Reviews from

in the past

Cool cowboy game. I remember the engine that Tech land used at the time was very weird you moved all wonky but it was kind of cool.

Apesar de alguns momentos frustantes, a gameplay em si, apesar de um tanto quanto rústica se comparado a alguns fps atuais, devo dizer que não perdeu seu brilho e nem seu fator divertimento, o jogo em si em termos de enredo traz uma história simples mas muito bem contada, com personagens igualmente simples mas bem caracterizados, apesar de que, em sua maioria, mal dublados, com exceção do reverendo ray com seu espetacular trabalho de voz. Em geral, um bom jogo.

At its best, Call of Juarez takes the core of what made the groundbreaking shooters of the early 2000s so damn good (i.e an emphasis on an unbroken narrative, fast paced gameplay, interact-ability with objects in the world), however at its worst, it feels like run of the mil slavjank. The fun outweighs the negative, yet because of the jank the game doesn't reach all of the heights of its contemporaries. Even then, its the closest thing we have to a cowboy Half-Life 2, so its pretty cool for that.

Aún con sus cosas, es un título más que sólido con segmentos más currados que otros. No destaca en nada pero es disfrutable de principio a fin.
Lo de los protagonistas duales es una característica que me ha gustado mucho y que creo que lleva de una manera muy interesante.

Pero lo importante, juegas como un putisimo predicador con armadura y puedes llevar revolver en una mano y la Biblia en la otra.
GOTY de siempre de la historia solo por eso.

mlk. esse jogo além de ser um puta clássico faroeste, é MAGNIFICO em QUASE TUDO. gameplay divertida para um CARALHO e difícil na medida certa, enredo envolvente com uma imersão do caralho e protagonistas cativantes. recomendo pra caralho(porra, ta so 20 reais(na steam) a triologia, q é só peak)

Review EN/PTBR

A surprisingly good story and good quality for the time, it has some slightly goofy mechanics but nothing that you don't get used to after a while.


Uma história surpreendente boa e uma boa qualidade para época, tem algumas mecânicas um pouco estranhas mas nada que você não se acostume depois de um tempo.

геймплейно такая недоработанная хрень, но я люблю вестерны, так что норм

it was either great or miserable, no inbetween parts. Gunplay is weirdly good though.

Its also not a coincidence most of the worst parts were when they tried to make you stop shooting and do something else.

Oynanabilir bir oyun hikaye modu yeterli Peder karakteriyle oynamak ayrı bir motivasyon mekanikleride güzel bazı bölümler bayıyor onun dışında güzel oyun.

Bu 2000-2010 oyunları beni aşırı şaşırtıyor. Cidden Türkiye'deki oyun dünyasındaki büyük isimlerin söylediği gibi bu eski oyunlar genel olarak yeni oyunlara göre çok daha iyi. Ne kadar oynanışı en yeni oyunların yanında çöp gibi olsa bile , grafikleri artık çoğu kişinin görmesiyle oyuna bakmamasına neden olsa bile. Bu verdikleri hava , bu hikaye plotu , ortamın seni içe sokması , temanın olması gerektiği gibi tam anlamıyla verilmesi falan. Müthiş bir oyun bu cidden. Dediğim her güzel yan bunda da var. Resmen western temasına aşık olmasam bile beni gidip baya western'de yaşar seviyede hislere soktu. Her saniyede bir ölüm tehlikesi en minik durumda bile herkesin silahına atılması. Çoğu western'de olan klasik olayların yaşanması... Bu oyun gizli bir elmas. Tek bir oyunu belirli bir seviyede bilinirliğe sahip ve bu oyun baya görünmez bir halde. Yani kimsenin bildiği gizli bir gem. Sahip çıkın bu oyuna. Neyse böyle yani müthiş. Fikirlerimi bırakıp oyundan bahsetmem gerekirse 2 karakteri kontrol ediyoruz. Birisi bu western dünyasının içerisinden bir veteran , silahını kullanmayı biliyor ve herkese ilahi adaleti dağıtma peşinde. Pata pata herkese sıkarak gidiyor. Diğeri ise daha bu dünyayla kendi isteği dışında ilk defa giren genel olarak stealth bazlı karakterimiz. İkisi birleşerek güzel bir western hikayesinin içerisine sokuyorlar sizi. En küçük hikaye detayı bile vermek istemiyorum ki heyecanı kaybolmasın. Oyun olabildiğince gerçekçi tasarlanmış o yüzden salak saçma şekillerde ölebilirsiniz ki bence bunu bir dert olmamalı bazı inceleme yazan arkadaşların dediğinin aksine oyun sonuçta böyle tasarlanmış. Kısacası benim için bu oyun mükemmel bir deneyimdi. Belki oynadığım ilk kovboy , western temalı oyun olduğundan olabilir ama ben bu oyuna çok yükseldim ve genel metacritic puanıyla yorumlarını görünce çok sinirlendim. Bence fix 85 puana sahip bu oyunu herkes oynamalı ve herkese oynatmalı. Kesinlikle öneriyorum.



Datado para um caralho, mas isso que dá um certo charme ao jogo, a gameplay é meio dura porem boa, historia simplesmente linda e épica, personagens fodas, mecanicas únicas, o jogo em si é do caralho, recomendo qualquer um jogar.

there will be spoilers here, thread carefully.

Good lord, i've played bad games before, but it takes a special gem to be both inofensivelly fine and incompetently rubbish at the same time, lets go through it bit by bit, be warned fans, i by no means mean to disrespect you, this is all my opinion and nothing objective here, all 3 of you.

