Reviews from

in the past

(played as part of ATARI 50)

I'm sorry - are you kidding me with this? This is a real game that they charged money for?

This game sucks, but idk I kinda vibe with its weird, lonely, low-poly tech demo aesthetic. It's appalling to think this was an actual full price release, but discovering this through the Atari 50 collection years later, this might be one of my new favorite bad games.

Played as part of Atari 50.

Surprisingly decent (if sometimes very jittery) 3d physics going on here with a very weird but interesting low-poly aesthetic, however unintentional it really was. It's still shockingly simple and you can see literally everything in it in under 20 or 30 minutes, which is crazy for a full-priced video game, but I can't bring myself to hate it as much as the other Jaguar games because of the pretty decent novelty factor present.

more like I'm gonna Drive a Club through my television

Ramming my car into a coffee table for thirty minutes before the game unceremoniously ends. This is the life