Reviews from

in the past

The Mercenaries do RE5 é o melhor modo extra dos games

absolutely not worth your time and effort if you're wanting to play this solo, but tackle the whole thing with a friend and you're in for a genuinely good time

been overlooked, slept on, stepped on, left for dead
Always against all odds like Pac said
I'm the living Great Gatsby
But these boys are watchin' quick and disappear like Banksy
From ocean to ocean, sea to sea
I'm something that you gotta see
Gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothin' that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rains)
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
I practice what I preach, but I ain't gon' lie
Still got love for these streets, 305 'til I die
Still got love for these beats, that's why I spit this fire
You can catch me on the beach, 'specially on the islands
Took over my city, now it's time for the world
I live it, they rap it, there's a difference, girl
Gettin' paid more than athletes, man, life is sweet
GM on the status, papo, watch me, (woo)
Gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothin' that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rains)
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had (woo)
I got the world on my shoulder, still quick on my feet
Nas say sleep is the cousin of death so I don't sleep
These boys act like they hard but we know that they sweet
They wouldn't bust a grape at a food fight, papo, please
Went from rappin' with them boys with a mouth full of gold
To hanging with Slim Jr. down in Mexico
Take it with a grain of salt, and a, pound of gold
The game is to be sold, and not told, let's go
Gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothin' that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rains)
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
Gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothin' that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa (I bless the rains)
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had

How do you go from a game so good to one so middle of the road. The difference in quality between this and 4 is so apparent.

The games both have the same core mechanics but the execution makes such a big difference. The enemy designs and placements in 4 seemed so well thought out and together with the level design it made for a delightful game to play throught. Every new enemy type or wave made you think differently on how to handle the situation. 4 always throws something new and interesting at you. This game does none of this. The enemies are boring and the level design non-existent. You fight waves and waves and waves after waves of enemies without anything interesting going on. The inventory system is boring and a clear step back. Also the cutscenes are covered in gaussian blur and a piss filter. The boss fights are all the same. The only thing that makes this game torelable is the co-op which also kind of feels like it held the game back a bit(?). At least Sheva is a baddie.
"They call me Sheva. Sheva dat pussy."- Sheva dat pussy- 2009.
It is not a bad game, it's ok, but I feel bad for anyone that bought this at full price during release.

Thanks for my boy Pangui for playing along with me and putting up with this game.

acredito q eu ter jogado com um amigo meu deixou a experiência MUITO mais divertida doq normalmente seria, dei a minha nota baseado nisso, ainda sim é um jogo divertido mas q se tu for parar pra pensar é quase uma cópia completa do RE4 só q pior kkkkkkk

Very fun game. It's gameplay and mechanics were good, and I had no issues with the controls at all. Game is fairly balanced, and the story was pretty good. Wesker was a really cool villain, and the game overall was great.

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O gráfico desse jogo é muito bom, muito cheio de detalhes e os modelos muito polidos, porém a escolha de cor na maioria das paisagens não é muito boa, sendo que a maioria dos lugares fica muito amarelado e parece que falta variedade de cor, mesmo em lugares escuros.

A trilha sonora do jogo está muito boa, tem várias músicas animadas e frenéticas de batalhas que combinam bastante com o evento que está ocorrendo.

Os controles do jogo estão tão bons quanto ou até melhor do que em Resident Evil 4, a movimentação é quase a mesma, porém o inventário é bem menor e muito mais apertado, com o extra de você ter acesso ao inventário do seu parceiro para ganhar mais espaço. É bem difícil de gerenciar seu inventário se você não souber o que levar para cada fase, pois vai lotar muito fácil.

