Reviews from

in the past

If Prey was MVP Russell Westbrook and Redfall is Lakers Westbrook, then this game is that one year where Westbrook was with the Wizards. Not terrible yet but kinda forgettable and uninspired compared to their early work.

Deathloop is a very experimental game made by a studio that I hold in very high regards. As such I really want to approach Deathloop with a certain level of respect for trying to do what it arguably does. However, I think that Arkane stretched themselves thin on this project. For a single player experience just about everything it does, Dishonored and Prey did better. For multiplayer, the experience wasn't given enough thought or polish to make it a worthwhile addition. The 70s aesthetic is really appealing but is too easily shuffled around with other styles that have very little cohesion. Enemy design is incredibly disappointing in both gameplay and artistic execution. For me, this game was carried by its main characters and their interactions, this is some of the best voice acting I've heard in a video game. Overall, it is an okay game, but not one I'd ever recommend over Arkane's earlier works.

While this game has a lot of interesting things going on, I mostly find it to be style over substance. The idea of the game is great, and it gives the illusion of being well executed, however in reality it's shockingly linear for a game that was advertised to be a game where you could make your own path and break the loop in your own way, however, once you try to replay the game it becomes clear there is only one path through the game.

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An enjoyable game with a fun premise and excellent voice acting by the two leads. However the game is let down by handholding through any possible interesting discoveries, a disappointing conclusion to the story both in being shown how to end all visionaries and the final moments and the main reasoning for the low score is this: there is absolutely no incentive to think methodically on how to take down enemies or to take a stealthy approach. Due to powers and unintelligent AI, every single encounter can be accomplished by running and gunning or revealing yourself and leading every enemy to a corridor for you to gun them down one by one. I don't exaggerate when I say this worked every single time. I would actually love a sequel to improve on the fun premise and setting, but Deathloop left me aching for more planning and investigation on my part (you are pointed to every hint by a waypoint) and in the end left me kind of empty from the experience. Sorry Colt, you were awesome.

idk if i can ever finish this game but i was really liking it lol

The first time I left an Arkane game just feeling empty. Coming from Prey, which was one of my favorite games in the PS4/Xbox One generation and the Dishonored games, which are equally great, this game now is honestly a disjointed mess. It has a novel idea, with the whole time loop thing going on, but doesn't really do anything with it, contrary even it ends up being the most constricted game from Arkane.
The game starts with a ridiculously long tutorial phase, lasting 4 hours, showing way too many text popups everywhere trying to explain all its systems, through which the game appears overly complicated. It suggests to the player, that there is maybe a complex experience coming up, with lots of player driven choices and urgency, because of the whole loop thing and the finite amount of time the player has to achieve the end goal... yeah no, that's not happening, instead, after that painfully long tutorial, the game funnels the player through a strictly linear wild goose chase, running to one location, being told to find a code of some sort in another location, and then coming back to further progress. Through this approach you end up going through the 4 distinct maps the game has a bunch of times, which ends up getting old fast. They try to diversify the locations through the different times of day, but that always just felt like a color swap applied to the locations, nothing more. This whole process is made worse, because to switch locations, you always have to go back to your home base, which is just a glorified menu, where the player picks their load-out, and which progresses the time of day on the current loop. This static way of handling the central time mechanic seems kinda awkward and always going back to that menu feels like I am preparing for a Call of Duty match, which is really unimmersive and makes that whole experience really disjointed. The game has its reasons though, doing things this way, and the answer to that is the PVP invasion system. Although a nice idea, I think this rather small part of the game just compromises too much of the single player side of things. The game has a lot of the same abilities found in the Dishonored games, but instead of getting progressively more options, the player here is limited to what they have at hand in their current load-out. Another part that was sacrificed are interesting enemy types. There are none, there is only one, I say it again ONE enemy type and their AI is rather limited. Not even the 7 Visionaries you have to kill to break the time loop and finish the game are anything special, they just have a bigger health pool.
And that pretty much is the bulk of the game, running to different parts of the 4 locations, fighting the same enemy over and over again, doing random things to place the 7 Visionaries in such a way, so you can kill all of them in a single day. There is no creative problem-solving to this the game has a specific way laid out for you, you just have to blindly follow it to the end, while playing a game reminiscent of Dishonored, but severely limited in the player freedom found there.
To say something positive, the banter between Colt and Julianna was great, because of excellent voice acting and I liked the soundtrack. The Visionaries were unfortunately really one-note and the story was just a nice backdrop with an unsatisfying ending. And because of the locations being artificially separated by that hub menu, I never developed any sense for the world.
So in conclusion, I wouldn't really recommend this game. If you like the roster of abilities the game has, play the Dishonored series, where you have the same and more. And if you want to creatively kill people, go play the Hitman World of Assassination trilogy, which excels in that regard.

