Reviews from

in the past

kinda too easy, but it had its moments. love how you can tell this was definitely made around the cold war era because they decided to make it seem like the ussr (more specifically russia at the time) was your big enemy

Honestly I Have Nothing to Complain about Mega man 4. Good Robot Master design, good Soundtrack and Dr Cossack's Story is pretty cool, As I Said Before I don't Have Much to Say...
it's The First Megaman game Where You can Charge your buster!
Great game.

all of the mega man without any of the me bashing my head against a wall

I'm thinkin' 'bout dyin' my hair red just to look like a pint of red
I like all of my cups so dirty, I been sippin' that Bloody Mary
I mix all of my problems and Prometh' until I roll on my death bed
I mix all of my problems and Prometh' until I roll on my death bed

Dude was this game always this fucking solid? Jesus christ. I always loved it for the OST and Pharaoh Man but like. Dude, the weapon selection here’s good (Pharaoh Shot being my favorite it’s so cool), and the stage design is superb. Holy hell man. This is really good. I had always written this off as just “good,” and idk why. Maybe it’s that 2018 me struggled really bad on Ring Man due to not knowing how Pharaoh Shot worked, so I took a break and had a disjointed run. I did it in one sitting today. And it was awesome. Good to be wrong about some things, give that 7.5/10 game a replay and it may shoot to a 9/10.

Mó preguiça de escrever em inglês hoje

Mega Man 4 é um jogo que eu sempre tive dificuldade, Mega Man é difícil e isso é inegável, nunca tentei jogar muito do 5 e do 6, mas o 4 ,que era o próximo da série pra eu zerar, eu nunca ia muito longe e eu finalmente entendi o porquê.
Deus do céu, tudo causa uma quantidade astronômica de dano ao nosso carinha azul, é simplesmente assustador. Um dos maiores pesadelos que eu já vivi é ter morrido diversas vezes pro Bright Man quando ele me paralisava e pulava pra cima de mim.
Enfim, sobre o jogo mesmo, eu acho uma situação meio Miojo, é gostoso e até dá pra turbinar (Minus Infinity), mas nunca que vai substituir uma refeição completa. As fases pra mim mostram bem o ânimo que eu sinto jogando esse jogo, todas são muito simples e diria até que estranhas, num geral eu achei as fases até que bem parecidas na dificuldade, o que é paia, gosto de sentir que preciso deixar uma fase pra depois porque não tô muito bom no jogo ainda.
A trilha sonora é ok, só que eu não consigo lembrar uma música sequer além da que toca na luta contra os chefes. Os visuais do jogo me agradam mais do que o seu antecessor (pelo menos nas cores), mas ainda acho muito básico, dei uma bisbilhotada no Mega Man 5 antes de escrever aqui e veio igual um soco a diferença das fases, muito mais coloridas, detalhadas, pareciam muito mais vivas, então ver essa discrepância realmente fez eu olhar pra esse jogo com outros olhos.
Acho que o ponto alto pra mim nesse jogo são os chefes, o que é curioso, geralmente é a parte que eu menos ligo nos jogos da série, mas aqui o desafio foi tanto pra mim que me viciei no Boss Rush e no dia seguinte que zerei quis tomar uma segunda dose do joguinho. O problema pra mim nesse jogo é a brutalidade contra o nosso Mega Mano, O Maluco Tá em Pedaços, tudo dá muito dano no carinha, se você encosta num chefe sequer você já pode começar a escolher o seu caixão, o desespero sobe a cabeça e daí é só pra baixo.
No fim, o jogo é legal e pra mim o destaque são os chefes, coisa que eu nunca esperaria dizer com meus anos de Mega Man, mas infelizmente todo o resto é bem medíocre pra mim.

esse megaman consegue ser superior ao seu anterior megaman 3, os inimigos são mais memoraveis, a mecanica nova do tiro carregado(New Rock Buster pros nerds) porém, tem coisas que me fizeram não curtir muito jogar esse jogo. Algumas delas sendo:
1. Trilha Sonora
2. Fases curtas
3. Novos inimigos esquecíveis/poucos
4. Chefe Final
5. Hístoria
Tudo isso fez o jogo conseguir ser menos proveitoso pra mim na minha humilde opinião, muitos odiaram Mega Man 4 e falaram que não valia a pena jogar, mas eu me diverti jogando ele, mais que o terceiro megaman.
Dizem que o 5 e o 6 são umas coisas abomináveis, mas eu darei a chance e jogarei todos os jogos da saga clássica, espero não me decepcionar muito

