Reviews from

in the past

There is a lot in this game that confuses me. Sanctuary was souls-like and this is monsterhunter-like????

Sanctuary was carried by being a split screen souls-like, and while Sacrifice still has that, it feels less suited somehow. Still fun with a good friend, but the hunt -> make stuff -> hunt loop was already a social game. It felt more novel and interesting when we had to reach "bonfires" instead of grinding bosses with a friend.

Toward the endgame the difficulty increases only due to mage/enemy health which was annoying. Certain mages have dumb fights that are either a pushover, or you can loose for no reason.

Kundry Khan is the goat tho.

Do not be tricked, this game is nothing like the first game.

The combat and gameplay loop of Salt and Sacrifice is the absolute worst parts of half baked souls clones and oddly enough monster hunter.
The enemies leave no room for retaliation and require dodging 5 times and hitting them once.
The gear upgrades, character progression, and crafting system are so boring and unrewarding it makes it unbearable.

I dropped it after getting to the second mini area after realizing it would just be more of the same. Skip this

Como el primero, pero peor. Peores mecánicas metroidvania, bosses y ambientación. El factor de búsqueda de magos a lo MH no aporta nada.

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk definitivamente minha maior decepção

I was craving a new Souls game and this is what I'm fed someone please put it back.

That being said this game depresses me. I don't enjoy not liking games, especially ones that seem as promising as this. Salt and Sacrifice is a 2-D Souls Clone. Not Souls Like Souls Clone. Nothing different about it from another run-of-the-mill below-average wanna-be Dark Souls on Steam except that it was smacked in the face by a door at some point in early development. Excellent games like Dead Cells and Hollow Knight only take a few elements (gritty atmosphere and emphasis on exploration) and add their flair through different mechanics and settings. The things that Salt and Sacrifice change are just adding more steps in between Dark Souls staples. Oh? Do you want to heal? Pick These berries then sit at a bonfire. Oh, You want to level up a stat? Go back to your base (Something that DS2 and 3 did but honestly we all agreed that was a stupid mechanic and should not have been brought back from Demon's Souls) Then go to a separate screen and use this skill tree that prevents you from mid-maxing a build. Oh? Do you want to fight a boss? Chase him down hurt him a few times then do it thrice. Hope you like how similar they are! Also, it commits the cardinal sin of Metroidvanias no map. I spent so much time going in circles because everything looked the same.

Honestly, there are a few things this game does right. You have a little bar that lets you know how much more salt you need to level up and replenishable ammo so bows are viable (if you have the resources.) but the negatives outweigh the positives.

Honestly skip this game and start playing Hollow Knight, Or Dead Cells. I haven't played Blasphous 1 or 2 but they look good. Also, I haven't tried Salt and Sanctuary but that looks good. Also, I know it isn't a Souls-like but Super Daryl Deluxe is excellent. Also, another game is-

Weaker than Sanctuary but still pretty fun

nettamente peggio del primo, mettendo mappe sconnesse tra di loro si perde tutta l'interconnessione che nel primo era molto bella. Nulla di memorabile

o desgraçado do mago te bate no chão, no ar e de baixo da terra no seu caixão

O jogo não é bom e nem te prende.
Jogo tipo dark souls em qual eu sou pessimo e sequer consegui passar o primeiro chefe kkk.
Mas é só.
Tem jogo que simplesmente não são para você.
Esse não é para mim.

i just wish that the failure of this game won't take a big toll on the devs. they are so much talented and it would suck so bad if this game ruined everything.

Turns out hunting mages is pretty great. A Souls-like in every sense of the word, the Salt games provide all the mechanics and diversity of play one craves from a Souls game but on a 2D plane. The fact these are built by such a small team is astounding. While not in danger of pushing the genre forward, it hooked me from start to finish and gave me the tightly crafted mechanical fix I was after.

Sinceramente? Que jogo meia boca, nem se compara ao Salt and Sanctuary. Vou lista os problemas desse jogo:

1 - Sistema de caçada de magos ficou muito ruim, vc tem q ficar repetindo o msm mago se quiser um equipamento específico, pois os Bosses normais não dropam algum item pra forjar uma arma especial igual ao 1° jogo.

2 - Tem horas que vc tá fazendo uma caçada de um mago ou explorando o mapa normalmente, e aparecem 2 ou 3 magos no mesmo local e fica uma confusão gigante e atrapalha mt oq vc tá fazendo.

3 - Os magos só são difíceis pois eles spawnam muitos minions que ficam defendendo e não perdem a postura, ou são os que te travam num ataque, ou que ficam voando e vc não consegue acertar direito.

4 - Tem muitos inimigos que ficam na beirada das plataformas não deixando vc passar, e se vc quiser pular para bater nele ou tentar escalar, ele te bate ou te agarra e te derruba

5 - O level design é meio porco pois as áreas são separadas por regiões q vc tem que ficar voltando pro lobby, e até mesmo pra subir de nível vc tem que voltar lá toda vez. Se vc pesquisar o mapa do 1° jogo vai ver q ele é maravilhosamente bem construído e conectado.

Enfim, não recomendo essa bomba
Obs: terminei em 13:34h

Im re-reviewing it now that i think i have my feelings for it sorted out.

As a sequel, the changes are....confusing to say the least, and trying to be fair to the game in a vaccum doesnt paint it in the best light either. The whole game feels designed around multiplayer, with the hoarding of items and most bosses focusing on aoe, and playing it alone wasnt very fun.

Still, it definitely has its moments where the map design clicks, and you run into one of the handfull of bosses that are actually fun in single player.