Reviews from

in the past

rating it higher than bash out of spite but yeah. this is just as bad as everyone says it is lol. i play this game and I feel nothing. nothing that happens in this game matters at all. You can come dead last but the game just keeps going like nothing happened. completely emotionless and hollow experience

Barely a game. Probably makes it better than mind over mutant, which is, unfortunately, undoubtedly a game

Played for 20 minutes before this game got the best of me and I just watched the rest of the cutscenes of the story mode on youtube. How bizarre that you don't even need to win to advance the story mode but it can feel like 3 hours playing when it's only been 3 minutes

Playing this should be considered a form of torture worse than waterboarding.

terrible, ass game, never want to see it again, it has been uninstalled and burned