Reviews from

in the past

I got the same chills from Emily saying "Yodle-eh hee-hoo!" as I do during the Hannibal Lecter scenes in Silence of the Lambs.

I don't know what to say about this one. I didn't finish the game because it can get super frustrating. The game is old, I'll give it that, and it's extremely confusing at local rotations. I couldn't understand where to go simply because the game's system was confusing.
I love hidden objects games and I'll admit that this was the oldest I've tried - I wasn't expecting it to be so odd since the images look quite neat and Nancy Drew is very famous in these type of games but meh...

Also, the dub was weird. Too theatrical

never made it past the first night as a kid because THAT cutscene scared the piss out of me fr …. GOD TIER gaming tbh

Love love love it. Love the setting, love (most of) the puzzles, the characters, the atmosphere.

my very first nancy game....took me YEARS to finish bc i was so scared dogs were gonna be in the woods at night
love the vibes so much and omg the SPEAKEASY!!!!

Probably my favorite of the Nancy Drew games. A great mystery and lots of fun to play, especially with others.