Reviews from

in the past

Easily the best DLC we got out of The Pre-Sequel! Great story with some emotional development for Claptrap. Narratively though this DLC does suffer a bit from the base games issue, where playing as Athena makes more sense from a narrative perspective, as she narrates the story. You can still go in as the other characters, but it just made less sense to me from a story perspective. Also the final boss from this DLC is ridiculously hard and I could never beat them solo. I had to get someome to help me in co-op.

All DLCs I have Played and Reviewed Ranked -

Continues Pre-Sequels extremely pretty and impressive art direction, tho I think it loses my attention somewhere in the middle. Definitely has quality tho, in some ways its even better put together than base game Pre-Sequel.

This game teaches that dubstep can be enjoyed, so long as every other piece of music is forcibly removed from your brain

cool-ish level design and visuals but the narrative sucks shit. for whatever reason, jack blindly trusts shadowtrap (epic name). also there's this emotional core narrative with claptrap that completely fucking fails and it's baffling. the DLC itself is super light on content and generally not super interesting. i can't keep giving pity points, this just wasn't fun and the first person platforming is still bad and the enemies are still glitching out into platforms and walls that they shouldn't be. between this and the other DLC, you can tell 2K Australia was out of ideas from the getgo because the majority of content is just battle domes, which have always been the worst type of gameplay (and probably the most appealing kind to create, due to how little assets they require).

starting to feel like my 3.0/5.0 for the base game was too generous. whatever. at least i'm done with this game that it feels like no one was passionate about.

I really wasn't expecting much form this since I'm not the biggest Claptrap fan, but Claptastic Voyage was surprisingly great. The setting of the DLC is one my highlights, nearly every map has a consistent theme with all the glitchy elements, but majority of the maps add enough in to feel different from one another.

I was shocked by just how good the story is, it makes me genuinely feel for Claptrap who before this i really just thought he was kind of fine. I never really hated him, but i didn't love him either. This DLC sees you go though several levels of Claptrap's subconscious, as you try to find a piece of Hyperion tech. Along the way you learn more about Claptrap and why he is the way he is. I really dug this story and it's a real shame that this was the one and only story DLC for The Pre-Sequel.

Gameplay wise not a whole lot changes it's still classic Pre-Sequel/Borderlands 2 game play. A lot of new enemies are introduced, even if most of them are just re-skins of older enemies it still feels pretty sweet to have a bunch enemies unique to the DLC. The bosses included are pretty great especially the last fight which has a bunch of phases that are all pretty different from one another.

This was one of the few Borderlands DLC/games i had never played before doing this massive retrospective type thing, and i'm absolutely stoked there was still some good stuff to experience.

It's literally Psychonauts. 10/10

One of the best DLCs in the franchise, even if you hate Claptrap.

This is widely regarded as one of the best DLCs in the franchise and I will never, ever understand it. It’s admittedly good story-wise, but it’s way too visually samey for the most part and ends with two of the worst bosses in the series.

Now that I think about it back in 2015, I stupidly attempted this I was under-levelled and got myself stuck as a result. Never went near this DLC again after that.

The part where you bomb the orphanage is hilarous. Rest is mid.

the glitch weapons are one of the best things in borderlands. some really crazy shit can drop if you get lucky. so cool! the peak of borderlands.