In my opinion, this trumps the original trilogy for me. It's not perfect, I'll admit. I'm a bit iffy on the Wily stages, the music, while good, isn't as good as 2 or 3, and the Robot Master battles aren't at their prime yet. But that's all the problems I have with this game. The best way I can describe this game is that it's just so consistently fun. Most of the levels have some interesting setpiece and gimmick that makes it unique and enjoyable. And for the first time in Mega Man history, this is where I actually give a shit about the weapons! The Pharaoh Shot especially is one of my favourite weapons in the series. While it has enough bumps keeping it from a 10, Mega Man 4 is still an amazing game and doesn't deserve to be left in the dust.

did you know that the soviet union fell less than 3 weeks after this game released? thanks for smashing communism, mega man!

This is my favourite Mega Man on NES. Just feel like this is the peak: great level design, awesome bosses and neat powers. If you only get to play one Mega Man, this should be it.

A couple of steps down from 2 and 3, and even 1. The addition of the charge buster doesn't feel fleshed out and the bosses are easily the worst thing about this game, either feeling like bullet sponges, or just terribly un-fun. Energy tanks are spammed out the wazoo, giving me max energy tanks before attempting the Cossack stages, and max energy tanks when entering the Robot rematches. Fortunately, the controls do feel slightly tighter than previous games.

I can see why people never mention anything past 3, but hopefully the drop in quality doesn't dip much less than this.

Standard Mega Man game. This is the first game where you can hold down the shoot button and fire a charged Mega Buster shot. It is useful against big enemies.

In some stages, you can encounter Eddie, a little robot that can give you random health or weapon energy. He can give you E Tanks randomly and the best way to do it is to not pick up the item he gives you and go back and forth between screens. You will get an E Tank eventually by doing that, but it is random, remember that.

The difficulty is a little all over the place. Some stages are harder than others and some were easy. There is the occasional cheap enemy placement.

Toad Man is a big meme, so that is all I will say about him and I think that will be the end of my review.

not bad. the levels in this one are definitely funner to play than 3 and by this point the buster is a lot better with a charger shot. robot masters are cool and their items are pretty good especially ring man. the level list is a bit bigger due to you having to go through 2 castles this time as well which is pretty cool

This is the first Megaman where it feels like it's going through the motions but also the first where it doesn't have the obnoxious slowdown and bad design moments of the first three games. Everything barring a few annoying as hell bosses is reasonable here, but I feel like it doesn't hit the highs of 2 or 6.

The charge shot is a great addition, one of those things that so fundamentally changed the game that people are taken aback by its absence. Bosses actually put up more of a fight in this one (not Pharaoh Man) and the level design is overall good. MM4 really cuts back on the need for the "items" to progress in levels, but there is at least one jump that is annoyingly far in just about every level, so rush jet feels way more important. Fortress checkpoints are a bit rough in this one, but they throw so many E-tanks at you that it shouldn't be that big of a problem. It feels like they made the game harder then 3, but in ways that can be easily easily mitigated.

I absolutely adore this game! This is Mega Man done right. Banger soundtracks, sick Masters, a new villain, the charge shot, the complete package!

a very welcome improvement on 3, weapons actually are fun to use and the level design is a lot stronger

This MegaMan is pretty good. It's very hard, but it was satisfying to beat. Only real complaint is that sometimes the difficulty felt cheesy, but it was the NES so..

Good designs yet again but the post masters stuff is still kinda a slog.

