Reviews from

in the past

A fun and charming game, I don't think it's quite as good as the original (Haven't played Dark Moon yet) but still fun. A few of the bosses are a little tedious but the puzzles and exploration are pretty neat.

Played from – to: (2023-07-20 – 2023-08-02) – Nintendo Switch.
‣ 4/10 – Luigi is a muppet.
‣ Thoughts: I can’t believe how much I despised playing this game. On almost all levels this felt unbearable and I’m sure that’s all me and the type of games I enjoy. On a slightly positive note, each floor of the mansion that is not a mansion but a 15-floor hotel (why call the game Luigi’s mansion?) is unique. They all have their own themes and theme fitting boss fights and enemies. Sadly, the enemies don’t have any variety besides the clothes they wear and the boss fights gameplay wise are trash. I enjoyed the pianist fight, but everything afterwards became a mundane slog. This is because Luigi only has a few and very limiting responses when it comes to dealing with ghosts. He can suck, he can push, he can pull, and he can stun that is it. Every fight is figuring out the appropriate reaction to the boss and repeating it 4 to 5 times. This is absurd because some puzzle solutions are bizarre. Doctor twat glasses gives useless hints and when you do finally realize what has to be done the game forces you to do it multiple times with barely any variety. On top of that you must wait half a millennium for the boss ghost to stop flexing all its moves in the arsenal until you can attack again. I’m not saying the puzzles in this game are hard, but the way to solve them is just accidental at times, because of the god-awful controls. I could go on how the sewer level is one of the worst sections of any game I have ever played and how the perspective of the camera makes some items feel closer than they are making puzzles feel unsolvable without google and so on. However, I think it is pretty apparent I hate Luigi’s Mansion and I could give you hundreds of reasons why, but that does not mean the game is bad for some of you. To me this is a bloated, boring, and poorly put together melting shit pile that gives the player zero satisfaction upon completion and should not have been made.

Legit the best looking switch game and it’s awesome

A great game that made love the series again. It felt like it took all the good aspects from both games and combine them all to make the best Luigi mansion game.

Luigi's Mansion 3 is a visually stunning game, and it's gameplay is very fun and immersive. the puzzles were well made, and the mechanic of using Gooigi provided interesting puzzles and story moments.

I really enjoyed Luigi's Mansion 3! A fun and spooky time. Enjoyed that Next Level Games chose to go back to one large area again after Dark Moon. 17 floors in one hotel. They all are different, but not in a mission-type based layout like Dark Moon. Puzzles were head-scratching at times, but they were obvious most of the time afterward.

This game is also gorgeous. Light reflections, the areas themselves, and the small details like Luigi's overalls fabric!

If you need to play a game for the spooky vibes of Halloween, but nothing too horror-like, this is a good one to go for!

(Review from 2021)

Well... Kind of disappointing.

It's not a bad game by any means. The animation and character work is very pretty. The music is charming and frankly, I really enjoyed the locale. The huge hotel with all its disjointed floors of various themes really helps to keep things fresh as the game progresses.

The problem really is with the gameplay. The controls and mechanics are fine, but they get stale as the game hits the mid-point. Nothing is added after the first 3 to 4 hours, except for some one off tidbits of gameplay that never really shake things up meaningfully. For a game with such a huge variety of locations, it's surprising that it doesn't follow suite at all game design-wise.

One of the most frustrating examples is the money system. One of the most fun things in the whole game is sucking up money hidden everywhere. This serves no purpose until the shop is revealed to the player a bit later. And to my utter disapointment, all the shop affords is 1ups, and maps that give the locations of secrets... Which are just collectibles for the sake of collecting them.

In the end, Luigi's Mansion 3 is a cute game, and a fun time which loses it's steam way too fast for its ambitious runtime. It sadly ends up feeling quite shallow as a result.

This is my first "Luigi's Mansion" game. I loved destroying hotel rooms with my vacuum cleaner and checking every nook and corner for hidden items or new ways to interact with the environment. The experience is usually relaxing and hardly challenging, even though there are times you will need to get into the developers' minds to find out what they wanted you to do. Finding hidden items without a guide is impossible, there's no way you can guess the required actions for a few of them.
The gameplay hardly gets repetitive as each hotel floor has its own unique theme and set of puzzles. Bosses also require different strategies each time.

