Reviews from

in the past

I can't wait for them to add Through the Fires and Flames and have people complain about it being too hard.


i apologize to friday night funkin

Serviceable for anyone who wants to fill the void of the "hero" games a little. it's pretty bare bones, especially in terms of music selection. but it's fun for a couple of songs with friends for sure. they laid a good foundation and with the track record of luring people into their modes with good live events, this will definitely be a place to meet regularly in the future. boi, would i have ideas to make this great.

super super easy but honestly very fun
but also holy shit the pricing is insane😭

yeah, its pretty kinda nothing right now, but im really hopeful for the future of this mode if they keep supporting it, having primarily controller support concerns really hinders the beatmaps, but the pull up notes are neat and adds a little to what the two sided beatmap style lacks, pretty easy to anyone familiar to rhythm games, but needs to be accessible to newcomers and fortnite's sperm aged user base, dont understand pricing discontentment when its about $5, same as rockband before, and you get 4 different beatmaps, but yeah as the songlist grows and stuff gets more complex in a couple years this'll be clean, i mean, we have announced instruments

Harmonix titles live on through modded communities. I cannot see the lasting appeal of this mode. There are good tracks, but even if PDP releases a guitar accessory for this game; will people care about this mode in 3 months? Gonna put a big no on that. That is unless they pump quadzillions of dollars into supporting this. Something I don't see long term.

Fortnite is trying to be a platform other than shooty thing but idk dawg it's all a bit shallow.

Como um amante de Guitar Hero, eu achei esse modo meio fraco. No inicio ele pega de uma forma SURREAL, você quer jogar todas as músicas, com todos instrumentos e em todas dificuldades. Mas lá pro terceiro dia ( mesmo com a rotação diária das músicas ) acaba que esse modo fica cansativo e pouco cativante.

Esse modo foi muito bem feitinho. Você configura o MS do som, tem alguns instrumentos, músicas legais e um bom comando de botões. Se você quer passar um tempo, é um ótimo modo, mas não chega perto de Guitar Hero, vai por mim! Mas me diverti muito jogando. XD

this is HORRIBLE on a normal basic ass controller, but i endured the pain so i could hear kendrick lamar in fortnite

5$ USD songs
18$ USD BP
Nice joke epic
Nice joke


Live service Rock Band, it's pretty awesome to have this in Fortnite. Seeing your favorite collab skin shred on the guitar or rock out on the drums is really the coolest part about this, it doesn't feel real at times. The gameplay is guitar hero without a guitar controller (yet) so it's pretty up to standards for that genre. Rhythm game fans should love this and casuals will have fun with it too. The only thing that is unfortunate is the non-existent tracklist, songs cost money but you get a select amount of free songs to play everyday. This is only a handful as of now due to the mode just being introduced and there not being very many songs in the game, so hopefully the daily limit will increase. The upside is that songs people own are shared between band members, so if you have a pretty consistent party you shouldn't be having to buy all the songs. There's also a jam mode where you can mix loops from songs with other songs, which is really cool. Songs will also become lobby tracks soon. These things add more value to having to purchase the individual songs in-game. There might be albums soon, too. I'm eager to see how this game progresses in the future.

do NOT play fortnite festival on switch, you will thank me later

As a big rock band fan I'm excited to have an easily accessible Harmonix multiplayer music game back in the zeitgeist for the first time in probably a decade.. and it's fun but oh man is it missing so much that made rock band so iconic. Song list is too small, too expensive and varies WILDLY in quality (The Search by NF being the distinction of one of the worst songs I've ever heard in my life). Controller based gameplay is fine but the new lift notes don't feel as good as hammer-ons did and while they announced instrument support coming soon its still a mystery how it will be implemented. No actual singing is a bummer too. Playing online with randoms is extremely the same vibes as playing RB2/3 on xbox live did back in the day where no one knows how overdrive works and frequently disconnect before a round is over. I wish you could see other players note highways because I've gotten into so many games with just people who AFK the whole time lmao. I hope this game grows into something actually good and not some weird thing Epic tacked onto fortnite to try and get a taste of that sweet sweet roblox money.

minigame is kind of boring but i love the weeknd. Come on everyone sing along with me! "they say my brain meltin and the only thing i tell em is i live for the future and the present dont exist so baby take your clothes off, a chance like this you may never get to show off, show off, show off what you talkin bout... less you like to tease baby. In reality you dont know how to please, baby. Blue ball queen, take your f#*@in' seat, baby Ride it out, now I know you wanna scream, baaaaaaby, " - the weeknd

Generic guitar hero thing going on, beatmaps are good I guess. Base controls are shit, lag needs config regularly but yk it works for what it is.

