Reviews from

in the past

I've always wanted to get it... but I don't.
the PSP one was the closest I came to liking a tactics game, this was the furthest.

Peak FFT. Lacks some challenge if you don't use a difficulty mod.

Comecei a gostar ds FF por conta de Tactics Advance e eu ainda amo esse jogo, a historia é muito boa com bons personagens, as classes são todas uteis e divertidas de se usar, mas as lutas podem acabar sendo mais chatas por conta do tempo que elas tomam sem opção pra acelerar

Quite a tonal, artistic, and lore shift from the classic original but fun enough and is responsible for a killer sequel.

Lost my save file after playing for a couple of days and never continued.

Secondo me questo è il gioco che serve a scardinare quella natura edgy che per via di sto mondo, in quel periodo di formazione che possiamo identificare come il periodo delle medie, tende a formarsi. Le tematiche che vengono fuori sia dalla trama principale, sia che dalle sottotrame che contengono tanti temi abbozzati ma che possono contenere semi su cui poter costruire un ottimo discorso, sono fondamentali per acquisire sempre più consapevolezza sia per il proprio benessere che per il bene dell'altro.
A prescindere da tutto questo mi preme comunque sottolineare quanto il titolo nel suo gameplay sia ottimamente bilanciato, è un'ottima esperienza ancora oggi con tutti gli standard del caso.
Non arrivo purtroppo al capolavoro perché per me la definizione di capolavoro coincide con la spiegazione approfondita di queste tematiche e le implicazioni delle loro criticità nella contemporaneità, ma è un mio banale preconcetto. Come opera di formazione questo final fantasy per me rappresenta un titolo che metterei sulla punta dell'iceberg.

Never finished this game, but someday I will. I remember having so much fun with this.

Baby's first tactics game, unforgettable story, very satisfying gameplay

Introduced me to Tactics style games. Not as amazing as the first title, but still an amazing game that I hold dear. I love Marche's design.

Beautiful game, i love it to death. My only complaint is that it's too easy while at the same time it's easy to lock yourself out of getting all 300 missions without a guide.

Mesmo achando "estranho" certos sistemas, eu consegui me divertir bastante devido a liberdade de customização e a variedade de classes disponíveis no jogo, sem falar do maravilhoso enredo que se desenrola ao longo das missões principais.
Recomendo bastante pra quem curte o gênero ou a série final fantasy!

Always have two sets of quest items. I learned it the hard way.

One of My favorite video game, a big slap for me .
I don't know if it was the story who's amazing and stunning, or the brilliant gameplay but with my teenage eyes it was one of my best experience.

Tactics Advance means so much to me and more, it's one of my favorite games of all time and one I've come back to again and again since childhood to present-day. I feel like this game doesn't particularly excel in anything particular; its story is okay, its characters are pretty alright, the level design is a bit bland, and its combat never reaches the highs of its predecessor while also being bogged down by the Law system which only gets more strict as you progress.

And yet there's magic in this game that is hard to find anywhere else. The world of Ivalice is so dear to me, it's a fantasy world unlike any other with unique races that you can actually play as (Looking at you, FFXII. Yes, I'm still mad) and has such a fantastical and grand, yet grounded, setting. What FFTA lacks in writing depth, it makes up for in the ways you can imagine your clan members behaving on the battlefield or between missions. I'm completely positive that the role-playing this game offers planted the seed for me loving making OCs and fantasy worlds as I grew up and through adulthood.

While not a particularly complex or deep story, it shares one with surprisingly mature themes that are relevant for its younger audience. Themes of escapism, of grief and healing, of family abuse, of learning to own up to your own mistaken beliefs, of realizing you need to grow and be better; FFTA presents topics that everyone will experience as an adult and presents it to kids in a memorable and wondrous fashion. Tactics fans were rightfully disappointed with this entry being free from the political intrigue and philosophical prose set by the first game, but I think FFTA holds its own unique candle well beside its older brother.

I love this game with my whole heart, and I continue to look at all my art and creative work and see it rooted in my love for Tactics Advance. Similar to Explorers of Sky, I love to replay this game at least once a year and am currently on an all-Bangaa run! One day, I hope we can return to Ivalice and all its glory, but until then I take the world head on with all the wonderful memories Tactics Advance gave me.

Sure, the characters and story are both pretty uninteresting, and the battles can take forever with all the unnecessary title cards and entrances. However, it was just fun to play. Learning abilities through weapons actually made it interesting and worthwhile to take an otherwise uninteresting mission for the rewards, location placement gave the sense that you were building the world around you, the class system and equipment trees were fun, and the overall tactical gameplay was enjoyable. It's not a short game, and it could certainly do with some QOL changes, but I had a blast with this one!

Story and characters are a little underwhelming, but gameplay is fantastic. I wish more games had this kind of job system.

Not as good as The War of the Lions, but lots of fun.

-> Historia esta bien.
-> Combate bastante bueno.

One of my first exposures to Final Fantasy. As a kid I was totally hooked on the job system, and didn't put the game down until well after mission 300 was completed. Even though it's not a mainline FF, the music is right up there with the most memorable soundtracks in the series. Not the strongest story in the series either, but memorable characters like Montblanc make up for it.

Not the game that edgy 14 year-old me was looking for at the time, though as an adult I can really appreciate the simpler narrative that definitely hits more as I get older.

The only FFT game I couldn't get into, just wasn't a fan.

Remarkable rpg, well made rpg portable totale.
Gameplay : solid. FFTA is highly rewarding. Once you learn the basics you can start Building your team and set your strategies. Experimentation is the key-word to get the best from this game. Fun to master too.
Story: Storytelling is not as strong as its gameplay. However, the title deals with escapism, friendship, family issues and self awareness.
Soundtrack: well executed although repetitive.
Conclusion : definitely worth your time. They should make a tabletop game out of It.

Great game. Playing htrough it again now and brings back a lot of nostalgia. Probably my most played game of all time by total hours.

I think it was my first tactics style game and I fumbled my way through it. It's very easy even as a child to caveman a path. Its' final fantasy so at least the story was masterfully crafted.

A fun game but ultimately a shell of what its big brother was. The only real strategizing, for me anyway, was trying to work around the law system. If laws were in my favor, most fights were just 'move your unit and kill' with little thought beyond that.

Having different jobs based on character race is a really sharp idea, but humans have so many more options than every other alternative that I feel like it's still unbalanced. Tactics 1 is the GOAT, this is just a solid game to play while you're passively watching youtube videos.

¿Qué decir de Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? Pues... Que es absolutamente maravilloso. Es una apuesta más "infantil", más cercana al público joven al género de los SJRPG, pero manteniendo toda la esencia y la magia del clásico de PS1.
Con una banda sonora absolutamente sublime compuesta por el ya recurrente en esta franquicia Hitoshi Sakimoto, y producido/co-dirigido por el creador de este gran mundo llamado Ivalice, Yasumi Matsuno.
Los personajes derrochan carisma y personalidad y, a pesar de que la trama es más "cuento de hadas", vemos una evolución y un progreso en cada uno de ellos. Además, en este juego fue presentado el mejor moguri de la historia de FF, Montblanc, y ya sólo por eso se merece notaza

Couldn't get into this after two full playthroughs of the sequel.

What began my love for tactics games

This was like drugs for 12-year old me. The job system satisfied my urges for categorization, customization, team-building, and "imagining cool personalities for my characters" in one fell swoop. Bloated, though.