Reviews from

in the past

It's amazing how giving Kirby a dash and a sword really changes the game.

My journey through Masahiro Sakurai's games continues with Kirby's Adventure!

This is the introduction of Kirby's well known copy ability and it very much changes the game. Combined with Kirby's dash and slide have transformed Kirby from a simple platformer to an action game. It can be very frenetic, with the combat having an arcade like quality to it. I had so much fun going through stages as fast as I could.

That arcade quality extends beyond combat though. Kirby's Adventure has a smattering of minigames. Each level ends with a minigame where you can score bonus points (and lives). There's a claw machine minigame to score extra lives, a cowboy themed showdown game and an egg collecting minigame meant to test your reflexes, and finally an arena, which allows you to fight a miniboss. There's a decent amount of variety to the side stuff in this game, something that would carry on to many of Sakurai's future games.

Kirby's Adventure is much grander than it's Gameboy predecessor. There are 6 levels per world and some feel very extensive towards the end. Its art direction and music are still as lively and charming as ever. If I had any complaints, they would be that some minibosses get reused a bit too much and that losing your copy ability after getting hit once was annoying.

I love Kirby's Adventure. I've tried this game before but never really gave it its due. But I have now and its become a new favorite of mine.

i model my diet after kirby

Feels newer than Dream Land 2 even though its older due to expanded color palette. Edit: as JCL was right to point out, it's the first game that makes use of the copy ability, which of course is hugely important to the Kirby series as a whole, and as such I've rectified my review & score!

I remember my older bro and my cousin making fun of me as a kid for playing this game because Kirby was pink. I didn't care, it's damn good.

Okay, so I was playing this on NSO and had just gotten to the final boss, and even defeated him. However, right before the ending cutscene plays, the game says that there was an error, and kicks me out. Because I forget I can save my games, I realized that I never saved it before playing, therefore, I never actually got to see the ending, and in order to, I would have to play it all over again. That was pain.

If Kirby's Dream Land was the game that introduced Kirby, then Kirby's Adventure is the game that defined Kirby. So many series staples debuted here. The Copy Abilities (which is my favorite power-up system in any video game series ever), Meta Knight's introduction, the first letter of each world having an acronym, and of course how could we forget the Lovecraftian horror final boss?? All of this topped off with the single BEST looking game on the NES. I've never wanted to EAT an 8-bit game quite like this one before. It looks delicious.

The only things that are holding this one back for me are the obnoxiously stiff controls and the UNGODLY slowdown. These aspects combined resulted in me taking more damage than I'd like to admit. Being the technical powerhouse of your time has its drawbacks I suppose. Even still, Kirby's Adventure is a certified hood classic and one of the best games on the NES

i think kirby got worse with the addition of copy abilities? okay, i'm being facetious. but like, i do think this game isn't as good as Kirby's Dream Land (1992, GB). while the previous title is short and full of charm, like it's really all there in the first game. and this is still pretty good! even more of the kirby genetics are found here, most of the copy abilities you already know, and man does this play just as good as any of the other games. my issues come from a place of complexity. the previous game is almost as good in a lot of ways, and does it with less complexity and fewer levels. not to say the game really overstays its welcome, but i appreciated how succinct the first game was.

i know this is a lot of (comparative) bashing of Kirby's Adventure, but it's a good game! go play it, nes games are free and it's super short. a good time, just a (very slight) step down from its predecessor. i expect the future kirby games will find new ways to use the mechanics in more interesting ways.

One of the best Kirby games and a NES killer game lol

This could be one of the best NES games, but it is brought down by lag and stiff controls. Oh well, still a pretty good game and technically very impressive.

I've played this one before, via Nightmare in Dreamland for the GBA; a remake of this classic. I'll just start right now by saying if you have that version handy, that is the better version in my opinion just in terms of controls.

Graphically, this game is insane for being on the NES. I actually played through this because friends of ours got my wife a blanket from this and I had to replay it but on the NES.

I will say, having played it before I did not find this difficult at all, only having trouble with re-wiring my brain to the fact you press up to float rather than just multi pressing A. That took some adjustment but wasn't dealbreaking for me.

Overall, good if you don't have access to Nightmare in Dreamland; but if you do have Nightmare I wholly recommend you play that instead.

