Reviews from

in the past

I mean, it's tennis with Mario. It does what it says on the tin, and to its credit I did actually quite enjoy the trick mechanic. I wish there was a little more meat for me to really bite into, but eh, what can you do?

As an experience, it’s a pretty alright package. It definitely took a while for this game to actually feel truly finished, but the mechanics are still pretty fun and I quite like the character cast.

The thing is about Aces to me personally is that I have, or at least had, a very strong connection to it. The gameplay was strong enough for me that I got incredibly invested in online play. Over the summer I got better and better to the point where all of sudden, I was in top 30 of America, then top 20, even top 10. I would drop by on the Twitch streams of people who I had just played and comment something like “Hey, did you by any chance play against a Rosalina just now”. I’d face top three opponents and either put up a good fight or get my ass handed to me on a silver platter because pelupelu was an absolute menace.

I remember my last match before putting the game down for months was against a fellow Rosalina main who also resided in the US top ten with me. The match was by far the longest, most intense match I’d ever had up to that point, with volleys going on for God knows how long and the match extending deep into tiebreaker. I managed to just barely squeeze out a victory as my heart slammed against my chest, and I realized that this was it. This was the peak. The chance of having a match that great will never happen again. I’d been feeling a little bit of burnout at the time and this was the exact type of match I wanted to end it on.

I’m truly sorry if this came off as an odd flex rather than a true review, because to be honest, it probably is that, but this is how Mario Tennis Aces lives in my mind, and I really just need to get this experience off my chest. No way I’m talking about this irl that’s for damn sure. Really, I’m just happy this game was able to give me an experience like that. It was a bit of a cringy time in retrospect, but it was fun.

BIG[MAD], if you ever find this, I just want to say that that was a good ass game.

get a bunch of drunk 20 year olds playing this and even tennis can be fun

my friends fucking love this game but i don't see what they see. it's fine but nothing crazy

Story mode was just a hodgepodge of button mashing RNG bullshit designed to waste my time. Tournament mode is an unbalanced shitshow with an insanely abrupt ramp-up in difficulty designed to piss me off. Selection of characters was predictable and no one had any real abilities that made the game fun. No fun courts to play on.

The tennis part of this tennis game is actually pretty fun. It's a shame everything else surrounding it, including the campaign mode, all kind of suck.

melhor jogo de esportes do mundo, pena que eu sou ruim (não adianta não vou tirar ponto pela campanha ser cringe)

the dynamic mode is so fun with friends but i feel like normal mode would be better when everyone knows how to play, this is better than the tennis on nintendo switch sports.

Pretty fun. I’ve only played the online/battle mode and not the actual story, but it’s an okay game. I guess I shouldn’t have expected much from this game since it’s pretty much just tennis, but it’s still cool. 3 1/2/5

I had fun playing against my cousins

nota: 1/5 (não recomendo)
dificuldade: D
comentário: pouco tempo de game e não tem conteúdo o suficiente no jogo para justificar um replay. Vale mais apena um Mario kart

Super fun tennis gameplay, too bad I don't care whatsoever!

out of all the mario tennis games this feels like it has the best gameplay but the game itself has barely any content. story mode is like 4 hours long and after that its just basic tournaments against cpus or online play. while the gameplay is good the overall package is pretty disappointing compared to games like mario power tennis

why in god's name does this game give me Wii Sports nostalgia..

i own this game through brute force

Narrative: 2.5 - Gameplay: 4 - Visuals: 3.5 - Soundtrack: 3.5 - Time: 4
Stars: 3.5

Boom Boom was harder than Bowser LOL.

This game, by itself, is okay. It’s fun, it has decently interesting gimmicks and a wide variety of characters to play as (seriously why is this game’s roster better than Mario Kart 8’s?). But, it was the first of now many Nintendo sports games to release with not much content, only to add more content in free updates later on that should have just been there at release.

The game only got a story mode in an update post-launch, and after that, they only added more characters to the game. And much like the later sports titles, the characters don’t stand out enough amongst each other to warrant FULL UPDATES dedicated to them. These sports games are not the same as Smash Bros., just add in all the content from the get-go. I skipped out on Super Rush, Strikers Battle League, and Switch Sports because of this practice. It needs to die.

Fun game, mario party game fun!>!>!

The single-player content was so fucking minuscule I genuinely felt othered for not having a family to play with or the money to afford online lmao

I actually enjoy this game, i like to play as boo and do super curved serves to get easy points

It's a fun game but there isn't much depth to it. Gets boring after a while. I'd play it once a year.

I doubted this game prior to playing it but it was actually pretty fun! The story mode is a bit disappointing, not because it's really simple, you know, it's a Mario Tennis game, you can't expect much more. Anyway, story mode was short to say the least, finished it in 5 hours at most and can probably be finished even faster. Gameplay mechanics are really interesting and what makes the game very entertaining to play. It's worth a try!

Fun for one week, campaign was trash

The main menu music goes so hard