Angel_Arle Rockman reviews
Part 1: Rockman for Famicom
Part 2: Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo for Famicom
Part 3: Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!? for Famicom
Part 4: Rockman World for GB
Part 6: Rockman World 2 for GB
Part 7: Rockman 5: Blues no Wana!? for Famicom
Part 8: Rockman World 3 for GB
Part 9: Wily & Right no RockBoard: That's Paradise for Famicom
Part 10: Rockman World 4 for GB
Part 11: Rockman 6: Shijō Saidai no Tatakai!! for Famicom
Part 12: Rockman's Soccer for Super Famicom
Part 13: Rockman World 5 for GB

Rockman has had a whole trilogy of games on the Famicom already up to this point and the Super Famicom was out for a whole year already. It made sense for Rockman to make the jump-wait you mean we’re still on the Famicom? Well okay guess we aren’t ready yet but we will be soon just you wait! So we’re here again on the Famicom with Rockman 4: Aratanaru Yabou!! (Translated as Rockman 4: A New Evil Ambition!!) and this is where the series declines for most people. You’ll find many who see 2 and 3 as the peak but that’s those people. I haven’t played this one in a while and needed an updated opinion on it and I’m glad I did.

Rockman 4 takes place a year after the events of Rockman 3 where a new threat arrives named Dr. Cossack. Wanting to show how much better he is then Dr. Right, he sends out 8 of his own Robot Masters and sends them out to cause havoc. The Robot Masters are named Ring Man, Dive Man, Skull Man, Pharaoh Man, Bright Man, Toad Man, Drill Man, and Dust Man. It’s now up to Rockman and with the New Rock Buster built by Dr. Right, he’s ready for anything! Even a new friend will help you through the adventure alongside Rush. I should mention the game starts with the opening showing the origins of Rockman before we see the actual story for this game. Some might find that weird but I guess it makes sense after you finish a trilogy of games, like this will feel like the beginning of a new trilogy!

The controls this time around are about the same though it did feel like sliding could be a bit finicky but that might just be on my end. What’s new to Rockman 4 is the New Rock Buster. Ok I have to confess real quick, I goofed hard. You see I always thought the standard weapon was called the Plasma Cannon and wouldn’t get the name Rock Buster till this one. Apologies for being wrong but that normal one was always the Rock Buster so sorry for that mistake! The New Rock Buster lets you charge the weapon up similar to Atomic Fire from 2. It’s a lot faster and can do good damage. Just don’t rely on it for every enemy.

If you remember one thing I didn’t like about Rockman 3 was how levels never always felt they belonged to a specific Robot Master. This game changes it for the better as the stage design is much better aesthetically and just gameplay wise too. You got good examples like Pharaoh Man’s stage having sand that leads into an inside location similar to that of a pyramid or something of the sorts. Toad Man’s stage has lots of water pushing you around along with rain pushing you back. Dust Man’s stage is trashy and even has huge compacts ready to squish you if you aren’t fast. It’s a massive improvement over anything we have seen in the series and I’d argue these are the best set of stages we’ve had yet. They also have the right amount of length and challenge. The only bad design I could remember is this one area you transition to in Dive Man’s stage that can kill you instantly if you arrive at it at the top of the screen. The stages also sometimes have your new robot friend named Eddie who can give you a random item from the likes of energy refill or even an E-Tank. If you don’t like what you get, just exit the room and try again, just don’t collect it if you don’t want it. The order I went to wasn't too different from my usual but it was Dive -> Drill -> Toad -> Bright -> Pharaoh -> Ring -> Dust -> Skull. Honestly it says a lot when I feel like I could even praise more than I already have like the cool enemies themed around stages too like the Skullmet in Skull Man’s stage that protect themselves with a skull on their back or the Rackaser in Toad Man’s stage that throw their umbrella at you. Though not all of it is perfect obviously like why a Totem Pole enemy in Bright Man’s stage? Anyway onto the actual Robot Masters!

How do those Robot Masters fight this time around? Well let me tell you they won’t all be easy. Ring Man throws his Ring Boomerang very fast and he does a lot of contact damage so he is not a pushover even with the weakness. Be wary that his rings can move up or down as they retreat back. Dive Man loves to charge at you and he does a lot of contact damage. Take advantage of when he’s shooting Dive Missiles as it’s easy to destroy them. Also don’t jump too high due to how water works in these games. Skull Man shoots fast and can move around. His Skull Barrier keeps him fully protected so react fast once it ends. Pharaoh know it just hit me I think it’s been over 5 years since I’ve beaten him without his weakness. So ummm, sorry I don’t have tips for this one. Bright Man shoots not only forward but a little above and below so be aware of that, he also does massive contact damage and will target you. If he uses Flash Stopper, just pray he won’t hit you in the air if you happen to be in the air as he stops you. Toad Man is a joke. He’s the easiest Robot Master in the franchise so far. Just shoot him and easily avoid his hops, a disappointing fight. Drill Man likes to dig underground and come above where you’re at. Just time your movement before he comes up. He also will shoot drill bombs at you on occasion so be careful. Dust Man is similar to Magnet Man where he will pull you in so just move or slide away. His Dust Crusher can also be a bit tricky to avoid but otherwise he isn’t too hard. Pretty good fights all around outside of Mr. Toad Man over there! I like how some are still a challenge even with the special weapons unlike in past games where a lot of them can be pushovers. Though it’s still the case for some of them in this game so I’m not gonna say it’s perfect. I should also mention the weakness chain is now back to how 1 and 2 did it so don’t worry about more than one of them this time.