Great graphics, replayability, lot of content, good difficulty, very good music, saving.. this, to me, is the very best the NES can offer. It's still so worth replaying in 2024. Gotta mention there's framerate issues, though, but it's no big deal. If it bothers you, check out the 3DS version.

Jogo de final de geração costumava ser sinônimo de experimentos ilegais. Esse aqui tá alto na lista de necromancia digital. Tenho genuíno medo do Sakurai


No idea how this is running on an NES. The pixel art here is beautiful. There’s colors and effects here that are mind-boggling for the time. Some of Kirby’s animations are so butter smooth they feel like they were made yesterday. Amazingly detailed and crisp. Responsive.

Aesthetically dreamlike, but mechanically very modern. Kirby’s expanded moveset is complemented by his iconic copy ability, which I’d never really experienced until now – but yes, its legacy precedes it. Also, the slide ability was a welcome addition, and further elevated by its synergy with Kirby’s copy abilities (sliding with the Sword ability is a great fusion of moves).

Playing with all the copy abilities is the main highlight. Tremendously fun to just be able to steal enemy’s attacks and turn them back around on Kirby’s opponents. Learning how each one works is also rewarding. Abilities like Sword or Laser are self-explanatory, but then powers like “Ball” or “High Jump” might seem useless until you learn these usually deal damage during certain animations, which makes them feasible to bring into most levels.

World 7 was a big highlight. Incredible art with genuinely challenging levels. Plus a Dream Land throwback in the second game?! Such a charming level. The visuals for the final boss are amazing, appropriately climactic, otherworldly, and menacing.

My only criticism is that controls are not as responsive as I would’ve liked, I felt like there were some actions where my inputs wouldn’t register (although rarely). Some slowdown here and there. Some brutal instadeath pits.

All in all, though? I don’t think it’s enough to dock a point. Impossible not to be happy while playing this one. Supremely satisfying. My new favorite NES game.

Estuvo bien, las habilidades de copia son divertidas, pero se nota a leguas que es un juego del NES por como corre.

Clasico que probe en el emulador del Wii

Çıktığı dönem ve konsol için akıl almaz düzeyde iyi bir oyun. Famicom platformunda bu kadar çeşitli oynayış zenginliğine ve çeşitli mekaniğe sahip olmak bir de üstüne famicom standartlarının çok çok üstünde stilize görsellere sahip olmak inanılır gibi değil. Üstüne üç buçuk, dört saate yakın oynayış süresi de eklenince ortaya bir başyapıt çıkıyor. Şu an günümüzde bile oynanabilirliği oldukça yüksek.

played on switch's nes service. cute and fun, mostly! completed both normal and extra mode. do not play extra mode. varies from some actually fun challenges to a shit ton of REALLY not fun moments. kaboola you will not be spared during the popstar revolt

Good way to kick off 2024. Up there with Super Mario Bros. 3 as one of the most technically impressive games on the NES. It's very commendable how they managed perfect the 2D Kirby formula so early into the series' life. The boss fights were a huge highlight for me, especially that final boss. Would recommend you check it out.

Previously I said that I think Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best NES game, but I think Kirby's Adventure comes extremely close. Really late release in the NES' life, but also one of the best designed and best looking. Love the music, the graphics, the Copy Abilities, the little story, everything. I think the only thing that's a little annoying these days is that you drop your Copy Ability every single time you take damage.

This was one of the first games I'd ever emulated actually and, I very much adored my time with it!

And while coming back to it is a tad difficult with how, very generic it is compared to the rest of Kirby's library, it's still a really fun game that I'd recommend anyone try!

I played this on Switch but the option ain't here, not bad for an early Kirby

super hard because of the nes jank but still fun

While Dream Land feels like a game made in its time, Adventure goes beyond the NES's capabilities, a game with all its magic still palpable in the year of our lord 2024.
The levels are fun, the copy abilities are unique, there are MINIGAMES, and I can't stress in enough, MINIGAMES in an NES game... SEVERAL!

Divertido mas por ser fácil demais acaba enjoando muito rápido mas eu devo voltar pro jogo pra fazer 100% até porque nn é muito escondido os segredos desse jogo, só tem que ter q habilidade certa na hora certa. Os gráficos são lindíssimas e a fase em preto e branco é muito boa.