Reviews from

in the past

kickass in gameplay and soundtrack

I play every moring since I got this. Love, love, love.

Divertidísimo de jugar, de lo mejor que puedes encontrarte en VR. Lo único que se le puede pedir es que sigan añadiendo contenido porque las 2-3 horitas que dura con lo que hay ahora se puede hacer corto aunque subiendo la dificultad puedes aumentar la rejugabilidad. [9/10]

Pistol Whip completes the trio of games I semi-regularily play on the Quest, alongside Beat Saber and SuperHot. The gun customization is great, the beats are vast, and the constant updates and free DLC always give me something to come back to, with new pistols to try out that change up the formula.

The best part of the game easily came at the end of the 2089 expansion. This giant beast of a machine that has been taunting you for the entire game finally shows itself, and you have on your hands a linear boss battle with an incredible psych-up track playing in the background. This is probably one of the most fond memories I have in VR gaming, and I strongly recommend this game to anyone who has an interest in the rhythm // shooter VR genre.

All in all it is a nice, well-rounded game that has a lot of different tracks for everyone.

Pistol Whip plays like crack.
The John Wick comparisons are annoying but it's hard to describe it any other way, dodging and blasting and moving to the rhythm. As a lifelong musician, this game hit too close for me, just insanely fun, and works you into a sweat after a few rounds.
I really only wish there was more! The base game is a little light but they are adding new stuff all the time, to this day.
Go buy it, it just goes so hard.

Pistol Whip is one of the best rythem vr games of all time. Presenting the player with many levels, gameplay alterations and challenges, and other such options; all of which work perfectly to create a fantastic experience with ample amounts of customization of gameplay, and, overall, making Pistol Whip a defining title in its league. Which yes, does mean it is, in my opinion, better then Beat Saber.

Satisfying gameplay loop and good replay value! Pistol Whip was pretty easy to get a hang of as an arcade type high score game. The challenge presented involves "can you dodge bullets like you're in a matrix film" and "can you hit the enemies accurately and to the beat of the music". When you mix those two together... well it is both extremely fun and extremely tiring. I can only put in half an hour or so before I gotta stop; its definitely one of the more strenuous VR games.

Going for 100%, I thought Pistol Whip would be more challenging than it was. Maybe my previous VR experience has helped me out a bit but none of the achievements were too tiring or challenging. The 1,000 pistol whips achievement (the action, not the game) was grindy but not terrible since you get it while playing normally. I obtained all the achievements in 5 hours of playtime.

If you wanna feel like a badass and you enjoy on-rails arcade shooters, consider giving Pistol Whip a try! It's a good workout and a fun challenge!

its like if beat saber wasnt fun

John wick simulator. One of my go to’s whenever I want to introduce a friend to VR

Cool for a quick spin but gets tiresome fast. A good pop in and shoot some guys to start your day.

i wish the music was better but the gameplay does feel fun once you get into it

Perhaps the greatest rhythm game of all time! Be John Wick to the rhythm of the music.

Pistol Whip is another great VR fitness game. The first time I played, I could barely walk for a day or two! They've been slowly releasing new maps, and most of those are pretty amazing.

Once you've gotten used to the game, make sure you check out the modifiers. A lot of the settings are great for raising difficulty and making for a good workout. I like to use a combination of dual revolvers (to make you reload more), heavy armor (for enemies), high velocity, and revenge (your shots come back at you).

I'm not good enough at aiming to play with Deadeye on, but that's an eventual goal!

This game is honestly one of the greatest VR experiences I have ever had. The songs go hard and shooting to the beat and pistol whipping dudes never stops feeling satisfying. There's a ton of content here, too, with modifiers and different gun types to make each replay feel unique. It's also a great workout! Play this game! It rules!

Excellent shooter sport game! John XWick style! But it deserve to have more different gameplay to increase the interest.

Pistol Whip is a high energy arcade rhythm shooter. The default play style takes full advantage of VR motion controls and headset movement to maximize immersion, but the myriad of play options adds a ton of replay value while also making each player's experience unique. I certainly enjoyed the "classic" rhythm-action-hero mode, but dialing in my custom settings and competing on those leaderboards is what made this a truly captivating experience. The music is top-notch EDM that perfectly complements the throbbing, hallucinatory visuals. While the campaign mode is a bit restrictive and the track selection a bit limited, the primary gameplay is so compelling that those issues are functionally irrelevant. This game basically sold me on VR as a unique, transcendent medium.

Better than Beat Saber (is that a hot take?)

John Wick simulator. Makes you feel insanely cool. Absolute workout too, i definitely got a bit sweaty after some of those boss fights. I really enjoyed the cyberpunk style of the main campaign, the western campaign was a bit harder and it was not necessarily my preferred style but i still enjoyed it. A bit short too

Makes you feel like John Wick. Amazing campaign bosses wish we had more of those. If you could add custom songs and maps, this would become the best game ever.

One of my go-to VR games. This game doesn't do quite as good a job of immersing you in the rhythm as Beat Saber, but it does make you feel like a total badass and deliver a decent workout. The gunplay feels great by default, and the variety of gun styles and modifiers keeps things feeling fun no matter what mood you are in. I particularly enjoyed the campaigns - I just wish there were more!

Those obstacles you have to duck and dodge are the real enemies...

Really fun rhythm game for VR that makes great use of the headset and visual/auditory effects to make you feel like a badass.

makes me feel like Neo in Matrix