You know the time, it’s special weapon discussion time! I got some praise for these ones! Ring Boomerang from Ring Man is a fast projectile with adequate distance that not only never bounces away but will come back to you letting you hit enemies twice. It’s great for enemies that take multiple hits or are weak to it, especially with the speed. Dive Missile from Dive Man is a fast homing missile that tracks any enemies that can take damage to it. It’s great for enemies not in range for your normal buster and some enemies are even weak to it. Also has a good amount of ammo. The only problem I have with it really is the tracking on it can be iffy. Skull Barrier from Skull Man is okay. It’s a barrier, it works but because I usually get it late, I never feel the need to use it but it’s nice you can move around with this one. Pharaoh Shot from Pharaoh Man is amazing as it lets you charge it quickly forming a projectile above you. It’ll break from enemies requiring more hits but other enemies will die and let you keep the shot. Best of all, it even fires in multiple directions. It’s also a good move for a majority of the mini bosses. Flash Stopper from Bright Man is if Time Stopper from 2 was really great. You stop any enemies for a bit and can easily shoot them with your buster. You can’t charge your buster but that’s fine as it can even ignore defenses on enemies. It also only uses chunks of the ammo each time you use it meaning you don’t have to use it all at once. Get this weapon early if you can! Rain Flush from Toad Man is a screen nuke that takes about 2 seconds to trigger. It’s useful if you don’t want to bother with enemies but it doesn't have the best amount of ammo. It’s good for what it’s meant for. Drill Bomb from Drill Man shoots a fast exploding drill that you can even detonate early with the same button you shot it with. It’s strong and it’s great for the two big enemies. While it’s not amazing on a lot of enemies, it’s still good for the instances it’s needed for. The move can also break down barriers though these are only in after the 8 main stages. Dust Crusher from Dust Man is a projectile that can not only hit multiple times but if it lands, it’ll shoot out four projectiles diagonally hitting anything in their way. It’s good but sadly I wasn’t able to use it much in my playthrough which is a shame. This might be a hot take but I personally think this game has the most fun special weapons in the series but I’ll need to replay some of the others before I make that claim. Still an amazing selection of weapons making the replayability strong in this one.

Let’s not forget that Rush has returned in this game but oddly he’s lost Rush Jet and Rush Marine. How does that even happen? Well Coil and Marine work the same but Jet was nerfed. It now forces you to move forward only letting you control it up and down. It’ll also end if it hits a wall. It still has its moments and I think it was good they did nerf it but this might disappoint some. You’ll need to defeat Drill Man for Rush Jet and then Toad Man for Rush Marine. Not only that, there’s also special items to find this time around. In Pharaoh Man’s stage, there’s the Balloon. It’s basically like item 1 from Rockman 2 except the speed of it I think changes when you’re on it but I can’t tell. It has its moments but nothing spectacular. In Dive Man’s stage, there’s the Wire. If you hold up and shoot then you can wire to the top of the ceiling. It’s good for heights but not distance meaning it’s very situational. I think you can use it as a weapon but I never really try it for that. I would say it’s bad but I did use it a lot in the 2nd half of the game. Overall it’s all just kind of there but has its moments. I can’t complain too much but they could be better too.

