fun than it sounds.

A solid time brought down by the Super Scope itself. Using the scope is uncomfortable after a while, but the game itself is great fun.

Slightly less brainless than the average rail shooter, probably because it was developed by Nintendo to show off the SuperScope, but still limited in gameplay by the nature of the genre. Decent audiovisuals as well.

For my first experience with a proper Super Scope game, Yoshi’s Safari was a pretty good time. Sure, the game itself was way too easy and way too short, but was really fun shooting down all the different enemies that came my way, while fighting some big, yet easy bosses along the way. So, after I had that experience under my belt, I wanted to see what other kinds of Super Scope games were on the system to see what else I could find and recommend. However, that’s where the problem comes in… there aren’t that many others. Sure, there are several games that do require use of the Super Scope, but for most of them, they either don’t require it at all to play them, or they only use it for a bonus game or additional mode. That kinda sucks, but hey, I might as well get the most out of the few that I have left remaining, starting with the one that caught my attention the most, Battle Clash.

I hadn’t heard about this game until very recently, which is understandable, considering that it is a light gun game, and as such, it is one of the lesser known Nintendo titles on the SNES. But, from what I saw of it, it looked like a pretty great time. I mean, who doesn’t wanna take the big piece of plastic known as the Super Scope and just shoot down a bunch of different giant robots? So, I decided to give it a shot, and yeah, it is actually a really good game. I wouldn’t say it is an absolute must-play from the SNES library, and it did disappoint me in some areas, but for what we have here, it is one of the best shooter games you could get from the system.

The story combines two different tropes that have been seen time and time again, both the “apocalypse world controlled by killing game” trope, and the “dead dad revenge” trope, both of which are about as well implemented as you could expect, and makes the story merely an afterthought when compared to the rampage that will soon follow, the graphics are pretty great, not only having plenty of great environments that you will battle in, but also having gorgeous designs for all of the robots that you will be facing in the game, the music isn’t exactly what I was expecting to hear from a game like this, but it was good enough, and I couldn’t recall any bad tracks from the ones that I did play in the game, the control is extremely basic for the person shooting, but that is to be expected, so nothing more to say there, and the gameplay is pretty fun and invigorating, while being pretty simple… maybe even too simple for its own good.

The game is first person on rails shooter, where you take control of Mike Anderson (what a wonderfully generic name) piloting an ST mech, take on plenty of different stages that take place all over the world and in space, take on many different opponents that will also be operating STs in many shapes and sizes, use your main gun, bombs, or what have you to dish out damage to your opponent, and make sure to fire back against and dodge plenty of the projectiles that will come your way so you won’t end up as a smoldering pile of ash. It is a very simplistic game, and one that won’t take you long to get the grasp of, but for what it is worth, it still manages to be very fun and engaging all the way through.

Like with Yoshi’s Safari, you primarily use the Super Scope as a means of taking out the threat before you, while the game moves you around by itself to take on whatever threat is in your way. Just like with that other game though, you can play this with a second person who can control the movement of the ST while you do all the shooting, which is still the best way you could experience this game, even though I still didn’t do it for myself this time. Unlike with Yoshi’s Safari, however, this game focuses heavily on the boss fights of the game rather than anything else. The game is a boss rush title, where you will take on all of the bosses one after another, with no other gameplay segments to break up the pacing in between, and that just may be one of the game’s biggest strengths. Since the bosses are so energized and action-packed, it keeps you pumped while you are shooting whatever is in your way, and it makes you wanna take on the next opponent immediately after you have already defeated the previous one.

However, there also lies one of the biggest problems with the game, at least for me… it is severely lacking in content. The game is extremely short, with you being able to beat it in 20 minutes, and while there are plenty of bosses for you to face throughout the game, most of them are really damn easy, and can be defeated in less than a minute. This doesn’t leave much else for you to do in the game, aside from playing through it again on a harder difficulty or trying out the time trials that the game has to offer, but even then, that’s it. I just wish there was a little more meat on the game’s bones, maybe with full-blown stages where you fight regular enemies before you take on the bosses, or even by having more stages available to play. Having said all that though, what we did manage to get with this game was still really fun, and I am glad that I finally gave it a shot after not knowing about it for so long.

Overall, despite its lack of content, as well as how short and easy it is, Battle Clash may just be my favorite Super Scope game I have played so far, with plenty of great visuals, really fun boss fights, and enough corny dialogue to satisfy any retro-gaming fan. I would definitely recommend it for those who have played any other Super Scope game, or for those who are looking for an excuse to try out one of these things, because it is definitely one of the best ways you can get your money’s worth with this thing… at least, if you actually play it on the hardware rather than an emulator like I did. And hey, the game even got a sequel one year later, so I am heavily looking forward to that at some point in the future. I just hope they actually include more stuff in that title, and maybe even make the story a little more interesting. That would be cool.

Game #469

the game is based! didnt have the super scope back then so i only made it past the first mech. The only bad thing is that the game is too short