Reviews from

in the past

It pivots hard from what the first game was doing, but it's interesting.

oh, to have a yandere parasite in my mind... i love you so much frei

I'm not going to deny it, I came into this game with a lot of hesitation, bias, and general judgement because I absolutely despised the first one, but had heard enough good things about the second one to give it a chance anyway. And because I played this game with judgement in my heart and mind, it was easy to spot a lot of tiny things, like inconsistencies in transfer spots (some doorways activate when you touch them, others are a-button commands, and half the time the a-button ones aren't tied to the doorway but instead the space in front of it, so even if you aren't facing the door, you'd still transfer if you hit a), or characters popping in and out during cutscenes without any animation or transition, which obviously aren't the biggest deal in the world, but at the same time are such easy fixes that it gives me a bad feeling. It's also hard for me to judge the merit of this game's story, especially when it (naturally) continues off the heels of the first game. I finished the first game in such a huff (and so long ago as well) that I don't really remember much of it. My memories of the first game are entirely of the frustration I felt while playing it. And so, looping back around, it really wasn't possible for me to come into this game without some of that bias still in my head. Luckily, though, it seems that this game stands on its own pretty well, if you disregard the stuff about the oracle and what not.

So for starters, this game has a battle system. It's all random encounters that only happen in the school, and it's framed as 'socialization', which I think is a really unique take and fits well in a game that takes place in a school. The game even gives you a single infinite-use item that fully heals you every time you use it. However, I completely ignored the battle system in its entirety, and that's for one reason and one reason only-- there's only one single save point in the entire game. I'm not always the biggest fan of when games only let you save at specific points, although I understand the merit behind it in certain games, especially as a means to prevent save scumming. However, for a game like this, having only one single save spot in the whole game is absurd. Especially when that location is made off-limits at random points for little to no reason. The game doesn't seem to punish you for always running from battles, since it doesn't really feed you that many to begin with, it kind of just seems like a side thing you can play around with when you want to.

The game also culminates (or at least I think it does, that's the place where it seems like it does) at a grand yes/no question. I chose 'yes' and I got the (or one of the) good ending. And for a moment, I thought I'd replay up until that point and choose the other option to see what happens. Then, I realized how far back I was because of how long it had been since I last saved, and I felt like it wasn't worth it.

The art and music are nice as always. And the game, as a whole, gave me this sick feeling that, for some odd reason, made me yearn for high school again. As context, I'm 22 and a recent college grad. I knew a girl in high school who Charlotte reminds me of. And although high school sucked, there was this weird comfort of knowing that maybe life afterwards would be better, as long as I stayed in school and worked hard. Of course, it didn't get much better, and the whole 'work hard and you'll succeed' thing was a total lie, but... well, now I'm getting off topic.

I'm not sure where this game leaves me in terms of the last 3 games in the series. Maybe sometime later I'll watch the rest of the endings on YouTube and use that to determine if I wanna play the rest of these. But as for right now, I'm kind of just uninterested. The best thing this game did for me was wash out my negative feelings towards the first game and leave me feeling truly neutral.

<You're not a god loser, C. I think, you're wonderful. You're wonderful exactly because you're flawed. Because it makes you so very human. We're flawed. We're born to make errors. We hurt eachother because we are essentially egoistic. That's why I want to know you better. >

I liked this game a lot more than EP1. Story has a little different style - it’s a lot more structured, less random, with a relatively clear theme this time around. Just like with the first episode, I like the vibes very much, and a more structured narrative is a welcomed change. However, I still find writing mostly weak - while having a more structured story is good, its themes are kinda banal. I liked to listen to this story, but I didn’t find the execution of its themes particularly striking.

Also this game has a battle system in school named “SOCIALIZATION”, where you need to defeat mentally stricken students with attempts at communication. Or blackmailing. This is brilliant.

"We are born colorless. It's the people we meet who give us color."

even better than the first, hello charlotte's second episode fixes a lot of issues, with most of those DUMBASS PUZZLES being gone completely.

the worldbuilding is amazing, every character is memorable, and it shows a lot of real-world issues wrapped up in intricate metaphors that are strikingly relatable.

Good lord what a mood whiplash this game is compared to the first one, I seriously have to replay the series sooner or later

this made me remmember things i didn't wanna remmember (compliment)

O bagulho é loco, entendi tudo e quero chorar.

Okay, a cada episódio que eu jogo, mais as coisas ficam claras e confusas ao mesmo tempo. Respostas são dadas ao passo que mais conceitos são introduzidos e conceitos passados são apenas mentiras.

Só sei que esse jogo é simplesmente genial. A quantidade de temáticas abordadas é assustadora, etherane sempre apresenta uma realidade gráfica de terror e melancolia misturada com uma distopia ultramaterialista capitalista de uma forma tão icônica e irônica.

