Reviews from

in the past

La inclusión de la canción "Power" de Kanye West ejemplifica el espíritu del juego de manera perfecta. Poder descontrolado y absurdo representado a través de una sátira completamente alocada.

Did you want to play GTA V but you're too broke? Or perhaps you wanted a more fun version of GTA V? Saints Row 3 is the game for you! Obviously, the third installment of the saga (non-remastered version). In this installment, you're the leader of the Saints, and you must successfully conquer the city and earn the respect of all.

It's extremely fun, and that's great because that's what we wanted! Steal vehicles, get weapons... basic for a GTA-like, but you have so much more 'freedom' taken by the studio. Fun vehicles (like a hearse, flying motorcycle, and let's not even mention the DLCs). Same goes for the weapons. You also have options for compliments, jokes, etc. The game will keep reminding you with the little challenges it offers. The story is as crazy as it is enjoyable to play, with sometimes choices (really useful). Well, we could say a lot more, but you have so many activities to do and redo in this game...

Graphics and Art Design:
It's not GTA, but the game has its own little universe that we'll learn to recognize. I really enjoyed it (with a little ReShade filter installed). The voiceovers (only in original version) and the music are of very good quality. Yes, 'You're the best' is on one of the radio stations. Each character has their own charisma, their own touch. Even in terms of customizing your own character, you're quite free.

Achievements and Others:
The game has several DLCs that you can buy separately, but I recommend getting the full edition. Really, the DLCs add a few more hours, but they're so good! The game is really cheap, and even cheaper when it's on sale! A few words for trophy hunters: an excellent trophy list to complete. That is, some annoying trophies, some good trophies, but all understandable and achievable! Even the DLCs contribute, so it's really a delight.

So, I really enjoyed this Saints Row 3 (I already 100%ed it back then on PS3), and it's truly pure fun. If you're two, then just go buy it. I think currently (in 2023 as I write this), the remastered version is better, and I'll get it (hence my slightly lowered score). But truly, a great game to play at least once in your life.

Final Score: 16/20
Recommendation: Really, for the culture if you haven't played it, and especially a big 'GO FOR IT' if you have a buddy available to play.

Throwing everything at the wall. Truly bonkers piece of candy-coated pop mayhem. Like seriously we really need to be talking more about how batshit this game is. Packed to the brim with virtually every relic of the seventh-gen imaginable cranked up to 11 - including but not limited to a glitchy co-op mode, constant bullet hell, explosions, zombies, and bombastic protect/escort missions. I used to dislike games like this at the time, but looking back they're just so sinfully fun (I'm also a huge Resident Evil 6 apologist, for what that's worth). Has one of the most God-tier soundtracks in gaming history (It's My Life, Yonkers, Return of the Mack, 31 Seconds to Die, Power, Satisfaction, Machinehead, etc. etc.), attractive graphics, a wicked sense of humor (some sporadic cringe aside), missions that are a blast to play, an eclectic collection of freakish characters, and a fucking ripper array of weapons. AND with all the equally over-the-top DLCs? Come on dude, this is just awesome. In my opinion makes one very, VERY fatal flaw keeping it from elite greatness and that's killing off [REDACTED] in the second fucking mission. I have my reservations about this as a follow-up to Saints Row 2, but it also has a car with a giant mounted cannon that sucks in and shoots out pedestrians - so I'm more than happy with it. Wild.


I'm finished with the main campaign and I'm gonna work on the DLC, but man has it been a while. I haven't played this game since 2013 and it feels so new to me. I might've only screwed around with the sandbox when I was a young teen, but i still had a blast with it. I used to play it on PS3 and upon a look back on that version, I can say my purchase of the PC version was a wise one. The game still holds up graphically to this day while some of the lighting could be better, but it looks great on my setup. The controls were actually perfectly set upon booting it up. No messing with sensitivity at all!

Now, this game has a drastic change in tone when it comes to Saints Row 2. While some people find it odd they went for straight up chaos, I accepted it almost immediately since this was my first Saints Row game. I love the amounts of chaos you can create and the absurdity of everything. I always had the mindset that Saints Row was the Cartoony Satire of the GTA series. It's what made me love this game and this series.

Now that I've beaten the campaign, I can say that the story was a little bit forgettable. Don't get me wrong, i had fun playing the missions, but some of them were introductions to the side activities in the world rather than be actual missions. Out of the 56 campaign missions, about 20 of them were kinda unnecessary. The actual missions were your usual open world missions, which is fine, but the story that goes with them gets crazy way too quick. I understand that I sound like a hypocrite when I say this, but the story could've been crazy if they fleshed it out more. You can't have the first 5 or so missions be about the Morningstar and then immediately go to the next one like that. I wanted to know more about The Syndicate since this is their turf. Having the Saints demolishing Steelport after just being captured from their home would make sense if you showed them that they were way out of their league in the first few missions. But whatever, the game is crazy and the story is trying to convey that craziness. I just wished it was just a little bit longer and gave us some background on Steelport.

I've been rambling for a while, so I'll end it right here. Saints Row The Third is fun and is a definite purchase. Maybe even buy the remaster.


It's just kinda nothing DLC, but it was fun at least.