Reviews from

in the past

i played this like once years ago

Criei um amor por esse jogo por algum motivo, mas não é tão bom assim.

O final ser um clickbait safado pra DLC é até hoje um tapa na cara que merece tirar pontos. Fora isso, joguei tudo na época e me diverti bastante.

Start was confusing and I feel like I was just placed in a setting and told what to do with little idea of what is happening. Guns are alright

fun but doesn’t hold a candle to the sequel

Formative game during teen years

CS:GOdan CS 1.5e geçmişsiniz gibi hissediyorsunuz. Zamanında oynanması gereken zamanla eskimiş bir oyun.

Despite some issues in game design and programming, Borderlands is one of the most fun games I've every played. Collecting guns is extremely addicting. I still enjoy this game more than BL2 thanks to the better loot system. The flaws the game has keeps it from being five stars, but it's still a must play game.

A super inspired take on the FPS genre, just way too fucking boring at times. Obtaining all the achievements was an incredibly grindy, draining task. Do not recommend, unless you have a faithful partner in your journey.

Bons tempos jogando essa bomba aqui com meu irmão

This game is a classic. After going through a lot of games from this era, it is pretty cool how much split screen was baked into all games so you could have a blast with your friends.
The art style and the bizarre characters are the main attractive for the game and they deliver at it.

A good starting entry in the Borderlands series. Shows some of its key flaws with its lackluster location designs and slow story telling at parts. But the amount of fun the gameplay and variety in weapons/skills makes up for this in spades!

I think I had some decent fun with this game. I really enjoyed the gunplay and art style of it. I also thought the humor was ok. However, there were a couple of things I didn't really enjoy, such as playing it alone and the story wasn't very good.

I genuinely did not think much of Borderlands before playing this game as I only played it on a whim. Cue me spending the entire night with my eyes glued to the screen. They genuinely need some kind of disclaimer because as someone who has never found much enjoyment in gachas or Action RPGs like Diablo I just could not stop playing this game, the gameplay loop of getting a new cool weapon and scavenging the ground after every fight to see what I got was a winning formula from the start. I'm in the middle of playing BL2 because as much as I enjoyed the main appeal of the series BL1 is extremely flawed in certain aspects and BL2 seems like it's trying to fix them.

I played on the Enhanced Edition which solved certain problems so I can't truly comment on how the original release felt to play. What I can see after experiencing some of BL2 is that I feel like more things could've been improved other than the characters and story + new gameplay features. I really, really enjoyed the more desolate feeling in BL1, you were doing your own thing, traveling to new locales, wondering what kind of places and enemies you would find, while the story and characters were very minimalistic. BL2 and from what I have seen the rest of the games did a 180 on this and I don't know if I really like that. You've got characters glued to your ear through the ECHO which kinda devalues the more explorer vibe I got in the first game. You already started to see this in DLCs like General Knoxx or Claptrap Revolution, so it's not like it came out of nowhere, and I will admit, I am way more invested in the characters in the modern titles but I think it's possible to strike a balance between letting the characters and the world shine for themselves.

I can see why people would just, completely detest this gameplay design and I get them, if you can't get into the loop you can't get into the games period. Refer to me staying awake for a full day glued to my PC to know if it worked for me or not.

damn. people do not like borderlands on here

This is like if Deadpool made a game. That is not a good thing.

I've also played on Xbox.
It's not really a life-changing game and I'd really feel sorry for anyone who thought it was their favorite game, but it's a decent enough mindless looter-shooter. For a really long time this was my go-to depression game and was fantastic for taking my mind off of shit for a few hours. Shoot some space guns and do some simple math. Very calming.

nostalgia 100% clouds my vision but i can't help but love this game and the universe it kicked off

played with my brother and all it was, was a good shooty time (mordicai all the way)

top 10 ''mad max'' já feitos

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Fun but ending was disappointing

Loot shooters are the greatest thing ever. Only things that are eh are the lack of a compelling story and most of the areas feel very similar in their wasteland aesthetics.

This game is aight. Not amazing. Just aight. Very much aged like fucking moldy cheese though. Kinda nauseating to hear some of the references so much later.

A game that is both a product of its time and ahead of its time. Definitely shows its age, but still a solid experience.

This game set the foundation of what makes the series great, but fails in other ways. The way the missions are given throws the main story to the side and results in a series of fetch quests. The lack of voice acting also is a large draw on the experience. Still, this game has a charm that sets the tone for the much better sequel

This game is weird, and it aged badly, but it was amazing for it's time.