Reviews from

in the past

Played the Genesis version which is not listed here.

Well, it's a interesting game. You are Itchy, the blue rat. And you basically have to kill Scratchy, the cat. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Like in the show. Cut hin in half, make him explode, it's up to you. He will only re-appear as long as his health bar isn't at zero.

You have different weapons scattered around the whole map. Two types to be exact. One are the ones that you use to kill the cat on set level, until he ran out of energy. The other type of weapon is only used on boss fights, against the cat in top of some wacky machine.

It's basically like a Battle Royale between two dudes only. There are hazards on the stages too, so be careful.

Overall it's a very fun title but nothing else outside of that.

El concepto es sencillo, un programa de Itchy & Scratchy, tratar de despedazar al gato en cada nivel lo cual lo hace increiblemente repetitivo, lo rescatable sin lugar a dudas son las animaciones exageradas de los personajes y la variedad de armas y su efecto de cada una de ellas.