O jogo mostra o enredo resumido da história até agora de toda a franquia com um arquivo na biblioteca do menu. Mas a história em si, começa alguns anos atrás quando Jill e Chris estavam atrás de Spencer para conseguir informações sobre Wesker, que na verdade estava lá e matou Spencer um pouco antes. Eles brigam, mas Wesker está muito poderoso por conta do vírus no corpo dele, então os agentes não têm chance, por conta disso, Jill se sacrifica para matar Wesker empurrando-o de uma janela e caindo junto. Alguns anos depois, Chris embarca em uma missão para a África, por conta de um rumor de bioterrorismo acontecendo na região, incluindo um novo vírus chamado Uroboros, e ao chegar lá, ele encontra uma mulher que será sua parceira pelo jogo inteiro, chamada Sheva, que faz parte da filial da BSAA do oeste da África. Ao chegar em uma área, vocês veem dois caras forçando o vírus na boca de um civil, fazendo-o se transformar imediatamente em sua frente. Após avançar mais, vocês encontram um grupo de majinis, o nome dos infectados pelo Uroboros, executando o informante que vocês encontraram antes e precisam esperar por um agente com um helicóptero chegar para ajudá-los a prosseguir. Após avançar, vocês encontram o motivo de estarem ali, um homem chamado Irving que tem informações necessárias sobre Uroboros, porém ele acaba sendo salvo por uma pessoa mascarada de capa misteriosa. Depois de passar por uma horda de inimigos e um inimigo gigante voador, vocês pegam uma carona por uma savana, enfrentam mais inimigos e quando passam por uma ponte quebrada, um gigante aparece e mata o motorista do jipe. A partir daí, Chris e Sheva estão sozinhos contra tudo, sem o comando da BSAA, mas pela chance de encontrar Jill, eles continuam. Em certo momento, vocês encontram Josh, o antigo mentor de Sheva e ele os auxilia a escapar da ilha que está prestes a explodir e chegar até o barco de Irving, onde ele usa o vírus Uroboros para se transformar. Após derrotá-lo, Josh os leva para uma caverna para onde a mulher mascarada foi. Nessa caverna, eles encontram plantas que foram as criadoras do vírus progenitor, que a empresa Tricell está usando para pesquisas, com a diretora da empresa Excella tendo feito um acordo com Wesker para limparem o mundo com o vírus. Chris encontra um computador com a localização de Jill, na qual eles enfrentam um monstro chamado U-8 e continuam sua busca. Eles encontram Excella, que nega saber sobre Jill e admite que ela mandou a BSAA evacuar e deixá-los sozinhos. Quando eles finalmente encontram Jill, descobrem que ela é a mulher mascarada e que ela sofreu lavagem cerebral para trabalhar para Wesker, que vocês batalham para livrar Jill de sua prisão mental. Depois, ela manda vocês prosseguirem para acabar com o Wesker e ela dá um jeito de fugir. Enquanto vocês procuram por Wesker, Jill se reúne com Josh e eles chamam por ajuda de um helicóptero. Enquanto isso, Chris e Sheva vão atrás de Wesker, para tentar dar uma dose do vírus que está no corpo dele, pois Jill disse que isso pode enfraquecê-lo, e quando conseguem, vocês têm uma batalha usando lança-mísseis, na qual Wesker tenta escapar de avião que está cheio de mísseis com o vírus Uroboros, para espalhar pelo mundo, porém Chris e Sheva perseguem-no e injetam mais uma dose do vírus, deixando-o fraco e quase caindo do avião, mas ele se segura em Sheva para impedir sua queda. Chris vendo isso, não quer perder outra parceira então ele pula para segurá-la, ela atira na cara de Wesker e ele cai, o avião acaba caindo junto num vulcão, onde Wesker se infecta com Uroboros e vocês têm sua última batalha, que termina com Chris e Sheva no helicóptero com Jill e Josh usando dois lança mísseis para finalizar Albert Wesker para sempre.

No final, o jogo é muito divertido, principalmente se você jogar em multijogador, pois a inteligência artificial do parceiro do jogo tem sérios problemas, mas ainda consegue cumprir o propósito de te ajudar. O jogo garante horas de diversão, com modos extras com valor de replay alto e com muitos desbloqueáveis, logo tudo isso compensa as falhas da IA, como gastar itens errados e não saber correr de inimigos.

Nota: Incrível

Amava quando criança e hoje em dia ODEIO

The best version of the game that not only comes with all of its dlc but some new content as well!

The gameplay is just as frantic and fast-paced as RE4 but adds some tweaks to make it feel much more fast and I honestly prefer the restricted yet snappy menu.

The story is… absolutely stupid but I love it.

One of my biggest negatives is the overall pacing of the main campaign which is pretty poor at some points along with how constant you have to manage AI Sheva.

It’s heavily encouraged to play with a buddy through online co op, which is pretty fun, but it makes the single player experience feel kinda like a drag with your AI partner constantly burning ammo

Aside from those negatives, It’s still a bunch of cool action fun and it often goes on sale for about 9 dollars. Overall, I can recommend this game to people who are interested in the action oriented trilogy of the Re series

SOO FUN!!! definitely one of my top 5 resident evils.. like the quintessential co-op experience IMO we need more co-op games like this i think… anyways the only real problem this game has is the poorly designed boss battles


watched gameplay ages ago but never got to play until now and...... it really is only fun if u play with another person. the characters make the game worth it, sheva is beyond underrated and jill's return is one of if not my fave thing in the game. it desperately needs a remake though, some parts are insufferable to play and the piss filter is just unneeded. it has potential though!

Fantastic co-op game, not a great RE game

actually fun if you play with a friend

It's a REALLY fun time with a friend. The story is pretty nice and the gameplay is a little awkward but cool regardless!

"Seven minutes... seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you."

Resident Evil 5 solidifies the jump to action based level design/combat after Resident Evil 4 had already introduced the concept, something many found to be the point where Resident Evil "stopped" being Resident Evil and honestly, I cannot disagree enough.

Whilst not as captivating as it's predecessor, RE4, I still think RE5 does a decent job and is severely overhated. I had a great time with this game and I played it solo on Normal difficulty with barely any issues with Sheva's AI, as most people would lead you to believe. Either people don't know how to properly handle Sheva or they're taking out their anger on the AI when the player is mostly at fault to be honest.

