Reviews from

in the past

Buff shirtless dudes with headbands and machine guns; what else do you need to save the world? These games are all fun diversions despite their unforgiving difficulties (especially Contra III for SNES and Hard Corps for Genesis). They're at their best as classic side-scrollers, but they fall flat when they experiment with different viewpoints. The original Contra features pseudo z-axis corridor stages that feel like speed bumps to the main event, and Contra III's overhead Mode 7 stages are dizzying and unintuitive. The run-and-gun genre ultimately found better expression in Metal Slug and Treasure titles like GunStar Heroes.

I am actually surprised that the arcade games and the Gameboy game were the ones I liked the most

mostly because I felt that Hard Corps and Alien Wars were too unfair; now, I do like hard games like Bloodborne or Crash 4, but when I lost with those games I felt like it was my fault, while with these ones it sometimes felt like they were just throwing random things without any warning

the only thing I disliked about the original and Super were the topdown levels, but aside from that they were decent actually

This is a very solid collection of old-school Contra games.
I like that they went out of their way to include some of the European titles and most of the Japanese titles, so that's nice.

The Book of Contra is also a nice inclusion, and it gives us a Contra timeline, although I wonder how will that change with Operation Galuga coming out.

Bought the Switch version while it was on sale, and discovered that I don't like Contra. I will not be returning to this collection, nor continuing on with any of its games.

My respects to anyone either at the time or now who has beaten any of the games on this collection without cheats or save states.

Very neat collection even if at base it looks and offers the same amount of the Castlevania ones. But you'll get classics through 2 generations of videogames from 80s/90s.