Reviews from

in the past

An insanely hard, but also insanely fun game.

Though the concept is simple, there is a surprising amount of depth to it and you'll keep finding new content and aspects of gameplay and figuring out items and enemies even after dozens of hours.

The main point of Don't Starve is, well, don't starve, but you'll also have to deal with bloodlusted monsters out for your head, your own sanity turning against you and the most absolute random ♥♥♥♥ killing you out of nowhere sometimes, like a stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cyclops-looking ass stomping you and your friends to death in the middle of winter.

It's madness incarnate, and the replayability factor is quite high due to the fact that each time you play, the world is randomly generated so you never know what you're gonna get in each of your runs.
To add to this, there is a ton of characters to play as, each with their own quirks and tricks, and the developer is constantly adding new content and updates to the game.

It's a great game to play with friends, even if the game will try to curbstomp all of you equally.

its hard, but thats what makes it really fun, especially if you're playing with other people. even if you're playing w someone or others that are bad at dst, honestly i think it makes it more fun bc you're stressing out so much it makes you laugh #Smile but once you get the hang of it, it's not bad at all.. (i'm too scared to get to winter by myself though. i'm not THAT good at it......)
every time you replay it it's a completely different experience no matter what & i think thats what makes it super enjoyable bc you always have something to look forward to. it's a simple concept of trying to survive for as long as possible, & i think it's executed pretty well

Połowa moich przekleństw, których użyłam w życiu, była przy tej grze

granie w tą grę ze znajomymi w 8 na 10 przypadkach kończy się rozpadem grupy przyjaciół

A bit difficult to get the hang of but overall fun.

i can only play this game as flandre scarlet who i downloaded from the workshop on my first playthrough and she can only eat meat and is constantly going insane in the daytime unless you constantly are wearing a garland its really fun and convenient :)

fun and a game that i greatly enjoy, but suffers heavily from feature creep. the game is also only balanced for the max server size of 6 players

a fun time if you have friends to play with, but i wouldnt recommend to a solo player

It's a blast with friends. Even if we die really quick.

Trop exigeant frr laissez nous prendre du plaisir un peu, j'étais stressé du début à la fin

Amo-te demais DST, meus amigos morrerem das maneiras mais bobas possíveis é sempre bom

zonts likes this game i dont but I like zonts so it gets +0.5

it's fun when you have friends carrying you but theres a VERY steep learning curve


TL;DR: Played for 3 hours. This might be the worst game I've ever had a displeasure of playing. Combat is so awful that removing it would improve the game. All the other game systems are almost just as awful. Only good thing is the art, music and sounds.

Art - great art style, very well drawn
Music - fits really well with the art style
SFX - same as music

"Tutorial" - I wasn't really expecting a tutorial but I was expecting a few tooltips here and there. Literally nothing is explained in the game. Am I supposed to open a wiki on the 2nd monitor to play this game?
Combat - genuinely who thought this is good combat? There's 1 button for combat, which you hold to attack. There's 0 depth, dodging is performed by moving out of the way so you need to learn the animations of enemies which are awful at telegraphing the attack as sometimes it will look like it won't hit you but it does. Trying to click on an enemy is awful so you need to hold F but then it just chooses random enemies so if there's a group of them good luck.
Crafting menu - everything is shown from the start. Opening the craft menu overwhelms you with hundred's of items you don't know what they are, when you're supposed to unlock them, or why you even need them as again NOTHING is explained in the game. Am I supposed to search through all the items see what I want to craft? No. Am I supposed to just craft random stuff as I gather new items, potentially wasting some rare resource because fuck me? If so this is as bad as the combat.
Survival system - one more god awful system, as once again nothing is explained. What is sanity? How is it lowered, how is it replenished? Hunger is at least straight forward but seems overtuned even in multiplayer. You lose max health by dying it seems, idk the game doesn't explain it. It is also only replenished by healing items which I did not even find the materials needed to craft because I had no intention of playing this game any longer. The days pass way too fast by default. Resurrection requires you to go back to a resurection point and then go back to pick up your stuff making you run 2 ways just to waste your time.

Modding support - easy to mod on steam, which improves certain aspects of the game if you can find a mod for it, but nothing can fix the base godawful systems
Exploration - this might be nice but idk, all the other systems just ruin it
Base building - didn't get far enough for this, might be nice but from what I've seen it's just another basic system with no depth.

If you want a survival game just play Valheim, or really any other survival game.
Overall score: I'd rather starve/10

You need to be VERY into survival permadeath games to enjoy this one. Some can argue that doing that is hard, but finding other players that are as dedicated it's harder imo

3.4 for one of best of its kind? What's wrong with you people

took time to learn, i had good times tho...

>load into world with friend
>friend dies
>spend an eternity trying to revive friend
>die trying
>delete save
>create new world

I played for 7 hours and I dont know what I'm doing.

Definitely a fun game to play with your friends! I had a blast while playing with my husband and a few other friends.

DST is one of the best survival games out there, the art style is eye-catching and the game does not give a damn about you. Your skill increases as the knowledge you gain from the world.

Eu adoro don't starve, amo a arte e dificuldade do jogo, foi um grande acerto essa versão multiplayer, só acho que o jogo é muito contra intuitivo, você sempre tem q ta pesquisando o que fazer (Pode ser porque sou ruim no jogo), mas mesmo achando isso, pra mim ele é top 5 survivals

Too much for me to get into, but conceptually not a bad game, I like the designs and art direction, it's definitely a fun game to watch experienced players go about though.