Reviews from

in the past

Okay, I am a little salty at this game cause I kinda screwed myself over on my first attempt. BUT my second attempt went much better. I found the character portraits charming and it was nice and satisfying to cut down enemy units, but WOW this game is clunky. Clunky and... also very fun to break! Yeah I abused stat boosters. This game could've really benefited from some more music, though...

Way better than I expected. Only big issue is how clunky the convoy is. Surprisingly its simplicity works to its benefit. I dig the low stats in comparison to the power creep of newer entries.

It plays fine in the current era even with all of the QOL and extra features more modern fire emblem games have, but I couldn’t get into it in the same way. I could go back and play maybe the snes FE onwards but this just feels too dated for me.

feels like a video game instead of a fire emblem game. no further elaboration

This was the weirdest release Nintendo has ever done. Why did they go back to localize this game, only to sell it for 4 months? Why did they create a new emulation UI that is legitimately worse than the NES online UI. The ONLY way to save is by using a bookmark. Several times while playing, I accidentally ‘load bookmark’ instead of ‘save bookmark’ and lost literal hours of progress. They also went so far as to let you roll back turn by turn, but only give you one save state. They added a very nice sound test but did not include any instruction manual stuff that is actually necessary to understand what you’re doing.

I've tried to play FE1 a couple times in the past but just kind of got bored and annoyed by having so much critical information only accessible outside of the game (like weapon might or weight) or is just super tedious to do (like counting movement or calculating how much damage you’re going to do or moving items around). But going in not taking it seriously and instead just picking up on the vibes makes it very fun. You can have fun with the game by just getting a general feeling of whether you will double an enemy or withstand an enemy phase. I think trying to play the game too fast can take the fun out of it since a lot of the challenge comes from the way this game handled reinforcements, and I think it's a mistake to try to play this too efficiently.

Not seeing enemy movement or a battle preview got really annoying in some of the late game maps which did get a lot more tedious but aside from Chapter 24 I made a point not to warp-skip anything so I could get the full experience, and I’m glad I did. The reinforcements made me actually try to beat maps quickly, though many of them I have 15-20 turns in just because of the rotten inventory management. I don’t think I even used all my talisman and speed rings because I just didn’t want to deal with convoy management and trading stuff off of characters a certain point. This kind of stuff feels hostile to the player in 2023, but I don’t think it really weighs the game down that much. The core of the game is almost everything you expect from Fire Emblem even if the execution is held back by the technology limitations.

I played pretty loose with my characters. Both Christmas Cavaliers died in the endgame chapters, Wendell valiantly sacrificed himself for the Falchion, and I killed Tiki on the map because I couldn’t recruit her without Bonthu lol. Hardin is amazing in this game and Midia was an MVP. But I think Best girl was Maria, the damsel who is the most thirsty for Marth. Her good ending was just "her enthusiasm for Marth has not diminished".

The game isn’t some hidden masterpiece (but Gaiden is, check that one out). It's worth playing from a historical perspective, and one that every FE fan should beat at least once.

If you want to take a nostalgia trip be my guest but it does not age well.

For an NES game that was the first of its series, this isn't that bad. That being said, going through it now is a slog. Even the 2x provided by the natural emulator still feels far too slow. Inventory management is a mess and will take up at LEAST 50% of your time. The only reason to play this game is just to say you have. Do not start here if you want to get into the series.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light (of FE1 for short) is the definite victim of first-game syndrome. The basics of the core Fire Emblem experience is here: the grid-based movement, combat by initiation, permadeath, varied maps, a tons of units to use, and the ever-so-lovable enemy ai and all their jank. Despite the important foundation for the series's future success, FE1 is a game I don't want to recommend to really anyone. The game is so slow and even with the Switch version's built in speed up, it is still slow. Item management is cumbersome and trading takes up an action of a turn. The battle animations - while oddly charming, drags the already slow game down. The characters and npcs portraits are ugly (though funny to look at) and the music is charming, but repetitive. Overall, the game is simply bad, even by NES standards of first games. Thankfully, this game was remade through FE3 Book 1 and Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon on DS so if want to see the events of the War of Shadows, go play those instead. I don't recommend ever playing this game and only bother to play the game if you value the historical impact of this game. While I do still value this game for ultimately creating one of my favorite series, I don't value it for how bad it plays now.

why was this a limited release nintendo 😭

This is like the one time I picked up a game, got through the intro, and got to the main gameplay then almost immediately went "nope" and closed the game

Yeah it's primitive as hell but its fire emblem and this is also the only nes/famicom game ive ever been able to complete.

As influential as this game was, with a strong legacy that continues to this day, the original game in the franchise is an agonising slog to play. Slow as molasses, extremely clunky, and just the slightest bit ugly - a game that takes an extreme amount of patience.

Got it because it was a limited release and I kinda got suckered into that marketing scheme. It is an ok game, and for an NES game it is pretty complex, but really isn't that remarkable.

La nostalgia le ganó el pulso a la cartera

at first this was a nice nostaglia trip to see what fire emblem grew from, but since it contains none of the qol the series has gained since then it was roooough to say the least. Id say play shadow dragon DS but ive heard even that versions not great either.

Yep, this is it. The one I'll hardly find the motivation to play and go through it.
It's sad that the west never got it because I feel it would have been much better and more interesting, but I don't mind that the first one we got introduced was the most new entry-friendly as possible: FE7 for GBA.

This game feels choppy on the pacing and managing the units, a perfect run with all the in-game units is impossible by default and I feel (still at map 7 btw) that if I keep digging I will find something to furtherly criticize it rather than really appreciate what it actually is: a game that still started a great franchise.

It was super ambitious for its time and an interesting replay for series enthusiasts, but I can't recommend it to anyone outside enormous Fire Emblem nerds

"Why do people emulate our games? It doesnt make any sense!"
delists the only possible means to legally play the first game in a well known series
What was the goal here? Was this decision made by people who dont play video games? Not a single coherent thought was had during the release of this.