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Steel Assault is an action platformer by Zenovia Interactive, and director Sri Kankanahalli. One of the better 2D action platformers in this continuing wave of indie retro-inspired games. I had a lot of fun with this one. It has a great level of challenge to it and respects the player when they figure out strategies to quickly kill bosses. The soundtrack is also really good. It's by QWESTA who did a couple of awesome tracks for ZeroRanger.

It's a cool game. Took me around 18 hours to get every achievement. The Arcade clear took around 12 hours. I have a few criticisms, but not many. Stage 5 is the biggest one. I think that stage is much easier than the previous ones, besides Stage 1, and this is in part because there's just so many shields around. It's pretty breezy and took me the least time to figure out. The final boss makes up for it though.

I do think this game would benefit by simply taking away all upgrades in Arcade Mode or by having a difficulty above Arcade Mode ("Expert Arcade Mode" or something similar) to raise the bar more. Another element I wish this game had was scoring. At the moment, there's a couple of reasons to keep playing if you beat Arcade Mode -- speedruns and no-hit runs. I think scoring would add more depth to both types of runs. A lot of enemies are already skippable and scoring would force you to attempt to clear levels for more points. Even something like score counter for how fast you kill bosses would be really cool.

It's still awesome 2D action platformer and well worth your money. It's 20 - 25 minutes long, which is the perfect length for an arcade game, and it's incredibly satisfying going through levels with that heavy metal soundtrack in the background. I found myself bobbing my head many times.

Steel Assault was on my wishlist for long. I saw one trailer and i knew I wanted to eventualy play it. Now that it finally came to playstation I picked it up. Almost bite the bullet on switch a couple of times but never did. For one thing lets get this out of the way.

This game is gorgeous. The excellent sprite work and detailed backgrounds look incredible with a million different effects happening allwhile not being a total distraction. Also I wanna point out I think this game has the best CRT and retro filter i have ever seen in any modern retro game. Usually never use this feature cause it looks awful and doesn't ever gel with the art of the game but here it blends very well. Nothing but praise here.

The game play is also really solid. Levels feel the perfect length and the right amount of difficulty and bosses feel great when you get that edge to victory and trully learn their pattern. The only strong negative i have to the game is that it is really short. 5 stages and each stage is only about 7-10 min long. Once you know the game it can be completed in about 35-40 min. Which I believe is by design but I wish it was just a tad longer like 7 stages. So if your a person that likes to play games just once, this is not the game for you. The real intention here in everything in Steel Assault's design is to learn and master it and utterly destroy it. This game is meant to be a 1CC arcade clear game in a single sitting. I have nothing against this game design and I really enjoyed my first playthrough and starting my second harder play but then this is when the real issue of the game crept up on me.

THE PLAYSTATION version of this game is BROKEN. The game crashes a lot. Not only does it kick you out of the game constantly but it actually has a high chance of corrupting your save. Beating the stage 2 boss and getting into the scene transition to stage 3 crashes a great deal of times. My first playthrough it crashed for me like 5 times in a row and corrupted my save. Even backing my save to the cloud and redownloading it didn't save me much frustration. On my sixth time beating him it papssed successively and i finished the game no problem. Now starting my second hard run playthrough where there are no stage checkpoints the boss crashed on me no lie 10 times before i could advance. Then the game crashed three more times on stage 3 and at this point I had to throw the towel in. This really pisses me off because I was really enjoying mastering this game and i wanted to go for the platinum trophy and try to conquer the 1CC arcade mode but realizing this was never gonna work with this crash rate would only cause me frustration to get so far and lose to a stupid bug. It sucks the big one because this is a game that is meant for repaeted plays and mastering to get your money's worth and now i feel cheated of that. Well thats my experiance with it. Not sure if the switch or PC version fair any better but I can't advise buying this game in it's current state. Fucking sucks cause it kinda soured my experiance with an otherwise well designed game.

