Reviews from

in the past

Decent shooter with looting mechanics. Nice artstyle

Es un juego que está pensado para jugsr con amigos, si lo haces sin ellos, no es tan divertida la experiencia.

Playing with friends made this game better for me

All these low ratings are whack "its unplayable solo" yeah, I mean its meant to be played with a party of two at the very least. A full party and this game is so much dumb fun.

Snorederlands. There isn't a single thing the sequel did not improve on.

The first Borderlands was a revealation when it first came out. It's also the only Borderlands that has any restraint whatsoever. Something the next games greatly needed.

The story barely exists and the gunplay feels five years out of date on console, but it was the start of the looter-shooter trend and is still fun to play co-op today.

I guess this series is just not for me, I found this to be a repetitive slog with uninteresting characters and an almost non-existing plot. The humour also didn't click with me at all.

Fun humor, lots of good gunplay, very balanced on difficulty and I love the Borderlands world. Excited to continue to dive into the world more.

i played this game so much as a kid that i can't stand any of the entries after it for more than a few minutes. very inventive and ambitious, but i never want to touch it ever again

Great coop fun that didnt age well.

This game was the absolute shit back in the day. Classes needed to go a bit further than they did but man I loved just punching shit into pieces with my tf2 heavy ultimate.

it has aged a bit but it's still cool

While the second entry in the series is one of my favorites, it's hard for me to enjoy the original as much. Despite many times trying to go back, it just seems so barebones and dry. The first chunk of the game feels very sluggish, and it makes it harder for me to care about the expanding universe.

Unplayable solo as far as I'm concerned, but good fun with a friend.

Don't bother playing single player, but get 3 friends together and it's kinda neat.

Gunplay is really rough compared to the later entries, which is a real shame because the writing is a LOT less obnoxious.

Satisfying combat (alongside the best vehicle controls I've ever encountered??) and a memorable world can't bail out a lackluster story that feels like it forgot to end?

One of my favorite games, it has flaws but i really love it, i finished it so many times, i love the atmosphere of the game, ect
it's really cool i prefer this one over the 2nd one and pre sequel

Gameplay has aged poorly and lots of running around. Only got better with DLC.

Normal que nadie hable de el

this game is boring as hell compared to the sequel, but even thats kinda sleepy after a while. dont feel the praises for the writing and the gameplay certainly isn't better.

Perfect example of games of the time. When it came out, it was stellar. Hasn't aged well.

Fun, mindless grind, if you're in the mood. A real slog otherwise.

One of my all time favorites. Replay it all the time.

Fun for the first hour but gets really really REEEEAAAALLY boring, repetitive and grindy very fast.

Probably the high point of the series. Not really saying much.