Reviews from

in the past

You are the Frog Detective, the second best investigator around, and it's up to you to solve not one, not two, but three cases! The first two are very straight forward, but I was not expecting that plot twist in the third!

This game is just utterly goofy. The characters have the weirdest things to say, and it doesn't always pertain to the case. Nothing is to be taken seriously at all. And that Degrassi reference! It gives me life!


Frog Detective is not a pretty game. It's actually an ugly game, but in a cute, charming kind of way. It's a 3D low-poly world with flood-filled objects and no texture. All of the NPCs are animals, and while you can tell what they are, they definitely look off. I'm not holding that against the game though, because it does suit the goofy tone of the stories.

This is played in first person for the most part, with conversations in third person.

Sound Effects + Music

Frog Detective has jazzy background music which was really fun and upbeat. It makes you feel like you're in a cheesy cartoon about old school detectives. But the music does change between the three cases to fit the specific theme. The cowboy one made me laugh when it started.

There's no voice acting or really any unique sound effects. The credits do have a catchy song.

Gameplay + Controls

Frog Detective is more of a point-and-click and visual novel hybrid. You won't actually be solving any cases. Detective just goes around, talking to the NPCs involved, and going on fetch quests. You'll mainly be trading items between characters to collect what you need to proceed with your investigation. Not much to it. The second case introduces a notebook, which gave me hope that the case would be more interactive. But no. It's just a cute way to keep track of your items and NPC quests.

This was the first first-person game I've actually managed to play, since the movement is smooth. It's not realistic at all unless Detective is gracefully sliding across the ground, but I'm glad for it.


Frog Detective is super short, but there's also not much content there. The cases remain the same, so I don't see a point in playing it again unless you really want to relive the stories. I did miss some achievements, so I might go back to get them, since it should be easy enough.


Frog Detective was a fun way to spend a couple of hours. The gameplay and graphics are nothing to get excited over, but the characters and dialogue made me smile. By the end, I was way more invested than I thought I would be.

3 historinhas divetidas, cada uma de 1hora e com um final satisfatorio, eu recomendo não jogar em sequencia direta pois pode ser um pouco massante ja que a gameplay é so falar e entregar itens mas vale super apena se vc quer uma historia engraçadinha e relaxante

i love this game, just a lil frog guy doin little frog guy things.

Escolhi esse jogo ao acaso pra jogar no Gamepass aqui e me surpreendi muito com as reviravoltas da história! É um jogo de investigação bem simples, com personagens engraçados, e três mistérios que se conectam, definitivamente uma ótima escolha se você quer apenas relaxar durante umas três horinhas!

There is no reason to really review this too deeply. There are 3 games in this collection and all are pretty much identical 45 minute "detective" adventure games. They all have that very low budget modern indie game charm. The games are not meant to be taken seriously and the mysteries surrounding these games are similarly silly, and whether you will enjoy these games or not will depend on two things.

The Frog Detective games live and die by their humor and their vibe. The vibe the games go for is the chill, turn your brain off and just have a cozy, comfortable little adventure type. If you really dig that vibe, you probably will like the humor as well. For me personally, the games weren't funny, but needless to say that is a very subjective matter. But if the humor doesn't hit, these games become pretty boring. If it does hit, and you dig the vibe, well, you got a very cozy afternoon or two to look forward to playing Frog Detective: The Entire Mystery.

The reason why I say that the games live and die by their humor and vibe is because the gameplay is very basic. You go around a small area that the games play in and talk to every person there. Each person wants an item from you and will give you something else in return. You pick up an item that you can find in the game world to start, give it to the right person and start a chain reaction of giving Person A's item to B, B's item to C etc. It's the same for all three games and then the games end. I think even games that go for this style can offer a lot more, but clearly, a lot of people enjoyed what the first game was going for, so I don't blame the devs at all for sticking with it for the next two games.

One of gaming's all time great trilogies. It doesn't get much better than this!

Probably one of the sharpest written games I've played recently. Almost every joke hit the nail and I was constantly laughing throughout. I adored this game and it never overstayed its welcome. Me and my friend just sat there doing voices for all the characters and it made it even better. Absolute 5/5 game.

Frog detective is a nice little inoffensive game with a surprising amount of witty humour and absurd jokes. The game was just long enough for what it was trying to accomplish and a perfect between game meal to digest.

I think these games have a joke-per-minute density and hit rate on par with 30 Rock, but since the jokes are never racist or homophobic it's even better! FD3 is the only game I've ever seen that turns a cop into an actually useful member of society, and that alone deserves five stars.