changing this to 5 stars if hatsune miku ever gets added

very barebones rhythm game with room for potential

pretty standard for a rhythm game. everything in the item shop related to this feels a little overpriced, including the festival pass, however this is the first rhythm game where i can play buddy holly so it gets a pass (lie)

solid snake shredding the guitar with goku peter griffin and alan wake 10/10 peak and kino

but for all intents and purposes this is just a barebones guitar hero clone, it's kinda basic but fine enough to be entertaining

would probably be twice as fun if i played it with an actual guitar hero guitar

como amante de jogos de ritmo venho dizer...Meio paia

It's like osu! mania but with a pay-wall

While it doesn't have all the bells and whistles of Harmonix's older stuff and you definitely could just play those instead, whether it be vanilla or modded, I appreciate how accessible this is! All the kids playing this now have something similar to what we had and I think that rules honestly.

eh bem divertido na primeira hora, talvez nos primeiros dois dias? mas como jogo de ritmo eh bem fraco, e cobrar 500 vbucks por MUSICA ai nao ne

I'm honestly kind of surprised by how much pure vitriol this seems to be getting from folks on here compared to the far cry excitement I've seen from the Clone Hero community folks? Festival still has a long ways to go in terms of features, songs and especially visual polish, but the key thing that makes me enjoy it as much as I have so far is that it fits a somewhat unfulfilled niche of a casual and accessible rhythm game. I love rhythm games! I play way too much Project Diva to be considered healthy! I've definitely been getting more into DJMax Respect V ever since I caught it on a sale! All of those games are great, but they're great for someone like me who has spent likely hundreds to thousands of hours getting used to the harsh difficulty and learning curve of those games, and also likely more importantly I like the more foreign niche appeal of their set lists.

In terms of more current modern pop and rock songs, Guitar Hero/Rock Band leaving the rhythm game space as well as stuff like Just Dance becoming less popular have left a void in that space of music that I've had a good time with seeing again here with Festival. I do wish their launch picks were a bit more interesting, but like, I'm not going to deny that I've probably played the one Olivia Rodrigo song more times than I should be and that's reminiscent of the power older GH/RB games had for me. Discovering new current songs is entertaining and fun, and I don't need ridiculously insanely tough high-accuracy focused gameplay to completely seal the deal here. I don't really get why some are so shocked by the multiplier score-focused gameplay when that's always been how Guitar Hero and Rock Band has worked? Just don't miss?

The real issues for me at the moment is the sheer lack of visual variety compared to those predecessors and the pricing model. The notes desperately need to be color coded like those games because when some of the more overcharted songs come along, they're needlessly harder to read than they really need to be. The dances and motions the band have when playing songs also gets old fast, and that feeling of that high intensity concert energy being missing was only further emphasized for me when I recently tried out modding World Tour again and seeing just how wild the animations were for your characters. I miss having the audience chanting along with the music when you kept a high streak going, having the lead and vocals singing together every now and then, the close-ups of the guitar, the extra visual effects and filters for certain song segments; I could go on and on but this is one area that I really hope gets improved sooner than later. Seeing that stupid animation of the vocalist sliding back and forth playing three to four times in a row might actually drive me insane.

The pricing model is really the bigger deeper core issue here that I think only time is going to reveal the effects of however. Rhythm games have always had a difficult tug and pull balance regarding how do you reasonably price out extra songs for DLC, and Rock Band was always up there with being some of the worst in my mind because of the insistence toward individual songs at a high price rather than song packs which more recent rhythm games have pushed towards. Festival pushes the line way too far however with songs now costing $5 dollars each with the only extra benefits to supposedly justify it being you can use them as emotes in Battle Royale and the weird half-baked Jam Stage mode. Absolute utter snore. The Festival Pass also being separate from the already paid Battle Pass that the rest of the game uses is also really out there and priced far too high for what it offers, alongside the grind itself feeling like a slog. The whole model mostly concerns me at the moment because I get the worried feeling that this isn't going to meet Epic's sales expectations the way they hope it will, and I'm not excited for whatever possible "solutions" they might try to come up with as time goes on.

As it stands right now though? I still think this is a very fun mode that's genuinely been getting me to load up the game on a somewhat daily basis just to play a few songs, either on my own or with friends and trying to beat out our scores on the leaderboards, and while I love those harsher more difficult other rhythm games like DJMax, they don't compete in the accessibility and easy appeal factor like this does and that's a feeling I've missed for a while now. Hearing that Harmonix somehow convinced Epic and PDP to create a new guitar controller coming out very soon along with full instrument controller support might actually make me bust.

not sure why everything is so expensive for this game.. the guitars are like $15-20 each.. songs are 500 vbucks.. a seperate battle pass thats 800 vbucks more expensive than the fn br one.. & theres not many songs in a daily rotation. if you've been playing clone hero or GHWT definitive edition this isn't that great.. but if you havent played guitar hero in years i'm sure this is awakening something in you. it is fun to play with your friends though.

Ótimo modo de jogo e mata a saudade de guitar hero. É um pouco pobre, mas está apenas no seu começo. Vale dar uma conferida.

fortnite festival is definitely a game that you can play music in