Reviews from

in the past

I really like this game. The gameplay is much better than the first one, the game looks great and I love the charm of the game. The only thing that I do not like about this game is the mission structure. I wish it was just open-world mansions instead of multiple missions. Everything else in the game is great.

J'en garde de bons souvenirs, le boss final est sûrement le meilleur de la saga.

This was good, but not OG Luigi's Mansion good

The new flashlight mechanics were a nice touch and added to the series so it isn't all bad!

For my first 3DS game, it's a good one! I personally like the mission base good to give a bit more variety and the charm from personally are still intact from the OG!

I had fun with this game! A lot more content compared to the GameCube one which felt far too short for me, and I haven't even touched the whole multiplayer mode that they touted for this game.

I first played Dark Moon when it released a decade ago, and i remember that i liked it, then had a weird dislike for it as i learned about the creativity of the ghosts in the original. Now, after playing Luigi's Mansion and Dark Moon back to back, i think my final verdict is that i like both games for different reasons. The original gives you a big mansion that can be explored in a few hours, leaving an adventure that can be pretty fun, seeing all of the portrait ghosts, while Dark Moon offers lots of replay value, with the boos, gems, and all of the gold medals. There's a Switch port coming next year that i totally forgot about, so if you'd like to check it out, go right ahead! And check out the original while you're at it c:

Whenever a sequel gets made for a popular yet seemingly standalone game, it's bound to become a topic of interest. Because while many games are released with the explicit understanding that it is (or will be) part of a series, some, like 2001's Luigi's Mansion, don't really give the indication that a follow-up should be expected. For 10 years, it was a unique, one-off title which was totally at home on the Gamecube, fitting in along with lots of other unique first party offerings. So it's fair to say that, when Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon was announced in 2011, it drew a fair degree of discussion. Not only was this an unlikely sequel, but it was released over a decade after the original. And while such a length of time would obviously indicate a new console, it was surely unexpected that LM2 would become a handheld game on the 3DS, let alone that development would be handed to frequent Nintendo collaborator Next Level Games. In a way, Dark Moon was everything that the original wasn't, and that statement isn't just limited to its development history.

It was clear that, with Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, Nintendo wanted to focus on building on the experience of its predecessor, and "building" is the operative word. In Dark Moon, the game is split up into multiple different mansions, each one offering a different theme and presentation. This certainly allows for a greater degree of variety in room structure, and exploring each room is just as satisfying as ever. The game is very light on even mild frights, and it doesn't quite have that same softly eerie personality as either its former or latter entry, but the level design is as good as ever. Exploration is once again at the top of the priority list for this game, and solving puzzles while working your way through each corridor is plenty of fun. And the game looks good, too. This is a handheld game, after all, and while Next Level Games have always been rather proficient animators, the fact that Dark Moon looks as good as it does as an early-era 3DS title is an achievement of itself. This game holds up surprisingly well as a handheld, and even though the game probably needs another analog stick, it is still impressive how smoothly Luigi's Mansion 2 handled the transition from home console to the 3DS.

Of course, while the transition was great on the aesthetic and mechanical side, it's entirely less impressive in regards to the actual gameplay. Presumably, as a handheld game, the focus was to shift Dark Moon from a semi-open ended, exploration based game to a mission based one. It's understandable in theory, as presenting a game in bite-sized pieces for on-the-go gaming has been a trend in handheld gaming for years, but for LM, it doesn't really work. One of the best things about the Luigi's Mansion series is the immersion and atmosphere, but in a game where you're constantly getting returned to the bunker to select a new mission, it's easy to get pulled out of the experience. Couple this with E. Gadd, who's constantly interrupting you to give you mostly unnecessary hints and dialogue, and it goes from a game with the option of being playable in short bursts, to feeling like the only way to play it is in short bursts. The mission structure, which is supposed to be quick and enjoyable, becomes tiring, and the joy of exploration is quickly dulled because you know that it's never too long before another mission briefing or unneeded interruption.