Immediately going into rotation alongside Pikuniku and Donut County in my “sillycore games you can beat in an afternoon featuring charming low-detail graphics, simple gameplay and surprisingly leftist messaging”. It’s a niche genre but baby I’m the target demographic

A small charming and cute indie adventure game in a set of three chapters and a bonus level. Beyond its aesthetics and mood, I have nothing much to say about it as it does not have any difficulty or actual deduction to do. Pretty much talking to characters and finding the item they need usually in a quest chain which is not for me. Given its scope, my only complaint is the delay in animations specially in dialogues since it takes longer to read or move than it has to. Not actively recommending this but this is a chill casual experience to vibe with.

Que juego más tierno y cucki. Es súper corto y divertidisimo, el detective se lleva todo mi cariño y amor.

Ojalá algún día puedan seguir con estás historias <3

Incredibly charming and delightful little game. I honestly cannot believe how much I loved it.

A delightfully good time- Frog Detective is your most basic of adventure games in terms of mechanics but the cute, wholesome, and humorous writing carry it a long way.

The gameplay in Frog Detective amounts to running around a small environment, talking to colorful characters, and bringing items you find around the environment to said characters to progress. Oftentimes, a character will want to trade something of theirs for something you can give them so it quickly becomes just running from one dude to the next once you've got a handle on things.

Frog Detective's brevity in the first two chapters make it very fun since it almost feels like watching episodes of a delightful children's show. The stakes are very low and the dance party endings put a massive smile on my face.

I was surprised when Frog Detective 3 took things to the next level comparatively with a somewhat twisting story that flips your expectations on their head a bit. The tone is still very much in line with the other games but there's a little more to the third act this time around in the best possible way. The environment is also quite a bit bigger in the third chapter and you get a scooter that's super fun to use and quick to get around with.

Frog Detective's third chapter has a definitive ending and I was surprised by how endearing it felt with how short the overall experience was. While these games are completely unchallenging and resort to very simple fetch quests at several junctures, they have a distinct and very cute voice to them. Don't miss out on the Frog Detective.

Frog Detective says “Yeah pretty good I reckon” in the first few lines of dialogue so it’s nice to finally be represented in games

Simple and straightforward game. Some of the dialogue made me giggle tho

These games are the best games and I don't care what anyone says. The perfect length, easy puzzles, head empty, funny dialogue, funny plot. I love these games so much. The art is goofy and good and the characters are loveable. I replay them every so often and they are a crowd pleaser.

O jogo tem uma história bobinha, mas diverte em sua proposta, com as reviravoltas esperadas de uma aventura infantil. Bom jogo, melhor ainda por estar no gamepass

A delightful batch of quirky mysteries combined into one hilarious package. It literally epitomizes this image and I couldn't be more happy about it.

Charming game series about a frog solving mysteries. It's simple and it's fun, the writing is very charming, and it certainly doesn't overstay it's welcome. For what it's worth, it's a damn good game if you just want to play a mellow game.

These games are incredibly small and quite charming. I found them amusing, absolutely worth the crumb of time, but not really anything I have much to say about. They give me huge freeware vibes - I mean that as a compliment.

My favorite aspect is the dialog writing, it's very distinct from other games, in some ways close to real talking in a way that writing usually doesn't capture. Many of the lines are incredibly brief and the speaker switches quite frequently. These games doesn't cut out the functional exchanges and awkard fumbling that just naturally happens in conversations- and I find that pretty neat. It feels like a great expression of what it's like to have minor social skill issue, but perhaps that's just me projecting.

Frog Detective does a great job of being silly and quirky without ever being bombastic or in my face. It's just doing its own little thing, and I'm vibing along occasionally laughing.
The character notes introduced in games 2 and 3 are pretty consistently funny
Each game begins really well

Frog Detective games feel very expressive. I think this is where I get most of the freeware vibes, it overhwleming seems like what someone just felt like making and there's nothing more to it than that. Yet there's also a subtle quality and effort that does make me understand why these are commercial games

I got bored. Simple as that.

It's cute, but not engaging enough that I want to keep going.

my boyfriend told me that I'm in my froggy era, so I obviously had to play this game and I'm really glad I did! this game was 100% good vibes only and made me chuckle a lot. it was really cute and cozy (although fuck that saloon music, drove me crazy lol) and didn't take itself too seriously. I only wished that the mysteries would have been a bit more complicated, but I still had a great time :)

I wish crime was real so we could execute Lobster Cop and Mason Mole

I caught myself yawning a lot already at the beginning of the first case
3/5 just for the music and art