Reviews from

in the past

Scénario un peu éclaté et quelques règles de combat un peu contraignantes mais sinon, c'est vraiment du tout bon. C'est joli visuellement, on est vraiment dans l'esprit Final Fantasy Tactics.

Played the first snow ball fight or so, decided I'd rather try my luck with the PS game.

My first foray into a tactical RPG as a kid and after revisiting it last year it still holds up well. The story is fairly interesting but not as gripping as its older brother (The original PS1 entry). Combat is decent and pretty fluid, I prefer the way this plays to the original but both have their nuances which may lean you to one side or the other. Music is top notch as per most FF entries and the art style fits the GBA so well. If you’re into turn based or tactical RPG’s then this should definitely be on your radar.

Não é tão bom quanto o de playstation, mas é muito bom.

I was way too young to enjoy this game for what it was. One day I might go back to it.

Gameplay: Great.
Story: Good
Controls: Great
Graphics: Good for its time
Length: Great. There's endgame content but it's repetitive.
Characters: Good
Mechanics: People say that the Laws/Judge system is annoying, it is, but I think it's what made the game unique and challenging. lol

Note: Played on RG35XX Retro handheld console.

Funny final fantasy tactical rpg game, but not the best in its genre.

L'histoire est un peu mieux que dans mes souvenirs mais la partie tactique un peu moins. C'est pas trop mal foutu dans l'absolu mais finalement, bourriner reste la meilleure option du jeu et le système de lois rend le jeu parfois un peu lourd. Reste que le jeu est assez joli pour de la Game Boy Advance et ça reste plutôt impressionnant d'avoir un bon Tactical RPG dans la poche avec un système de jobs relativement varié, des musiques qui font le boulot et une bonne durée de vie avec un grand nombre de quêtes, même si elles sont répétitives et peu variés finalement...

Square Enix could literally be making a roguelite out of all the gameplay systems and mechanics in this game right now but I guess they're too busy working on Final Fantasy 20 or whatever.

Spent so many mornings on the bus to school playing this and unlocking everything. I really liked the story, it was a surprisingly melancholic tone for a game that was oriented to children at a surface level.

There aren't a lot of games I put 200+ hours into, but this is one of them. Something about it was just addictive to play, and I enjoyed the story too.

I am not really a Final Fantasy player, but I tried it just for the art style, and it's good for what it is.

Less tactics and more power fantasy FFTA’s sincere story about childhood trauma, growth and forgiveness is too good not to pass up. If anyone you know says ‘Marche is the real villain’ you should definitely sign them up for intensive therapy.

This was my first played turn-based strategy game and gameplay-wise it was great.I was more fascinated by the visuals and soundtracks of this game.As a kid,i found the world design to be truly exceptional.And finally,the story...It was beautiful.It touches on escapism and acceptance,unlike any game i have played yet.

love this game cuz it says that final fantasy fans need to get a life 😲🤫

This game ate so much of my childhood. It was my "long car trip" game. Wait... This released on Wii-U?!?