Não tem nada de surpreendente, no inicio estava achando ruim e cansativo de jogar, porém com o tempo acabei entendendo como funciona a gameplay e achando ela OK. A história apesar de confusa acho q seria o destaque, o multiplayer é horrivel, tem q jogar com a julianna bot

bought this on release, heard it was broken but finally decided to play it. one of the best stories in video games

This game was horrendously boring. The fact that this game wasn't open world really bugged me as well as how bad the combat was. I was really hoping I'd enjoy this one, but I don't think I'll return to it.

Cool concept, fun gameplay, but it's not very long and it's surprisingly linear.

I really expected this game to blow me away at launch, so much that i avoided any sort of gameplay youtube recommended to me, a few months later when i finally get the money to buy it i was beyond disappointed. Even if this game is quite decent and overall i would recommend it, just play it if you must

Everything I feel about the game is pretty much summed up in this video

Tl;dr? Menu is super confusing, all the things yo need to learn up front is far too much to remember. The lives system is far too frustrating as I'm not great at games so I die a lot. Being raided is a pain in the arse. Being overwhelmed by enemies too often as well.

I think it's Arkane's style I don't like. I didn't enjoy Prey or Dishonoured either

The story itself I would rate pretty highly, but the gameplay didn’t really feel like it brought anything new to the table. Definitely reminiscent of the Dishonored series. Save to wait for a sale.

Uns objetivos bem x, que eu achei meio chato enquanto jogava (especificamente toda a parte dos fogos de artifícios) me fizeram diminuir meia estrala, mas Arkane entrega a mitada superior dela.

Nunca fui fã dos jogos da Arkane, tentei jogar todos os jogos dela e odiei todos, ai chegou Deathloop uma das minhas maiores surpresas que eu já tive com games...

Cara como é possivel uma gameplay TÃO gostosa e um jogo tão gostoso de se jogar, tudo aqui beira a perfeição de verdade recomendo MUITO!

it was fun a bit too easy in the way it progresses but maybe that's for the best

Not sure what I was expecting. Its an FPS with stealth mechanics. Idk why I thought I would like it

sincerely one of my favorite games from 2021

What a very appropriate title.

The gameplay is fast-paced and exhilarating, offering a variety of weapons and abilities to experiment with. The intricate level design and clever puzzles make each loop feel fresh and exciting.

Combine all that with a captivating story and memorable characters, and you've got a must-play game that will leave you craving for more.

Too bad it doesn't give you that MORE aspect and sometimes things get to repetitive and once you get the hand of it, it just becomes a chore.

The ending was also not too good tbh

I really enjoyed this game but it wasn't worth $70.

Deathloop on it´s own can be interesting on the first playthrough, but after completing it there is no insentive to return. Deathloop made me feel like we lost something big in Arkane Studios.

It was not for me but pretty decent. Really original game design and fun gameplay.

Eu simplesmente ODEIO as interfaces do jogo. Sério, porque é tão difícil navegar pelas coisas? Você literalmente tem um sistema de túneis que conectam as partes do jogo, porque não fazer um hub que o jogador navegue pelas áreas pelo gameplay? O multiplayer também é horrível, sempre caio em sessões lagadas pra caramba. Sei lá, dropei assim q o jogo abriu para matar a galera