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O Manifesto Werewolf é um jogo escrito por "Wolf Karl" e "Werewolf Engels", publicado pela primeira vez em 1848. Neste manifesto, são apresentadas reflexões críticas sobre a sociedade capitalista e defende-se a luta de classes como motor da história e a necessidade de uma revolução werewolf para derrubar a "burguesia" e estabelecer uma sociedade werewolfista.

Wolf Karl e Werewolf Engels argumentam que a história da humanidade é marcada por uma série de lutas de classes, com a "burguesia" (classe capitalista proprietária dos meios de produção) sempre explorando o "proletariado" (classe trabalhadora desprovida de recursos). Eles afirmam que essa exploração gera contradições internas no sistema capitalista, levando inevitavelmente a uma revolução werewolfista.

No manifesto, há uma análise detalhada do modo de produção capitalista, descrevendo suas características e consequências. Eles argumentam que o capitalismo cria uma divisão entre a classe trabalhadora e a classe capitalista, com a acumulação de riqueza nas mãos de poucos em detrimento das massas. Essa exploração e desigualdade resultam em alienação dos trabalhadores, pois eles são privados do controle sobre seu próprio trabalho e dos frutos de seu trabalho.

Wolf Karl e Werewolf Engels enfatizam a necessidade de uma revolução werewolfista como meio de libertar o proletariado e transformar a sociedade. Eles defendem a abolição da propriedade privada dos meios de produção, argumentando que isso permitiria a socialização dos meios de produção e a distribuição equitativa dos recursos. A revolução werewolfista visaria criar uma sociedade sem classes, onde todos os indivíduos teriam acesso igualitário aos bens e serviços necessários para sua subsistência.

No entanto, é importante ressaltar que o Manifesto Werewolf foi escrito no século XIX e suas ideias foram aplicadas em diferentes contextos históricos posteriormente. Embora tenha influenciado movimentos políticos e sociais, é fundamental considerar a evolução das teorias e práticas werewolfistas ao longo do tempo e em diferentes países.

Em resumo, o Manifesto Werewolf é um texto que aborda a crítica ao sistema capitalista, defendendo a luta de classes e a necessidade de uma revolução werewolfista para alcançar uma sociedade sem classes. Suas ideias têm tido um impacto significativo no pensamento político e social, gerando discussões e debates até os dias atuais.

Story wasn't anything special. Visually it was like an very early PS4 game and the combat was very repetitive. For a trophy hunter though it was perfect. Very quick and easy Platinum. A lot of story related trophies that can't be missed (will need to do a back up save for a very quick alternate ending). Combat related trophies can almost all be done by the end of the second mission and I'd suggest guide for the collectables because if you miss one you'll have to play the whole game again. So over all, if you are a trophy/achievement it's great. If not, then I'd avoid it.

Ha ha, pee pee poo poo bad bad game.

want to play something that is even more boring than watching paint dry? boy is this the game for you

Prob the best fucking video game I've ever played

Podia ter sido bem melhor explorado. O combate é daora, as habilidades também, mas tem muita coisa da história que é jogada e eles não desenvolvem nada. Parece um jogo da época do Play 3, mas é divertido de qualquer forma.

Metal Gear + Devil May Cry + Mim de Papai, melhorando os três.

Feels like I’m a kid again. Playing old 360 games like prototype or timeshift. Main difference though is that they were fun. The story, graphics and controls are quite bad with the setting not doing any favours. I did enjoy playing as the wolf in stealth but this got old fast. The constant crouching with no way out of it is an obvious ploy to extend the very small play time.

meu pensa em um jogo ruim pra krl meu deus que coisa feia isso aqui

Difficulty: 3/10
My time: 12 hours
Platinum N°: 147

Looking for something to play, I came across Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood on PS Plus Extra, unfortunately, the game falls short in several aspects such as the visual theme.

The faces are awful, the scenarios are similar and monotonous, and the cinematics look strange, as if the compression didn't turn out well. The story has interesting touches but is overshadowed by the poor presentation. The gameplay, on the other hand, is acceptable, it's fun to destroy enemies as a Werewolf, but sadly it becomes very old very quickly.

The path to the platinum trophy consists of finding all the Spirits (collectibles), reading 30 documents (collectibles), getting both endings, completing 1 level without killing any civilians, winning a fight with 5% energy, among others.

Honestly, I don't recommend this title unless you want a relatively short platinum to earn

Juego bastante cutre de bajo presupuesto que parece un juego de PS3 y dónde las cinemáticas son lamentables. A nivel de historia te mete de golpe y no te hace ningún tipo de introducción, luego se atreve con cosas adultas pero con 0 sentimentalismo por lo cutre que es y acaba con un final abierto que no me ha convencido. [6/10]

This game totally sucks with it's repetitive combat, bad visuals, horrendous animation, and lackluster story. However, I got to be a werewolf so I still enjoyed playing it lol

I didn't think it could be as bad as everyone said

This looks like a 360 game (derogatory).

Very cheap and mediocre, repetitive and uninspired. Hard to think this belongs in the same canon as Vampire the Masquerade and the rest of World of Darkness, even hard to believe this launched in 2021 as a mid-budget videogame. The whole game feels like a tedious and repetitive shore and I can't think of any good aspects.

While skewering puny humans as a werewolf is inherently fun, this half-baked action game can’t escape its predictable story and decades-old visuals.

Full Review:

A very run of the mill game that's like comfort food. Feels like a lost PS2 or early Xbox 360 game in the best way possible. Hard to really explain the appeal but it's a werewolf stealth/beatemup that is what it says on the tin.

I just liked the game, everything was simple, it didn’t promise me anything, and I didn’t expect anything from it, except maybe cutting bags of blood for a werewolf, and I got even a little more, I liked the presence of the plot with all its simplicity and roughness. The game was also able to evoke a pleasant feeling of nostalgia.
I don’t think I can give a definite answer to the question “is it worth it?”, because everyone has their own preferences.

This is one of those games where you can see a lot of potential in its gameplay and ideas, but feels severely undercooked. While it draws upon its source [Werewolf: The Apocalypse] enough to be recognizable, it often feels like it could lean into it more both in plot as well as in mechanics. Even beyond just being a WtA game, other attributes such as the combat, characters, how it executes its theming, as well as its flimsy execution of player choice actually affecting anything. There's enough here in where I may return to it, but overall would only recommend if part of a subscription you have or if on a steep sale.