Reviews from

in the past

While this game has a lot of charm, the game ends up explaining nothing so you just kind of mindlessly wander around until you get bored and drop the game... The control scheme is also not good.

Juego que parece sacado de una NES, pero con cositas actuales. La curva de dificultad del juego tiene un grave problema, siendo algunos bosses tremendamente fáciles, otros difíciles, y mas adelante, otros muy dificiles, habiendo minions anteriores mas fuertes que el boss que viene a continuación. El que los personajes sean poco hábiles moviéndose, sobre todo la chica, hace que muchas veces mueras rápidamente y no sientas que puedes hacer nada.

Si esto no te molesta, es un juego para ti, donde puedes parar muchos ataques con buen timing, e incluso devolverlos con algunas habilidades que obtienes tras romper las armas. Lo ideal es ir guardando las mejores armas, farmeando aquellas de recuperar vida, pues en algunas zonas te serán muy útiles. Aunque puedes sacrificar una gran cantidad de armas para subirte la vida, no merece demasiado la pena a medio y largo plazo.

Otra parte negativa es que todas las armas pegan igual, siendo la única diferencia el rango que tienen o el efecto que te dan al romperlas tu, pero siempre mejor esto que el piloto, que solo puede atacar en línea recta, estando el juego pensado para atacar hacia abajo y hacia arriba en muchas ocasiones.

they made a game with a mech, where you can get in and out of the mech, and you have a grappling hook, and it's still boring

Very pleasantly surprised with this one! Clever use of weapons durability and just an action packed sidescroller. Short, but fun from start to finish.

An entertaining throwback platformer that dishes up exciting boss battles and challenging stages. It has some odd design choices that can lead to unwarranted frustration, but the high-risk-high-reward combat leads to white-knuckle battles that require strategy and focus.

Full Review:

Great retro-style game, difficult but (mostly) fair. Fun bosses and good looking graphics.

Good not as old games were, but good as we remember then in our nostalgia, love this game.

It was fine, i don't remember much about it. Making your own weapon was cool at least.

Both incredibly pretty and extremely boring, none of the systems that are meant to change up the gameplay can compensate for incredibly monotonous levels, enemies and bosses that very much overstay their welcome.
A shame, since I really wanted to like it due to its presentation.

Felt really good to play and has some seriously damn good pixel art. There's a lot I like about the game, even just like the idea of a more melee focused MMX/Zero style game is super neat...
Buuut the difficulty felt all of the place. And really soured the expierence for me a lot. I think 99% of my deaths were from one or two bosses.
It's a fun time, but never really impressed me with its level design. Ultimately making it a little forgettable.

One of the best indie games I played in the last years, REALLY good difficulty curve