Once you done the 8 stages then you’re ready for the final parts of the game being the Dr. Cossack stages. There’s only 4 this time and the stages are much better than Rockman 3’s stages for the end game. You get a lot of utility with the special weapons. Though I do find these stages still weaker than the main eight but that could just be because they were pretty damn good. Stage 3 is notable for being an auto scroller where you can even do a funny glitch with the Wire. Just get on a ceiling with it, wait for the scrolling to push you and you’ll go to the skies! Hmm there’s no rematch with the Robot Masters this time which is odd but there’s bosses to deal with. Mothraya is pretty easy if you use Ring Boomerang though be wary of it breaking the floor. Square Machine is just kind of boring like just form already so I can win with Dust Crusher! The Cockroach Twins will start with the first one only on the ceiling while the second one will travel all around, a pretty easy fight even with the buster. Finally there’s Dr. Cossack where he uses the Cossack Catcher and you better not let him catch you because it hurts like hell! Still only one form and using the buster is still pretty simple to defeat him what gives-huh who is this girl with Blues? Oh her name is Kalinka, she’s actually Cossack’s daughter and tells you not to hurt him as it turns out…DR. WILY IS THE VILLAIN AGAIN!? Ok now this crap is getting ridiculous, when will he give up?

Well now you have two more stages left to do and honestly at this point the stages are pretty standard. I won’t lie, this is probably the weak part of Rockman 4, with such a strong first half, the second half just isn’t anything spectacular. You’re just going through the motion and while I’ll say it’s much better than how Rockman 3 handled more stages, it’s still not perfect here. You have a few bosses here like Metall Daddy where it likes to jump on you and send out Metalls, simple stuff really. Tako Trash would be a fun fight if they didn’t let you stand right on the edge where he’s at making it easy to spam Ring Boomerang. Then oh god not the Robot Master rematches, ughhh! Can they stop doing these? Then you have Wily himself in Wily Machine 4 where the first phase is such a joke that I’m convinced the developers didn’t realize being very close to him lets you avoid every shot. The second form has you timing Drill Bomb explosions while dodging his huge projectiles. Once that’s over, the game gives you one more room to grind weapon energy if you need to and it’s the final boss. Wily Capsule is oddly easy but it may be because Pharaoh Shot is just that good, it’s easy for him to run into the charge you have for it. If you have at least one E-Tank, you’ll 100% win. Finally you win and let’s see how Rockman handles Dr. Wily this time you won’t get away this time! Oh he just conveniently landed next to a door to help him escape and then the building collapses. Well that’s lame, this means he’s probably out to go plan another scheme. Well on the bright side at least we now have Cossack saved along with the rest of the world for now. Rockman rides a train home with Roll and…Rush? Why was he there, you were with me! Also can we point out this has been Roll’s second appearance and the first was in the first game. What have you even been doing during these games? Still not a very spectacular end to this game, we don’t even see Cossack or Kalinka in this ending which is a shame.

The presentation in 4 is really good. It feels like with every sequel, Capcom finds a way to improve on these games graphically. It helps that like I said before, the levels fit the Robot Masters a lot more than they ever did in the past 3 Famicom games. Stuff like the opening and even the weapon get screen have good graphics that were never really attempted in past entries. The game even has less slowdown and flicker which is a really nice improvement, while it’s not 100% gone I will still easily accept that. Then we have the music and guys I’m gonna be honest, it’s good to mixed for me. I think it has a lot of good tunes like Dive Man’s stage, the first Cossack stage theme, Pharaoh Man’s stage, and a few more but they don’t ever hit the highs and some are hard for me to remember. That said however, I love Bright Man’s theme! The ending theme is also very underrated if you ask me. Though I have to ask what the heck happened with the password theme? It’s atrocious in this game, probably one of the worst songs in the franchise. I also find it interesting it has some songs from 2 like the song when you pick a Robot Master stage, the stage clear theme, and even a new take on the title screen theme for the credits. Still it’s good and besides my subjective takes, it doesn’t stop some of the impressive things done with the presentation.

Rockman 4 surprised me. It was always a game I felt like I liked more than what my old rating gave it. I used to not care about this game back when I first played it on the 3DS VC. I think after a few playthroughs it’s now become my favorite of the Famicom games with some really fun level design, great special weapons, good challenge on stages and bosses, and a good presentation as well. It’s always surprised me that people see this game as the downfall of the Classic games. To me it really shines and I think it’s worth playing despite the 2nd half being a little bit of a drop in fun but again it’s all subjective at the end of the day. While it doesn’t innovate on the series further, it doesn’t always have to as what we have here is really fun and I now appreciate it more after writing it even if at times I sounded a little too negative. Well next time we will be heading into a dark tunnel. One of the low points of the series is next and it won’t be pretty. See you for whenever that comes.