Dessa vez, a principal temática, além de religião e materialismo, é também a discussão do indivíduo contra o coletivo. Assimilação, integração e separação. Os oráculos, deuses, como as figuras de unificação dos egos e dos sentimentos, o perigo da decepção e da perda da individualidade, mas ao mesmo tempo o perigo de colocar o seu ego no topo e como isso tudo se liga aos sentimentos humanos, ao amor.

"Enquanto o ego humano existir, as pessoas vão sempre ferir as outras."

eu te amo charlie queria te proteger pra sempre

um dia termino essa porra to até agora ainda meio cabreiro traumatizado com bad ending em literalmente todo lugar do primeiro jogo

This entire trilogy had me on a chokehold for months and months

It hits really hard once you start to understand the plot a bit better :(

this game is truly an achievement. ep 2 expands everywhere where ep 1 left me asking, and boy what a world that unfolded from that humble demo. a cerebral force at times, and an achingly gorgeous coming of age story at others, this completely otherworldly yet so human parable of relationships, of identity, of happiness, of godhood was simply put a piece of art. there's just not enough i can say about this story, with the characters and their relationships being all so just captivating. all the little details, the fiercely intricate world built here that just screams character from every tile to every background. its a work of art. and without a doubt i will be thinking about it for a long time to come <3

je pensais pas que le jeu prendrait une telle tournure, j'ai tellement été plus investi dans le jeu que putain, la fin m'a vraiment retourné, limite je me sentais pas bien mais tranquille✌️
(par contre, j'emmerde encore les énigmes.)

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Não sei por onde começar porque eu sinto que até hoje não superei o que aconteceu aqui. A escrita disso é absurda, o jogo te envolve em um cenário acolhedor e confortável, mostrando a rotina diária aparentemente normal de Charlotte.

Afinal ela é apenas uma garota, ela está bem e todos a adoram... Pelo menos era isso o que ela achava até o clímax nos atingir como uma viga, eu claramente esperava que algo ruim fosse acontecer, principalmente porque eu já sabia como tudo aquilo não parecia certo, mas ainda, sim, me doeu tanto que foi difícil continuar. Surpreende-me como etherane consegue transmitir tudo de uma forma tão natural, mesmo se tratando de temas tão 'clichês' para adolescentes.

Sobre os personagens, senti que cada vez mais eu me apaixonava por eles e por suas singularidades, vê-los de novo com a evolução do primeiro até o segundo episódio me deixou com o coração aquecido. A construção de mundo é incrível e única, o jogo te deixa tão imerso e apegado aos protagonistas que chega a ser admirável. A forma que esse jogo trabalha a dualidade entre Charlotte e Frei, o egoísmo e o desejo de ser amado me faz querer aprofundar essa review com assuntos pessoais para mim, talvez eu devesse porque pessoalmente não acho que alguém vá ler, mas tudo o que escolho dizer sobre isso agora é o quanto eu senti com esse episódio. Quando tudo estava desmoronando, eu chorei, mas não por Charlotte, eu chorei por mim. Foi como perder tudo de novo mais uma vez, perceber que você não pertence a lugar nenhum.

this game is great. the story is nearly perfect, with charming and interesting characters, and i love the visual style. the puzzles are a lot of fun and the "socializing" combat system is neat too, but it couldve been fleshed out a little more.

Este juego hizo que me cuestionara mi salud mental en diversas ocasiones.

Y de nuevo, en contra de lo que dice "Nawer", De verdad que si

An immense step up from the first game. This episode builds the world masterfully and succeeds at making the many characters interesting and deep. The story is complex and full of metaphors. The only thing that this game does wrong is in its "Combat", witch is completely pointless and takes the form of "Socializing." Overall its great and i am very excited to play the third episode.

The world is cruel and unjust, isn't it? Individual loss, existential dread, heartache—all are present here.

Honestly, I love this game. Much like the first game, the world is incredible. Not much of note to say there. The main themes are further emphasized and built upon greatly here. Some questions are answered, but some are left unanswered—to be answered in the third episode.

As for characters, however, holy moly. Charlotte Wiltshire, the girl that you are. This had some really strong and emotional moments, something I didn't quite expect, but damn did it hit hard. The other characters here—Frei, C, The Umbrella Man, and many more—all get their moments too. This cast is so diverse and full of life. Despite the relatively short length of these games, they do an excellent job of creating great characters. They were simply cooking.

The gameplay has definitely stepped up its game quite drastically, I'd say. The puzzles are fairer, and the visual style is further improved upon as well. The music remains wonderful, yet silly at times—matching the current atmosphere. It's pretty genius, in my opinion.

Overall, it's an incredible game. If you liked the first one, you'll fall in love with this one. It's everything I could have wished for regarding 'Hello Charlotte'. This was quite the emotional journey. I just loved it. An absolute masterpiece in my eyes. And yet, it is not the best in the series...

It is a sloppy experience and is pretty much a walking sim, but damn the art, characters, and story speak to my soul. Oracle Charlotte is like best char design ever.