Good retro effort. Felt good and stayed good till the end. Very Happy.

The game should be called "Eye Assault" because your eyes are constantly being bombarded with so much bullshit on the screen at all times. Tons of flashing, tons of motion from set pieces and enemies alike, all the colors are equally saturated and it's difficult to properly focus on the things you need to focus on, to the point that I ran straight into a pit literally within 5 seconds of the opening level. First two levels both have rain happening and it just adds to the chaos. I'm sure there are non-rainy areas because I see them in screenshots but holy crap there is just too much to look at at all times.

The first boss and mini boss of the second level are both frustrating and not that fun. I'm sure it would be more enjoyable once I got better at it which is why I'm doing 3 stars instead of 2.5 but my eyes just cannot take the bombardment any longer.

Very disappointing. I was looking forward to this one.

A shockingly brief (less than an hour) 2D platformer with excellent combat and beautiful sprite work. Its short length makes it highly replayable but also feels as if there could’ve been so much more.

Full Review:

Played on a 13" JVC professional CRT via crtemudriver on my PC.

Beautiful pixel art and soundtrack backs a Contra-type throwback with grappling that reminds of Bionic Commando. An easy recommendation for any fans of the high action onslaught of the former game.

Steel Assault is a short and sweet platformer with honestly some of the best sprite work and music I've experience in an indie title.
Instead of a sword or a gun Taro wields a goddamn electric whip and its just the one button and that's it.
Really had me feeling like the games i grew up with, super simple but extremely hard to master.
You can't really hold right and attack and run you gotta learn enemy patterns and spawns tons of trial and error ESPECIALLY the bosses.
Other than tight controls and a double jump what sets this apart is the inclusion of a zip line you can deploy whenever you want in any direction as long as the two ends latch on to a surface. Felt like Bionic Commando + Contra in all the good ways possible. Lots of death pits and stage hazards that force you to start thinking how to approach situations while using the zip line, its a ton of fun really makes the platforming challenging.
If there's any issues i have with it, other than feeling a little -too- short, the second level is a painful difficulty spike. Feels like something that should have been saved for stage 4 or 5.
What makes it all the more painful is the two hardest achievements involve beating each stage with no checkpoints - and the whole game on a single life. If the second stage wasn't such a massive pain in the ass id try for these more but the memorization on the little enemies on this stage really don't compare to anything else. Maybe if i feel like hurting ill try them some more but for now ill be happy with having everything but those lmao.

jogo extremamente curto, mas um tanto dificil, não sei como é nas dificuldades mais baixas, mas no normal me lembra muito aqueles jogos classicos, curtos, mas que a dificuldade aumenta as horas de jogo, a estetica me lembra muito gba, e as musicas sao boas.

I can’t say Steel Assault left much of an impression on me since I don’t remember writing a review for it in 2021. Here’s what I thought back then: Traditional side-scrollers really are a dime a dozen these days so it”s nice to see some variety in the combat. Instead of guns, the hero has an electric whip as the main attack, and a grappling hook that shoots out in two directions to provide a rope to hang or jump from. The levels are designed with the grappling hook in mind, almost all requiring mastery of this mechanic to successfully traverse, so it’s recommended to start in the optional tutorial to get a handle on how it works.

Full review:

Crazy that a game with such a unique grappling hook mechanic would make stage two a totally flat river raft autoscroller. Is this a prank?

Holy moly! This game is amazing!
Pure arcade goodness! Nonstop action, with very precise controls and tight gameplay backed by a frantic soundtrack!
The graphics are amazing as well.

The game consists of 5 stages with very platforming/action sections and various bosses. Each boss plays completely different from the previous ones.
The last stage is a banger all around.

Great game! Hghly recommended.

Very fun side-scrolling action game, reminds me a lot of Gunstar Heroes. Great pixel art and music, quick pace, fair challenge. Sometimes the game felt a little hectic and the zipline mechanic felt underutilized. Still, worth a play for fans of this kind of game.