Reviews from

in the past

This update to Final Fantasy Legend is (I believe) strictly visual and it looks fantastic. The colors are amazing and the simple splash screens they have added on entering new areas are evocative and pretty.

I don't think the base game is actually good enough to warrant playing through a second time, so I abandoned it after a few hours.

This is strictly the version to play over the original Game Boy release especially with a few quality of life changes that make things a bit smoother. You can see what your monsters will turn into when eating meat (making them much more usable) and a gallery of monsters makes things a bit more understandable. Simple features like automatic attack retargeting when your enemy dies make things flow a bit more smoothly as well.

My thoughts on the original release hold true here as well, however, but if you are going to play Final Fantasy Legend, just play this instead!

Me when I kill God with a chainsaw

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Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

This is a remake of Square's first game in the long-spanning SaGa series. The three that were released in Japan were released in the States under the name Final Fantasy Legend. So, this is a remake of Final Fantasy Legend.

I was never a big fan of the SaGa games, and it seems like I'm not alone. Honestly, though, I haven't given them much of a chance. I mean, I played FFLIII, which was great, but it wasn't a very SaGa-y game. I played the first for a few hours though, and I wasn't completely turned off by it.

The thing that people really seem to dislike about the game is the fact that all of your weapons have a limited number of uses. So, if your sword runs out, you have to go and buy a new sword. Your martial arts expert ran out of Punches? Go back and buy some more. Stupid as hell, right? I can't remember anything else of interest, though. Sorry.

More interesting than it is fun but boy is this game interesting. I don't think I can name another RPG that gives its characters completely different progression systems depending on their race. Very excited to dive deeper into the SaGa series.

Pure petit délire de kiffeur retro avec tout les défaut et ses pourtant petites surprise. Très intéressant et surtout fun

Makai Toushi SaGa é um RPG pouco convencional bem gostosinho. Eu me tornei um fã de SaGa desde o comecinho de maio, com o meu ponto de entrada sendo o SaGa Emerald Beyond, que é o jogo mais recente até agora. Não sabia mais por qual outro eu podia me adentrar, mas a curiosidade pelo 1° era forte. O esquema é simples: há uma torre de vários andares, cada andar apresenta mundos diferentes e você tem que subir nela com um grupo de sua própria escolha. Há 3 raças que podem ser membros do seu grupo: Humanos que só aumentam os seus atributos tomando poções específicas, Espers que podem usar magias e aumentam os seus atributos aleatóriamente a cada luta e Monstros que comem a carne de outros monstros, podendo assim se tornar outros tipo que podem ser mais fortes ou não. O combate é bem típico de um JRPG de turno dos anos 80, mas ele tem suas particularidades que o diferem demais dos seus contemporâneos, como cada equipamento funcionar que nem Fire Emblem, onde cada personagem tem o seu inventário e cada arma, item e magia ter o seu limite de uso, e apesar dessa limitação, eu achei ele bem menos mesquinho com a sua economia de itens do que muitos RPGs dessa época e acabou sendo tranquilo de lidar. Se aventurar pelos mundos da torre foi satisfatório, com cada mundo sendo grande o bastante para ser explorado, mas pequeno o bastante para serem intuitivos de navegar. Por ser um RPG tão antigo, é claro que tem batalhas aleatórias, às vezes dando pra andar boa com a interrupção demorando um pouco, e outras sendo tão frequentes que você mal consegue dar um passo. Não nego isso ser irritante, mas consegui me acostumar. Sinto que a forma que eu descrevi ele não fez jus ao negócio, dando a impressão de que ele não é tão diferente assim dos outros RPGs da época, mas esclarecer a visão do criador vai ajudar nisso: Um jogo com sistemas menos comuns que foram feitos mais para o jogador coexistir com eles do que dominá-los e que usa a linguagem dos RPGs da época para apresentar mundos com narrativas simples, mas que se sustentam pela sua variedade. O 1° SaGa até que é ambicioso para a sua época, e cumpre estas ambições com sucesso.

Who could've thought that playing a Gameboy JRPG was not a good idea

jogo de criar amigo imaginário mas de um jeito meio realista pois eles vão ter as próprias afinidades e caminhos evolutivos que independem de você (personagem/jogador) e inclusive pode ser que você fique para trás, não aguente o tranco, precise ser recrutado de novo e mude de nome, mas os amigos continuam lá no seu caminho determinista traçado pelas mãos do destino (só jogador, nesse caso). e aí chega no final e tal jogador ainda tem a pachorra de matar alguém igual a ele, que vê aquele mundo só como diversão, como arte, como lição de casa, porque ele se identifica mais com a câmera do que com o espelho. pós-ficção, argumento de que navegar num site é jogar, lúdico de modo que te lembra de um dado sempre que olhar pro céu; tudo o que existe te serve, destrua quem ameaçar tirar o controle da sua mão; largue-o por vontade própria

I cut God in half with a chainsaw.

For my money, it’s only worth playing if you have a historical curiosity or made the bizarre life decision to play every SaGa game like me. It’s a simpler and worse version of SaGa 2 all the way around – game structure, narrative, game mechanics, even music imho. It definitely feels like a prototype, given the gift of hindsight.

That said, it introduced one of my favorite race systems ever. You have humans who gain stats through buying potions, mutants who randomly gain stats and abilities (including losing abilities) after each battle, and monsters that change into enemies through eating their flesh. The most enjoyable part of this game was a 15 minute period where I lucked into a series of monster forms that took my monster from the weakest member of my party to the most powerful by a noticeable margin.

Other than that, you’re climbing a tower and going to different worlds with a fairly thin storyline tying everything together. Oh, and you can only hold 8 items, which is extremely annoying since you need items to cure status effects, you want to carry healing, and all of your weapons have durability that can never be repaired. Annoying, but manageable.

What’s not manageable is the absolutely atrocious late game section where you get attacked by an immortal phoenix every 1-3 steps while you try to figure out where to go. Running away seems to be a set 50/50 chance, so you get to spend a lot of time failing to run and having status effects dumped on your characters or just having them take massive damage. I was finding the game chill, if not particularly inspiring, up until that point. From that point on, though, I only finished out the game because I'm stubborn and my goal is to beat every game in the series.

Speeding through the final portion of the game left me with a very difficult final boss fight. That actually ended up being a good thing -- barely scraping by on my third try added some weight to the twist and the end and was actually a nice way to finish my time with the game.

While I love the human/mutant/monster system and appreciate the foundation Makai Toushi SaGa laid, I just can’t get past how miserable I found such a large chunk of the game. It’s the only game in the series I have absolutely no interest in returning to in the future.