Reviews from

in the past

2.5 yıldız sadece mekanikleri ve atmosferi için.

Interesting enough story let down by feeling of "too much" to do with no real meaning. Performance issues on the Xbox as well.

I wish the game had a better focus in its story and more fun side activities to do. This game just feels so basic, was very interested in it after playing some Mafia II.

Kina overhated but by far the worst game in the trilogy

Great setting in the '60s. Story is pretty solid, although if you played mafia 2 you just give vito everything and forget the other two characters. The gameplay is extremely repetitive which hinders it quite a bit, basically drive here kill people, call someone and give them the place. I also experienced a fair amount of performance bugs. A rough end to a great franchise, not bad by any means just if more thought had been given to the gameplay it could of been much better

Ótima história, péssima gameplay.

Solid story and graphics but many side missions felt repetitive and made me quit the game for a while.Feels like wasted pontetial.

i like this mafia, its not as good as the others but still fun in its own way (blasting racists in the stomach with a shotgun) but my game glitched before the FINAL mission and i was never able to fully complete the game which is disappointing, also the collectables are pictures of boobies so that's a win.

Good spin on the Mafia formula overall although the game does run into a few small story pacing issues during the halfway point.

Game play is repetitive, story is pretty damn good. Black character at a time where it was rare to see them was a plus.

Absolutely top premise and ideas marred by repetitive bloat.

A good story bogged down by gameplay that feels like a monotonous chore

Mama mia! It's from over 5 years ago and it straight up doesn't run.

A rough gem that could have truly shined if it wasn’t stymied by its grindy filler sandbox design, Mafia 3 is still the best game in the series in my opinion and a game that is woefully underappreciated.

The narrative is genuinely one of the finest I’ve seen in an open world crime game; Lincoln is a great protagonist and the supporting cast are all strong, most notably Father James, who adds so much to the documentary style framing device which made it feel genuinely inspired. The atmosphere is also wonderful too with a great sense of place with its setting in 60’s Not-New Orleans. The soundtrack is fantastic with so many great licensed 60’s songs picks and how well utilized they are when they pop up from time to time in the main story missions, Sympathy for the Devil especially. Thematically it’s also a neat exploration of how broken the American system is through the lens of the 1960’s. America was founded on white supremacy, genocide, and slavery and that won’t go away no matter how much American exceptionalism you try to paper over with it. The rot is in the foundations.

The combat itself is solid, the gunplay is fun and so is the stealth even though its super easy because enemies are easily lured away one by one by just whistling so you can easily stealth kill them. The turf system is a neat idea too and how you have to balance the favor of Lincoln’s lieutenants, it just really needed to cut out the grind because you need to dive into it to progress through the story so it does get rather tedious having to dredge your way through them to get to the great story missions. The game should have been like half its length.

The DLC campaigns were also a neat explorations of different genres for Lincoln and his supporting cast to find themselves in, ranging from Lincoln teaming up with the not-Black Panthers to go all Dukes of Hazzard on a white supremacist rural sheriff and his Klan buddies, a Vietnam War era spy story, and a cult horror story. It all really left me wishing we had some more adventures with Lincoln in a similar vein.

Mafia 3 has some deep flaws, but if you can stomach the grind you’re in for a genuinely great game otherwise.

3 tane görev tasarlamışlar bütün oyun onu yapıyorsunuz. Kendini bu kadar tekrar eden oyun az bulunur. Böyle bir tasarım yapabilmek ayrı bir yetecek istiyor. Karakterinizin kıyafetini değiştirebiliyorsunuz. Ama üstün zekalı yapımcılar önceden hazırlanmış arasahneler kullandıkları için ara sahnede sizin seçtiğiniz karakter olmuyor.

I was enjoying playing Mafia III back in 2017, but unfortunately, I never finished it. At that time, I had a strong desire to play multiple games simultaneously, and Mafia III suffered as a result, getting dropped for no specific reason. While I didn't particularly like the protagonist, I still found the game to be quite good overall.

I can't remember when I dropped it and therefore have no recollection of the amount of hours. Maybe I'll go back to one day.

Plusy: bardzo ładna grafika, świetny klimat, genialny soundtrack, niesamowita mimika
Minusy: bugi, pusty świat, powtarzalne misje, to nie jest Mafia

O museu virtual interativo da playboy, têm uns extras de mafia tbm mas não é muito bom

Low Points, High Stakes, Endless Routine

This game doesn't really follow the structure most of the Mafia series was building up to Mafia II. The old ones were linear story-focused shooting games in a open world setting, with little to do outside the main story. Mafia III on the other hand tries it's best to make a wider use of the city and buildings gameplay-wise, and it success at some points. The main difference with the older games is that this ain't linear, it's mission based.

