Reviews from

in the past

casters dmg is capped, which makes them suck end game.

Originally released as Elnard, The 7th Saga is a Produce-developed JRPG that - premise aside (the hero can either compete with or join other warriors to collect MacGuffins, an idea taken from Wizardry VII), is mainly a decent collection of dejavu (elemental themes, straightforward frontview combat, grindy linear world/dungeon progress) whose variations are too minimal to notice. A more practical exception to the rule - however, involves their encounters, a real-time system that uses blips on a radar-like minimap to initiate battle, halfway between on-map mobs and step-based RNG.

This game hates you. You are a worm. A pitiful, disgusting thing.

There are cool robot guys though.

I love RPGS, blame that on the Final Fantasy series, so it stands to reason I'm going to compare every RPG I play with them. This looks nice but a little bland, there's some good use of mode 7 when you're involved in the battles and you rotate from the map into the fighting screen, but overall I'm not being gripped by the story here. Because there seems to be a battle every five seconds the actual exploring takes second place and you need to be given a bit more to go on. Tedious.

A great example of a game with a neat idea, but poor execution. Being able to pick between seven classes and then meeting with and interacting with the others during the course of the game is a great idea, but it's unfortunately locked behind a needlessly difficult grindfest with dull combat on top of it.

This game is unbearable. Who in hell programmed this game's leveling? I spent 3 hours grinding levels and still couldn't proceed with it.

This was a pretty neat RPG. You select one of 7 different characters to start. You can later recruit one of the other six to join you. There is a mini map that shows enemies as dots and cities as circles. If you run into a dot, you start a random battle, so it's not 100% random. It felt a bit grindy, because the power curve didn't just naturally go with the story. You collect seven runes in order to save the world (or something), but then get tricked, go 5000 years in the past and defeat the evil.

Como amante de jogos de RPG e tambem de jogos antigos fui tentar jogar essa BOMBA. o jogo ate que começa bem, mas fica extremamente cansativo pelo exagero de batalhas aleatorias (totalmente justificado na época pra dar mais tempo de jogo) mas hoje em dia fica insuportavel. Fora que aconteeceu comigo de na parte onde tem que se derrotar um dos herois com outro heroi simpleste eu não conseguia passar. Eu estava com o personagem tank, contra o personagem assassino, e mesmo eu pegando level MAX com os 2 personagens se tornou completamente impossivel passar, tentei de todas as maneiras. Só conseguindo passar com cheatCode para pelo menos ver o final do game que é totalmente dispensável.

This is an underrated game with excellent music.

It's HARD though. Rumor is that the western release was mistakenly made more difficult, rather than the other way around, so you will probably have to do quite a bit of grinding to make it through comfortably.

There are many main characters to choose from, and the setting blends science and fantasy together in a way that just works for me.

I wouldn't blame anyone for disliking it, but the challenge of the game has me periodically coming back after years to give it another go.