Reviews from

in the past

fuck that Goosey Loosey hallway chase. fine until the alien stuff kicks in, good for the first five or so levels.

I hated this game as a kid but holy shit the nostalgia

Crazy that they gave this Kingdom Hearts summon his own game!
Wish it was good

even as a bit this is not worth playing in the slightest

Chicken Little is a movie that is somewhat weird. Most people hate this movie, while some actually like it. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who thinks this movie is inbetween. For this game. It is just okay. That's it. What I like about the game is Chicken Little's gameplay. I like how he uses his yo-yo for different abilities and attacks. Music in this game is used very well. I also like Abby's gameplay of this game. I do enjoy the actors being brought in to voice the characters in this game like in the movie.

With the baseball cards that you find all over Oaky Oaks, they aren't very good to where in certain ones you need to get hit in order to get them. Another issue I have is where there are so many pointless levels. In the Goosey Loosey chase level, it's where you have to run away from her, but when the level is completed, it acts like nothing had happened. You could cut it out and it effects NOTHING. Another level is where you have to do chores while you have to go to Chicken Little's house. It isn't that the level is hard at all. It's easy, but just very tedious and annoying. My god the Runt's Escape level is the worst level of this game. Awful controls, rage inducing gameplay. What's worse is that this level is FILLER. Everyone teleported to Oaky Oaks safely. So why does this level have to play out?

overall: this game is average as hell. not good or bad.

First PC game I ever played. Nothing but nostalgia for it, but the latter half of the game is so much weaker than the former

One of my childhood games. I never managed to complete it fully when little.

This is surprisingly good for an old movie tie-in game. It's a nice platformer with a crazy amount of variation from different gameplay scenarios. I unironically recommend it if you're looking for a kind of short game with lots of variation.

Eu comprei esse jogo por nostalgia, eu tinha um ps2 com esse jogo e adorava, agora como um jovem adulto fui revisitar o jogo e me decepcionei, a gameplay das partes de plataforma funciona muito bem, já as partes que controla veículos é horrível, além disso tem fases sem graças e repetitivas, eles LITERALMENTE REUTILIZARAM a mesma fase no jogo, a única parte realmente boa é que a versão de PC está totalmente traduzida.

It should be no surprise that this game is bad, Chicken Little controls slowly and clunkily, the levels are mindless and boring, and the other playable characters are just horrible. The mech levels are just completely horrible, and you will likely spend a lot of time on them losing. One of the levels is just a complete copy of another level you play earlier.

Tenho certeza q no off essa galo safado bota essa pata para mamar firme

It's funny how this is kind of a God of War clone. Game starts out decently fun and throws unique things (rehashed segments from other games like the Crash Bandicoot boulder segment being reskinned such as running away from a goose in a school hallway) at you but then kind of got boring once you have to find all the baseball uniform pieces. I kind of like what I played but I've lost interest fast.

Finally played this game from my childhood again as an adult and even beat it, it fucking sucks after the first 30 minutes why the fuck was this one of the only 63 games chosen for the og xbox selection on the xbox one / series x backwards compatible program we could've gotten sonic riders or jet set radio future instead of this shit.


The movie was awful enough.

Played this ages ago on PC, picked it up again on an original Xbox a couple years ago.

One thing I can say about this game, is that it tries. The animations are impeccable (I could probably confidently say that about any game that Disney had their hand in), graphics are fairly good for what they are, and there is a solid foundation in the main 3D action collectathon platformer gameplay. The fact it added vehicle levels, three Star Fox segments (plus a top down shmup), and a tank level (among other things), and did them, at minimum, decently speaks to...well, how much they tried, for lack of a better word.

It's not great. I'd even hesitate to say it's good. But it at least tries something. I enjoyed myself mostly because of nostalgia (I used to love Chicken Little, cut me some slack), and for analyzing the mechanics of what exactly it was I was playing. Also, the soundtrack kinda slaps.

If you want a good example of an excellent animated movie, Chicken Little is a perfect example of it. This film ended up being so heartfelt and filled with subtle pop culture references that it easily earns it's title of Disney's best animated movie to date.

the sky is falling the ratings falling

I begged my mum to get me this and I'll never forgive myself

Was fun until the devs got lazy and made the last half of the game the longest mini games ever.

Delivering surfboards since 2005. Also Goosey's kinda hot...

I actually cannot believe how terrible the music is in this game (and the game as well but the music is something else)

actually fun and good movie game