Let's talk about the most glaring issue this game drags from start to the very end. It's repetitive, really repetitive. Most of the time you follow a routine just to continue the main story.

Before anything, you have your subordinates. Cassandra, Burke and Vito. They will manage your business and districts once you adquire them.

I'm not kidding, this is what you'll do for the rest of the game:

"The Start Line"

First go to Donnovan, he'll give you information about the overall operation. He will say he knows a man that knows another man that knows the guy you are after.

"Uh oh, chores"

Go to the man that knows some information about the district business that is directly connected to the guy you are looking for in the first place. A bunch of missions will be added.

"The Fun Part"

Piss off the dude running the business on set district by destroying his assets or killing people related to set business and make their income gain goes to 0$.

"Taking Over: The Business"

Once made their income gain go to 0$, head on to the guy that knows the information about set district, the very same one you met a Step 2. Now he'll give you the order to kill the dude that runs that business. Once that is done you will have the business for yourself and subordinates. Choose between the 3 underlings to run over the business you just unlocked.

"Taking Over: The District: Finish Line"

Do that 2 or 3 times and Donnovan will give you the order to kill the big guy that is running the whole operation on set district. Once you are done, he'll give you the district alongside the business you already unlocked.

It doesn't sound bad on paper for a gameplay loop, funny number gets bigger. But what I just explained gets repeated through the entire game with little to no variation. It's structure is that simple and predictable. But, it's not all negatives though, there are missions that take a linear approach to it's design like in the older games. Those missions get special threatment, mechanics and are great once you quit the slog (the repetitive missions), leading to that moment.

You can also play side-missions that are much of the same: Kill a certain dude in case of Vito and steal X in the case of Cassandra and Burke. Don't bother with those really unless you have some minutes to spare.

Gameplay wise, it's good. This is what kept me going all the way to the end. It's snappy, fast, fluid and brutal. You will be getting little upgrades after making your subordinates happy after giving them a business or a district. Say, Vito gives you the chance to summon some of his man to a shootout, it's good stuff. It's an entertaining loop, but one that gets very tiring after a while. It should've been shorter in my opinion, but the repetitive missions I talked, get reduced to little annoyances you have to do to get to the very end after you get most of the upgrades.

One thing that made me buy this game no joke were the cutscenes, the songs and the writting. It's just too damn good and full of charisma for an era that wasn't explored that much in games, the end of the 60's or plain the 60's. 'Nam, War, Race and big changes to the american society in general. "A time to dream". It nails the ambience of the period with a great arrangement of songs of famous artist of the time (and still are to this day). Steppewolf, Jimmy Hendrix, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Johnny Cash all safe but great selections. Personally they are the best choices, but I would've liked something more unique.

As I said before, the script and the characters is what sold me. Favorite? Donnovan, he's just so fun while on screen, Father James is up there too. Father James in particular got to participate a documentary about him and his relationship with Lincoln, the main character. As for Donnovan, he is brought a senate comitee to tell his role on Lincoln's crime career. Pieces of that documentary and congress tapes will be shown as we progress in the game.

About my personal experience with this game. Had like 6 or so crashes and 11 five second stutters on Xbox One played through Xbox Series X. Can't say if the PC or PS4 version suffers the same problems but this damn game is very unstable to me.

Combat and music in this game are terrific, the rest is worthless

Thought I'd give an underrated game in the trilogy some love. I know that alot of people hate/dislike this game and I can see why. Mafia 3 is a great game, BUT it's not a Mafia game. This game felt so different to 1 & 2 that this felt more like a GTA Game. The historical importance of race was absolutely spot on and very realistic. The story was actually good but as I said it's not a Mafia story. The gameplay was really good and Clay had the best car in the trilogy and that a win in my book 👍

Great story, boring gameplay and missions.
The map it's very big, so you gonna take your time to travel around.
The enemy ai is somewhat dumb, the police sometimes get's in the way and it's very harsh to escape in some situations, plus you need to be very careful with large amount of enemy.
Certainly different from the previous chapters, but it wins in the aspect of New Orleans and the music, it's very repetitive and boring, so arm yourself with a lot of patience.