Time management is not something Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon does well, and that's evident in the game's nearly dozen hour playtime. It feels like 1/3 of this game could be cut without losing all too much. And while it's nice that you can skip past cutscenes and dialogue pieces, that doesn't fix the game's poor pacing. And this feeling is exacerbated by the occasional backtracking and lack of enemy variety. The mansions are designed well, and especially the final set of missions have a lot of great moments, but they aren't dense enough to be subjected to the amount of repetition the game puts them through.

With the release of Luigi's Mansion 3, it's likely that Dark Moon will become a bit of a black sheep in the franchise, and it's understandable why. Perhaps it was the concessions for a handheld title, but Luigi's Mansion is a series that focuses on open-ended exploration and atmosphere, and LM2 doesn't really provide either. It's impressive in a way, then, that this game is as close to being good as it is, given its structural limitations. Level design is great, and the base gameplay of Luigi's Mansion is always going to feel fun, but there's too many speed bumps here for the game to carry the momentum of those things to the end credits. Maybe, sometime in the future, a mission-based LM game will be released to outstanding acclaim, and be the game this one always wanted to be. Stranger things have happened, after all. But if that game is to work, it'll have a lot to learn from this game about what doesn't.

A fine game, but the mission structure makes it feel repetitive.

While I'm not overly keen on the mission-style structure, boring enemy designs or pointless online mode, the animations, graphics, and moment-to-moment gameplay are all brilliant.

The stairs can go to hell.

Sadly not the biggest fan of how they went about the sequel. Was overall lackluster imo

I think this game improves on most things from the first game like adding more gadgets and a run button and is definitely an improvement on the 3DS version of the first game but it fails to keep my attention for very long. I've been on and off with it for months and have no desire to finish it. I think the levels are too long and drawn out. I might finish it when the switch version comes out

They released this shit in March because it’s such a repetitive slog they knew nobody would finish it until Halloween. I think it’s one of the best looking 3DS games, I think that the interactions with the mansions themselves have a lot of what you would want from a Luigi’s Mansion sequel. The ghost designs are boring and the combat system is a downgrade. The worst part about it is that it’s as long as the third game and expects the same degree of thoroughness in turning the place upside down for collectibles, but it still has the first game’s structure of revisiting the mansion in a separate state despite not actually dividing mansions up into distinct sections like the original. It has been 10 years and I have still not bothered to finish the final mansion. It’s funny to pick up Toad and shoot him into the air.

Enjoyed it, thought the mission structure was fine, but would rather explore the 5 mansions at my own pace like the first game.

I feel like people are too harsh on this game. I love each of the mansions available, each one has such a distinct and fun theme. The creepiness mostly comes from the environment design and settings, which I think the game does pretty well. Sometimes missions get a little annoying, but I like how the mansions change between missions, makes the game/world feel very dynamic.

I’m so happy this game is getting ported to switch. It’s such a good game and it really needs more attention. I love every single bit of this game with all my heart. But the missions are a bit slow.

I know people overlook this one but I think it is pretty underrated. I still think it is pretty good.

Lo único bueno es el multijugador y creo que se puede jugar sin comprarlo.

Featuring a chapter-based progression instead of the seach action structure the first game is so praised for really hurts how I feel about this game. It doesn't live up to any of the other two games in the series.

Had a good ol time even if the atmosphere from the first one isnt really captured anymore. Loads of charming cutscenes and funny dialouge.

Gameplay isnt really anything to write home about. Thought the mission based system easily took you out of things and was kinda annoying, esp if u are trying to find collectibles. Not alot of memorable bosses either.

Still, not the worst game, just a pretty okayish one.

Not very fun and isnt as good as the rest of the series.

I don’t remember much about the game honestly but it was cool. Don’t compare it to the original too much cause it’s doing its own thing and it does it well. Overall pretty fun

Can have boring and unfun missions, but when you do get to play the game its still fun. Introducing the dark light and strobulb was a good idea, and im glad luigis mansion 3 kept them. Polterpup can suck my nuts btw i dont really like him that much.

Good sequel, heavier emphasis on missions may seem like a wrong direction to some but it's only a strong step in a direction the original game already had gone.

Pretty good, would've been better if there wasn't a mission structure but still very good

it's not bad but it's hella grueling to finish