Reviews from

in the past

Fun DQ game with good customization. Gameplay and music are the same as always. The class change system was a bit annoying though, and even though there was a decent sized post-game, I didn't want to grind to do it. I did enjoy the characters visual customization, and the coop was kinda fun.

simplistic rpg with a very minimalistic approach coupled up with a great story making it a good time for rpg veterans and newbies alike.

Nostalgic favourite of mine, battle ost is a jam

the best dragon quest game to me. i hold so many memories with this title in particular from how many hours i'd grind. not to mention this soundtrack is in my top 5 vg soundtracks ever

This is one of the best games on the DS. One of the best games in the Dragon Quest series too.

Merci pour ce J-RPG exceptionnel. Les musiques sont folles, les boss aussi. Un classique de bout en bout.

Cuando le metan multijugador online al MelonDS le pongo 10 estrellas

I have played through this games more times than I could ever remember, also huge amount of post game content.

El mejor juego de la saga.
-1/2 estrella por la armadura feminina de guerrero

Rerelease this so I can finish it.

In this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony celestrians’ blessings but because I am enlightened by my own intelligence

biased bc this was my first dragon quest game but it was so full of life, building a party was fun, so many side quests to do, and the overarching story was enjoyable

"Why do you think the game called Sentinels of the Starry Skies is called Sentinels of the Starry Skies? Cause Sentinels was in the Starry Skies." -Kanye West

Vai pra lista de jogos que ja joguei dezenas de vezes e nunca termino kkkkk

To be honest I can't even begin to look at this game without bias since this was the main RPG I grew up playing, every single music track and monster design is nestled in the deepest recesses of my brain. I owe so much of my childhood to this game

An old-fashioned handheld RPG for the post-Pokémon era

Random encounters are gone, you can local co-op with friends SEAMLESSLY AND HELP THEM OUT IN BATTLES, an open world to walk around/explore/chill in, and a story that still stands out in the Dragon Quest franchise

I’m not kidding if Square remastered this game for the switch and had online play Dragon Quest would be even bigger than it did when VIII/XI showed up with voice acting

wish the party members werent randomly generated dudes but otherwise peak

Best Dragon quest
He deserved more success

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Fun game and decent story, but the real fun starts in postgame with grottos and alchemy. Near-endless playability.

Love this one so much, this was my introduction to Dragon Quest and I'm ashamed I still haven't gone back and finish it! I was literally right before the final boss when I stopped. I will always love this game though!

will always have a place in my heart

I know Ill be dead before they remake this

The uberlong procgen-heavy postgame is unappealing, especially as of writing when every other game seems to be a GAAS title, but the main game is fun enough.

By far the best Dragon Quest game, one of the greatest JRPGs ever made.

La creación de personaje junto con la jugabilidad tomando en cuenta equipaciones y armas se siente como una experiencia totalmente personalizada, es fácil de completar y muy orientativo, incluye algunas tramas muy interesantes que escapan de la fórmula arquetipica de anteriores juegos de la saga, pero le faltan ciertas cosas para sentirse uno completamente inmersivo

outdated as HELL. requires really awful grinding in the endgame