The only problem is that the money and gems you collect along your journey are pretty much useless. The game only gives you the chance to exchange money for extra lives and collectibles for a couple of cosmetics.

I never finished it, but my only foray into the Luigi's mansion series, enjoyable and gooigi is fun

I adored this game. The game play was great, the story was fun and the graphics were just phenomenal. The amount of detail in each room was amazing. The amount of variety in what you saw was great too. I loved how many different kinds of rooms there were. The boss fights were pretty cool too. I adored the whole experience.

Very fun game. My only complaint is the final boss, the desert level and that water boss, Clem or whatever his name was. 4/5

this game doesent have the atmosphere that the first game had but makes up with it thanks to the charm and gameplay. this game probably has like 30 mins worth of cutscenes of luigi interacting with things and it is so charming to watch. every floor is distinctly different and there are collectibles for people who care to find them. a great game especially if you have a friend

Pretty good game! x10 better than Dark Moon, which started to go down the way of Paper Mario, in the originality-sense (erasing the wonderful character design and maze-like mansion setting away). Luigi's Mansion 3 is essentially Luigi's Mansion 1 on steroids, if you focus on the two things I mentioned in parantheses. The levels are really interesting and fun to go around. Gooigi is a great addition as a puzzle-solving tool. The boss characters (despite lacking the very satisfying portrait mechanic) are really fun and pleasing to look at design-wise. The hotel setting with floors that range from being a literal Egyptian landscape to a 80s disco room are very innovative and keeps every level fresh. All in all, very good game.

The game itself is very solid, as is typical of most nintendo games. It's polished and plays very well but I just couldn't get into it fully. If I had played this a few years ago im sure I would have loved it, but with more games under my belt I was bound to be underwhelmed by it.

Superbes niveaux et ambiance, des objets optionnels à collecter à foison pour les adeptes du 100%. Level design génial, la mécanique de Gluigi est bien implémentée et est utile tout au long du jeu.

Sympa, sans plus. Les décors sont supers mais le concept du jeu fait que, pour moi, on s'y ennuie très vite

A fun sequel of Dark Moon, and that’s it.

The map design and environments are worth visiting, but it isn’t nearly as fun as the original and Dark Moon.

If you love, the Luigi’s Mansion games, I’d recommend this but only if you want new content to play.

Next Level doesn’t understand what made the original game so memorable. Dark Moon may have been a step back, but at least it attempted to flesh out the combat with the Strobulb and power surge. The puzzle gimmicks were also spread across multiple, cohesive mansions. Even if they never touched the first game’s mansion, they were believable as places. When fans wished for a return to a single mansion after Dark Moon, I believe what they really wanted was a return to a cohesive setting.

Despite Luigi’s Mansion 3 taking place in one hotel mansion, it has no sense of cohesion. Expected setpieces like a shopping mall, exercise room, and sewer exist alongside a prehistoric museum, Egyptian tomb, pirate cove, and a magic show. The mansion is a series of unrelated levels taped together, an unsatisfying compromise of the first two games’ design philosophies. Top that off with extremely repetitive combat against the same few enemies, cat chases that exist to pad the runtime, a gimmick that doesn’t enhance the puzzles as much as you think (Gooigi), and a lack of worthwhile items to spend gold on, and you have the most overrated Switch exclusive. The only reasons I’m not giving this one star are because most of the boss fights were interesting and the film studio was both conceptually neat and starred a ghost who isn’t hostile.

Given the strong following Next Level has, I’m fully expecting them to develop Luigi’s Mansion 4. But given their track record with the series, I doubt it will feature the best elements from all three games. The atmosphere and cohesiveness of 1, the combat of 2, and the bosses of 3.

this is the best luigis mansion sorry

Feel free to roast me, but I’ve never played the first Luigi’s Mansion. I played Dark Moon, but don’t remember much about it. But, when I played this a few years ago, I.. LOVED it.

