some dragon who learned to be a gamer

(this account is incomplete - it turns out going through every game you own/have played and recording your thoughts on them takes some time)
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A Hat in Time
A Hat in Time
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Pokémon Rumble World
Pokémon Rumble World

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Pokémon Picross

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Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf

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Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled

May 03

Neopets Browser
Neopets Browser

Apr 27

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Basically an interactive toon - if you like Homestar Runner, it's basically more of that in playable form. While the writing is largely as sharp as ever, there are a small handful of weirdly edgy lines here and there that felt a little out of line with H*R's usual tone. The puzzle design is also often as obtuse as to be expected with this style of game, with the current solution sometimes not being entirely clear and leading you to rely on guides unless you want to try "use cat on fence"-type trial-and-error. Overall an enjoyable time though, with charm to spare.

The birth of a legend, but it has a lot of rough edges that were sanded off by the time the sequels came along. The physics are a bit awkward with Crash feeling heavier than you'd like him to be, the saving system is bizarre and bad, alongside other details like not being able to check your crate count during levels and depth perception issues. The most significant issue is the gem unlock method - having to complete every level in the game deathless while breaking every crate is pretty ridiculous. Overall though, it's an enjoyable time with good level design and theming that spawned my favourite game series of all time, and pretty much all of the issues I mentioned were immediately fixed in the next game.

rating it higher than bash out of spite but yeah. this is just as bad as everyone says it is lol. i play this game and I feel nothing. nothing that happens in this game matters at all. You can come dead last but the game just keeps going like nothing happened. completely emotionless and hollow experience