Reviews from

in the past

They should have called Axel "Atlas" instead, 'cause he carried the entire game.

Easily the weakest cast in a Disgaea game, except for Rosalyn who's just ok and Axel that singlehandedly saves the game from being boring. Everyone else kinda sucked.
The story was just ok. If you're not invested in the relationship between Adell and Rosalyn you WILL be bored.

The gameplay is just more Disgaea.

Compared to the first game it asks more of you in the level design, which is a welcome addition — but overall I just couldn't get into this.

The characters are fun and I like our main couple's dynamic and journey, but I just sort of didn't care and kept feeling like the game was dragging on and on, which is strange since I beat it in half the time of the first game.

Maybe the ingredients just didn't quite come together this time?

More of the same, I liked it, it clearly had improvements to the first game, and now I'm just waiting for 3 to hopefully come to pc/ps4/ps5 (one of these) before I can continue the series. The main isn't quite as interesting as the first ones, but the supporting characters feel stronger.

I've spent the past 15 years trying to beat this game; today I have finally conquered my white whale.

Story is eh, but people with 300+ IQs stay for the Adell/Rozalin romance (It's cute. Debate with a wall if you disagree). My fellow high IQ havers will also know Axel is the goat and needs to show back up in mainline games.

Gameplay is solid, typical Disgaea stuff; Made me realize how breezy some of the newer games are.
Pro gamer tip: Stage 9-2 + passing stronger enemy bills is and easy and quick way to grind.

Looking forward to when NIS remakes this in HD 2D style like with how they did Disgaea 1 (< wishful thinking)

One step forward, two steps back. The story was a lot less engaging than the first entry, the gameplay however is much improved overall, most of the annoying stuff from the first game is gone, except for statisticians, which were replaced with a somehow more annoying mechanic, Felonies, if you know you know. My biggest issue with this game however, and the main reason it gets a negative score from me, is the level design, which felt much, much more uninspired and annoying, from enemy design and placement to the new geo-effects, it was kind of a pain to get through this game's story, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for this series as long as the post game is fun, since that's where the bulk of the content resides, but it wasn't, at least for me, I'm not dealing with Felonies, no thanks.

Tras haber jugado el resto miras atrás y te das cuenta de que este no era para tanto, pero es que es el día y la noche comparado con el 1 porque mejora tanto que pasa de una prueba de concepto a un juego sólido.

Adell y Roza mis amores.


Loved this game until I had the blackbox bug, I tried a mod but I'm very dumb for those and now the game always crashes, such a same that nobody is going to fix it.

french character (gross!) but he's portrayed as a frog and also a sex pervert so that makes up for it Iguess,

This review contains spoilers

When tienes que derrotar al overlord but decides tirarte a su hija(y de manera indirecta a él también).

The gameplay and visuals are an improvement over disgaea 1. The spritework is beautiful and its way more fun to play due to some quality of life changes. However the characters this time around although can be charming aren't as good as the main trio from 1 and the story tries to be more serious. Overall though i'd say its better