First, let me say that Luigi is my favorite video game character. I love his middle-child energy even though neither him, nor I am a middle child lol. Something I love about this game that not much Mario media, let alone the games, does, is that it lets the characters show a bit of personality beyond “YAHOO!” You can believe the brotherly love between Luigi and Mario, and Luigi’s adorkableness in general. And King Boo has a nice balance of being an intimidating villain, and a bit of a mustache-twirler. Polterpup is best boy.

The game’s environments are absolutely beautiful. I consider this to be one of the best-looking games on the Switch. It’s impressive considering the setting of this game is a giant hotel! Giving each floor its own unique personality adds a lot to the game’s memorability as a whole. My favorites where the garden floor and the pirate floor.

The new additions to the gameplay feel right at home in the series, in functionality and theming. A plunger that allows you to throw obstacles to the ground is just the greatest. And of course, Gooigi. Gooigi is fun, and allows for many interesting puzzles to solve, and the way Gooigi is animated is just hilarious. He’s just a wibbly-wobbly emotionless jello mold, it’s awesome.

Ghosts having unique designs again is great, and once again, adds a lot to the memorability. The main antoganist is alright, but I felt like she could have done more.

Overall, I love this game, and I’m kinda surprised I don’t see many people talking about it nowadays. I still think it’s one of the better Switch games, Luigi bias aside…… Nevermind, Luigi bias totally implied, he’s the best :)

This game is just so pretty. Need to play more of it man

The best looking video game on the Nintendo Switch (until Pikmin 4)

Très plaisant mais ne m'a pas marqué plus que ça. Tous les fantômes basiques se ressemblent, seuls les boss sont vraiment intéressants.

Genre: Charming ghost hunting action adventure | Released: October 2019 | Platform: Nintendo Switch | Developer: Next Level Games | Publisher: Nintendo | Language: English | Length: 15 hours (and felt just right) | Difficulty: Easy, with some moderately harder optional collectibles | Do I Need To Play Anything First: No, it’s pretty stand alone with small Easter eggs to the other games | Accessibility Options: Very poor, Nintendo come on! | Monetization: Single Purchase with optional DLC | Microtransaction: None | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Whacky cartoon violence, very mild ghost frights. Nearly always geared towards comedy | Parenting Guide: E for everyone, which I would personally bump to E10+ due to puzzle elements and the very slight jump scares | How Did You Play It: On my Switch | Did you need a guide: Sadly, yes. The last boss was really frustrating me and I turned to a video, and there was one level that I felt signposted things really poorly and I ended up looking up a solution after wandering for a long time. | Mods: None

Is It Good: I really enjoyed this, it was a delightful romp.

Back of the Box: Mario? Maarrriiioooooo?

Luigi’s Mansion 3 is excellent. It is clearly a labor of love from Next Level Games, with every inch packed with details, humor, and splendiferous animations. While not a masterpiece, this is a charming and fun adventure that is sure to bring a smile to your face. I loved hunting for the hidden gems, some of the puzzles are really clever, and the presentation is absolutely stellar.

This is a unique game and worth a play.

The weakest of the trilogy so far, but that doesn't mean it's a good game! Still mad about B2 of "where I'm going" games. I feel the charm is there, but I felt they did it a bit too much.

Great game from a great series. Much better than 2 but still not as great as the original GameCube title. Clever level and puzzle design, a seemingly endless flow of inventive and fun ideas and being one of the best looking games on the system really wrapping it all up. Such a shame it fell short to the original's classic "spooky feel", though.

Another one that got put on the back burner despite really loving what I played! Will be happy to get back to this one day.

my fave in the series i think! mostly due to a large part on how more memorable the floors/bosses where compared to the second one. the atmosåphere from the first is still missing but honestly the cutscenes and animations have so much chamr i can forgive it. i do wish for more variety when it came to tacklign enemies, maybe even some sort of upgrade system? gooigi was a fun addition tho and i welcomed the change of pace when it came to puzzles.

overall while the gameplay was fine it stil packs a charm!