Reviews from

in the past

Read somewhere the devs don't care about this game at all. You can tell.

I won this game through SteamGifts.

Must be the absolute best stealth game that I have ever played. You have a bunch of different ways to play; want to be the silent killer and murder everyone with your blades, poison and clones? Done. Want to be just a shadow, never to be seen or heard, no one knows you were there? Done. You can also duel with enemies and fight them if you wish, but the game definitely rewards you for being silent more than anything.

About the story, it was an interesting setting, a goblin who has a mission, but he doesn't know why or what he is trying to find. The plot twist towards the end was definitely something that came out of nowhere for me, I was not expecting it and I was so mindblown.

Probably some negatives for the game would be the boss battles, they weren't that fun to do and were quite boring and simple.

a very competent stealth game with some minor performance issues, but i was surprised at how many ways there was to solving a problem.
this beats the first splinter cell by miles actually.

i recomend this to anyone who enjoys some good stealth arcade.

i vibe with the ending quite a lot, there is something about existentialism and identity that resonates with me

I have always thought "I don't care what a game looks like, how does it play". Styx proves there is always an exception to the rule. If this game wasn't standard medieval-fantasy ass people in caves/castles, I might have come back and finished it.

Probablement l'un des meilleurs jeu Stealth jamais sorti.

You would think that for a stealth-focused game, they would at least nail the controls for moving your little goblin dude around. You would think...

An enjoyable third person stealth game. The open-ended level design with multiple routes to your objective is a treat to traverse and the enemy ai make for fun sneaking. The skill system didn't add a lot of depth and I wish they had nixed it or deepened what was already an enjoyable experience.

The game that Gollum wishes it could be. Styx: Master of Shadows was better than expected, since I have never heard anyone talk about the game, let alone mention it. Stealth is the main focus of this game, and it was done really well with the skill trees you learn by unlocking them with skill points that are determined based on how you finish the mission. Story-wise, it's actually pretty good and has twists that keep it interesting. If you like goblins, were disappointed in Gollum, or want something to replace it, I recommend this game.

Madre mía qué pereza man

The game is really good, its just too little and replay value is hard with such a bad menu

Styx: Master of Shadows is a decent stealth game and I'd rather be playing a decent stealth game than a decent game of any other genre. I did enjoy the sequel a bit more but I definitely did enjoy this one. I remember playing this about a year after it came out and dropped it pretty early and could not remember why. I had been meaning to go back to after liking the sequel and playing it again, I remember why I dropped it. The load times are atrocious. This has been alleviated a bit playing on the PS5's SSD but they're still not great and they were awful on the PS4. This is particularly annoying because I reload a lot in stealth games. It wasn't overly detrimental playing on PS5 but it was a stark reminder of my initial playthrough.

The level design is good, sometimes great, with a number of routes that makes finding optimal ways to stay in stealth feel satisfying. I had fun going for the speedrun insignia on the second playthrough of the levels having learnt the layout. The problem with the levels though is the amount of backtracking. You'll see some of the levels a couple of times. I would have taken a shorter game rather than that. I suppose different enemy placements can change a level but it didn't feel that significant. Even some of the collectibles were in the same place. I liked the traversal options even if the jumping can feel pretty inaccurate at times. The invisibility and cloning mechanics aren't complex but they're pretty fun to use at the right moments. Even with its problems, I do like this game and I would play a third one since they already improved with the second game.

Best stealth game of all time, second only to it's sequel. Doesn't compromise stealth design sensibilities in favor of an "easy out." Really forces the player to grow comfortable with the mechanics, and is infinitely rewarding as a result.

I actually enjoyed the rpg one more

Mieux que les derniers Assassin's Creed ? J'aime à le croire.

Styx es un juego que la gente juega, no se porque, es un juego roto en todos los sentidos.

Tiene una jugabilidad super torpe, lenta, incomodo, animaciones lentísimas, el juego va de sigilo y los enemigos a veces te descubren estando completamente cubierto, se me bugueo el personaje varias veces solo en el tutorial, las cinemáticas también están super bug.

He jugado poco mas de media hora y me están escociendo los ojos, no lo recomiendo ni gratis.

Styx is a great example of how to make a strong mid-ranger on a limited budget. But at the same time, make a memorable character, a character you won’t forget.
Add to this an excellent plot, a kind of fantasy noir, where everyone is bastards, but the elves are even more bastards.
But be prepared that the game itself is not very diverse. There is no need to choose a passing style here: it’s easier and faster to go through without killing anyone, remaining a shadow, than to carry out a massacre or use abilities. In general, Styx is stealth from the brain to the bones, with all the ensuing features: constant sitting in ambush and general leisureliness right there. If you don't mind running meditatively from one dark place to another, then the game is worth playing. But if you are not ready to put up with graphics a la PS3 and constantly sit waiting for the patrol to pass, then this game is not for you. But know that you are missing out on the birth of a promising franchise that I hope has a bright future.

I had a good time with this ugly little wise-cracking thief. The map can get confusing and combat is purposefully awful, but hey it encourages you to sneak around.

Even if the premise and the stealth are pretty good, it just becomes too repetitive and boring, with some difficulty spikes I really didn't enjoy.