I found this game had some sections that were honestly a bit more scary than RE4, like the first encounters with Lickers, RE5 definitely is not without the classic RE atmosphere and too close for comfort combat that I found in previous titles though I can see where people come from when they feel like this is a step away from what Resident Evil is, but for me it was perfectly fine and I rarely had any moments where I was like "yep, this is not Resident Evil, screw Capcom!!!!"

I really enjoyed Albert Wesker, a way more interesting villain than Lord Saddler if I'm being honest, but the narrative overall didn't really hit the spot that RE4 did but it wasn't by any means terrible. Really enjoyed playing as Chris Redfield and the DLCs were pretty cool too, specifically Lost in Nightmares which I felt has the scariest atmosphere between RE4 and RE5's main story. The camera angles and janky gameplay is still here but it remedies some jankiness found in RE4 making it a tad bit superior in that department.

Some gamplay mechanics were pretty weird, however, like... the limited inventory space + the fact that it doesn't pause during gameplay, making it a lot harder to even be able to quick access other weapons when you're in a very tight situation. The boss fights were not nearly as interesting as anything that came before, aside from Wesker's fights and I didn't mind the Jill "fight" either, though repetitive, it was honestly better than any of the other boss fights in the game. I actually found Sheva's AI a lot more smarter than Ashley's AI from RE4, I don't understand how people say different. Ashley was the bane of my existence in RE4, seemingly purposely getting herself caught by just standing around and doing nothing. Sheva barely had problems like these, she was pretty competent in defending herself and had insane aim. Giving her powerful weapons makes her a bit too OP to be honest, in certain instances she'll do half of the work which is actually a godsend if you're overwhelmed by enemies. Give her the sniper and a MG and watch her do wonders. In any case, I found the player to AI ratio pretty well balanced and as aforementioned, only on like maybe 3-4 occassions I had problems with the AI but overall it was pretty smooth and I imagine on co-op it's even better.

Enjoyed my time with it, not bad at all, pretty fun gameplay and a decent atmosphere. Sure, it's no Resident Evil 4, but to me, it's still Resident Evil and a pretty competent one at that.

Great game but poor performance on the Switch version, especially during split-screen.

Love this silly ass game. I wish there was more Wesker screen time though

man im trying hard to play this game

Play with a friend!!! The AI is atrocious, but this game can be really fun split-screen. I've never played online but I assume it's equally fun.

This is just gonna be a review of the DLCs since I already reviewed the main game on the original RE5 page. I played through the DLCs co-op with my cousin after we finished the main game.

Lost in Nightmares:
It's really cool seeing the spencer mansion in the new camera style and with the updated graphics. I still haven't finished any version of RE1, but it was cool recognizing a lot of the areas from the remake. Puzzles felt pretty basic even for RE5, but it did have a QTE piano playing section which was really funny. The section in the flooded basement/cellar area was kind of annoying, the big guys kept going after the person cranking, but we were also playing this at 2 am while we were both really tired so we were also probably not playing as well as we could have. The Wesker fight was fun and gave us some trouble too, partly from us being dumb and messing around and partly from the timing of the QTE's being a lot stricter in comparison to the rest of the game.

Overall it was fun and felt like a good homage and fan service to the original RE.

Desperate Escape:

Same over the top-goofy fun but dumb action gameplay from the main game. It's a nice little addition to helps complete a different part of the story and Jill and Josh's moves are somehow even more goofy and over the top than Chris and Sheva's. It fit right in with the main game. Ending section got a little annoying cause we were tired and kept dying in the last stretch, but that additional time reveal was funny and the RE helicopter curse is very real.

Both DLCs are nice little additions to the HD remaster and you should play through them if you had fun with the main game.

Played in Co-Op.
Capcom revolutionized the survival horror genre, and then proceeded to single-handedly make one of their worst games and THE worst Resident Evil.

While the co-op mechanics are some of the best I've seen in a co-op campaign, Resident Evil 5 takes the things I liked the least out of 4 and turned it into a cover shooter with House of the Dead-style bosses, tied up in a bow with one AWFUL final chapter.

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good game with a very fun co-op campaign. maybe too "actiony" but the controls were fine so it's just a preference. the bosses were almost always really poorly designed though. specifically uroboros mkono and the volcano battle with wesker. it took me and my friend an hour to beat both of them, but they only take 5 mins to beat lol.

Not necessarily the experience I was looking for after RE4. Fun enough experience nonetheless.

Over-the-top campy action that tries its very best to follow on from the towering heights of its older brother, and doesn't quite stick the landing. It's still a good game in its own right - apparently an incredible co-op game, but I've only ever played it solo - that you can't go wrong with.

Coop oyun bakımından cidden şahane fakat RE4'ten sonra biraz hayal kırıklığına uğruyor insan. Evet eski karakterleri görmek iyi güzelde o nasıl bir hikaye be abi, oynanış ise RE4'ün biraz daha aksiyonlusu. Kötü değil kesinlikle özellikle arkadaşlarınız ile fena eğlenirsiniz ama tek kişilik oynarsanız bir yerden sonra sıkabilir benden söylemesi.