Lanzado en 1991, introduce el disparo cargado. Rush vuelve, y también otros 8 Robot Masters esta vez creados por el Doctor Cossack, pero resulta que solo lo ha hecho por que Willy a secuestrado a su hija, la cual salva Proto Man. El menú de pausa ahora es a pantalla completa. Quizá los bajones sean un poco menos frecuentes que en el 3, pero ocurren mucho cuando hay muchos proyectiles en pantalla. La música está bien y el diseño de niveles me está gustando bastante, incluso hay un nivel que se mueve solo.
Las animaciones de la intro y las de conseguir habilidades es de lo mejorcito que ha hecho Capcom para Mega Man hasta ahora.
La fase final es aún más larga que antes, pero sin Doc Robot (lo agradezco). Hay un recorrido para el Doctor Cossack y otro para el Doctor Willy.

The fourth entry on the series does not innovate that much but keep the most like positive points of the previous ones, it's almost a solid mid game, I like the robot masters' designs here, the charged buster is a great addition, music is not greater than 3, difficult is ok, Wire item helped me a few times but not a game changer, the plot is a high point for me, the Cossack/Protoman twist is pretty well developed, Willy stages were a little bit of forgettable, the weapons are one of the best on the series. Overall, a truly Mega Man game.

This was a great time and better then all the Classic games up to this point. The Weapons are all great, the bosses (aside from Toad Man are fun and beatable with the buster only, the stages are fun and look great, and the final stages (aside from the auto scroller) are some of the best in the series so far. Just a great game.

While Mega Man 3 felt like more Mega Man, Mega Man 4 feels like even more Mega Man. The addition of the charge blast is nice. I like the iterative nature of Mega Man's development, and here with the slide and charging blast, Mega Man finally feels complete as an action game character.

I realized this time around that I definitely prefer the latter half of the game—the two castles—to the first part where you take out the robots in their own levels, because the game requires you to use your special abilities to make it through the level. I feel like I tend to under use Mega Man's abilities in general, saving them for a challenge or an enemy type that never comes. You only really need to use robot abilities against other robots, which trivialize the fights with them, and that's always disappointing to me—I want to feel like I beat a boss, not like I found the right key to them. The non-robot bosses at the end of the game were pretty fun, and felt like they were designed to be fought rather than puzzled out.

All that said, I really got annoyed at the final boss, where you have to use a certain weapon to damage them—at that point, I was all out of ammunition for that weapon, and had to die and farm drops from enemies to fill that back up. It made me just not want to finish the game.

I'm going to put down the mainline series for now and swap over to X. I'm really interested to see how this series develops into the 16bit era.

Mega Man 4 is pretty great all things considered, it's definitely an upgrade from 3, maybe even 2, but I can't bring myself to finish it, I think after playing the first three games this formula has already gotten stale for me, and I just don't really see any reason to keep playing the following entries either, after watching some footage, they look to be largely the same in terms of mechanics and design, and that's not a bad thing, it just means it's harder to play these games back to back without getting a little bored, when they start to blend together and feel more like DLC than new entries in a series.

I still don't really enjoy the NES era bullshit that permeates through this series, I was expecting it to get better with each entry but that's not really the case, this one here especially has a bunch of annoying ass sections, probably the most so far in my experience, to the point where I'd rather not bother finishing it. Something that really slowed down gameplay as well is the bosses here which are at their most healthy and slow to kill, I found most of them to be annoying to deal with honestly, easily the worst in the series in that regard, and I also wasn't impressed with the powers they unlock, though I still think 3 takes the cake for the worst ones.

I will say that the music is still great here, and visually the games keep getting better, the new charged shot is neat as well, but that's about it, not going to rate the game since I don't like rating games I don't complete, but I'd recommend it if you're a big fan of the first 3, you'd probably enjoy this one just as much!

I'm pretty sure it's the best of the NES Mega Man games. Maybe even by a wide margin. I hate the charge shot, but the game is easily 100% beatable without it, so its inclusion is not even a fault in my book of arbitrary conditions.

The first Mega Man game that I would consider to be truly great, even if the final boss is kind of frustrating.