Reviews from

in the past

I truly cannot believe that this is the best Spider-Man game for the SNES.

By the way, "Lethal Foes?" Try absent foes, since a good 80% of the names up there in the description figure no role whatsoever in this latest Plot To Take Over The World. I mean if you're gonna lie about the Rhino, the Vulture, or the Kingpin then whatever, but Stegron? The Answer? Speed Demon? Yeah, if you've never heard of them, chances are Doctor Octopus hasn't either

Curiously a Japanese only release but top marks for actually staying true to Spider-Man, no turning into a giant robot or anything. It took me a while to master the wall climbing/jumping/swinging the opposite way/wall climbing again mechanics but this is thoroughly decent. Loads of characters and a much better play than the Animated Series game.

Jogo do miranha de plataforma que ficou so no Japão.

A historia do game é que o o Doutor Octopus ta tramando algo que vai destruir Nova York e o Miranha vai tentar descobrir onde ele ta escondido. Basico demais. Ai enfrentamos alguns dos viloes, alguns herois aparecem pra nao fazer nada e é isso.

Rapaiz, os controles não lá muito bons não viu. O miranha é meio durão. Enfrentar o Venom foi mais dificil do que o Carnificina e o Doutor Octopus no final. E olha que a luta do Carnificina é bem chata hein. Mas no geral o game é bem facil.

Joguei mais pela curiosidade e tambem por ter uma tradução na net, mas não é um game que eu va jogar novamente.

Me diverti mais com ele do que com o Marvel's Spider-Man

The Japanese exclusive action platformer that has been said to be the best Spider-Man game on the platform (ignoring the beat em ups). It is, but it's still really bad. The slow and clunk controls allow you to punch, dash, dash attack, jump, jump attack, fire a little web ball shot, crawl, climb on walls or a ceiling, and to hit the trigger buttons to swing left or right from your webs. Movement and attacks feel awkward and slow, stage enemies are both very strange and can typically either be dash attacked through or present on odd target that you can't stunlock so you hit them until they hit you once then you either ignore them and move past or hit them one or two more times to destroy them. It has the usual Spider-Man game problem of being too visually zoomed in to make use of web swinging and to give some awkwardly placed stage hazards and off screen enemies that suddenly appear. Bosses require you to attack in whatever cheap way to discover that allows you to basically ignore their attacks or to stun lock them by knocking them over or backwards repeatedly. Stage design is poor and at times like a small maze (thankfully nowhere near as bad as some of the other games) there just to try to run down the pointless timer. You have some allies that show up in story scenes like Iron Fist, Human Torch, Speedball, etc but they don't do anything mechanically like in Maximum Carnage.