I stand behind the old saying that limitation motivates creativity, with that said, this game is a disjointed mess of clashing a bunch of ideas together and see if something clicks, i can't blame techland much tho as they clearly were more interested in seeing what the engine could do than actually make a enjoyable experience as this was their first feet wet on the improved version of the Chrome Engine, version 4 to be specific, thats means there is stealth sections to test out the shadows, even if the AI haven't been properly tested to react fairly to the player.
how about physics based puzzles ? they are trending and the engine has been adjusted to allow that right ? the result is you wrestling with the physics to do basic stuff to use box as leverage to jump something, speaking of jumping, did you know your whole character is a 3D body ? meaning you too follow the weird physics of the game so you can't properly jump without having to try again 5 times just because the physics decided that your jump was slighly off a height than last time.

Gunplay, the most important part of a shooter, nothing breaks my heart more than being hyped for combat for 5 minutes at the start of the game and then once you finally grab a gun, you see the T I N Y H A N D™ , i mean come on, they literally hype it up for the moment you grab the gun and the weapon and hands are so tiny compared to the overall screen, and its not a resolution issue, all gameplay i checked has it as well, but presentation of weapons ain't the only problem, imagine a shooter where the shooter is horrid, i guess the only reliable gun that goes where you want surprisingly is the bow, which they added much later on pc patches, everything else can do a 190 and make the bullet shoot somewhere else, but lets say the bullet hits, then you gotta shoot just a few more times because the first 5 bullets tickled the enemy, i get that they probably wanted to make the guns realistically unreliable when it comes to accuracy, but that damage breaks the whole idea of being realistic, remember, a arm shot of a old rusty colt can still make your entire arm useless for the rest of your life, so weak gunplay and horrid gun presentation ''oh but its from 2006'' no excuse, shooters from half a decade before this weren't commiting half the mistakes this makes, there were first person cowboy games that came before this that at least had the gunplay an absolute blast, there is no reason to replay this when you can hook up red dead revolver with a mouse mod and have a blast with weapons that both sound and feel cool to shoot, or even darkwatch, which came out a while before and had much more satisfying and chunky guns to play with, even the initial revolver feels much nicer than the last gun you get at COJ.

Fun fact, this game to spice up gameplay decided to add collectables, these collectables being wanted posters of the developers with lines such as ''this is joe, the sound designer, wanted for reusing royalty free sound effects'' i mean why ? all that does is take me out of the immersion and give me a name of who to blame for the crimes commited by this tech demo disguised as western shooter, oh yeah thanks dave level designer for making me have to use physics to climb this mountain with physics making me die for no reason whatsoever, very cool, thanks joey script writer for making a 9 minute cutscene of protagonist staring at the face of a npc without anything else happening for the sole purpose of making us understand how COOL the priest is, thanks mike programmer for making the worse shooting i ever experienced in a western shooter, oh before i could forget, thanks josh director for making me see the message '' in this game we do not allow the harming of innocent civilians, horses or corpses, breaking this rule will cause the game to end'' sick moron, as if the poster thing didn't ruin immersion already... (all names are fake, i have no intention of doxxing the devs, they did it themselves with this idea of dev collectaton, you wanna know who not to hire for sound design, play it yourself.).

i'm very happy to where the devs are these days, they went on to make great games that i actually like, the sequels of call of juarez are actually much more competent and enjoyable, i just wish this first installment wasn't as aggressivelly disjointed as it is, left a sour taste in my mouth for what to expect in the future, thankfully you can actually shoot corpses without getting grounded like in the first game on the sequels.
i would not recomend this to anyone ever, there are much more competent shooters that came way before this game, even western games that do much better.

Awful experience all around

Its crazy how big that one level is where you climb a mountain.

Se Gunslinger acerta em narrativa, esse aqui acerta em texto, principalmente devido aos seus personagens muito bem escritos. O valor técnico também é importante de ressaltar.I Infelizmente esse aqui peca na gameplay, por consideráveis falhas de design, principalmente nas missões do Billy. Ademais, experiência que com certeza vale a pena.

A good Game
Mechanics are ok but you will get use to it
The Story is very good i have enjoyed

Better than i expected, i started the game and hated it in first glance, however finally found it kind of a good game, but something is wrong about the game, shooting enemies is harder than most if the shooters.

Its got heart but rough in many places, the gunplay is fun just yeah I guess its byproduct of being an early 360 title.

wanted to go through with this because the story was interesting but the gameplay is too janky

game that is equally terrible and great at the same time

Finished 12:44 AM. Competent linear shooter. Good fun story. Gunplay isn't like anything that you would normally expect from linear shooter. There were some cool little easter eggs that were fun to read. Overall a good game

Fuck the whip. If you have played this you will know what I mean. Call of Juarez is a very interesting and quite unique FPS with a Western setting. Originally released for the PC in 2006, we got a 360 release in 2007 and if you can handle a bit of jank it holds up pretty well. The story is really nice. You play as Ray, a former preacher, hunting Billy (some random kid IDK), who has been accused of killing his parents. You also Billy running away from Ray (Your Uncle) and trying to find out who really killed your parents. The way the story untangles as you alternate between the characters is surprisingly good and will keep you interested for sure. The setting is also very nice and you can tell the developers put a lot of effort into making you feel like you are in the wild west. Jumping between gold mining towns and lush forests, with a nice selection of weapons and even some fist fighting. It also has a concentration gauge, allowing you to slow down time to blast enemies. Best of all, at the end of some levels you have a one on one pistol duels, just like in the movies, excellent. Consensus is that Ray's levels are more fun. He can lob dynamite and use twin pistols. Billy on the other hand has a bow and a whip. The whip is really the downfall of the game. I would argue that the reason Billy's levels are worse is because of the use of the whip. There are a few platforming sections in the game where you need to use the whip to jump over gaps or traverse rocks and it just kinda doesn't work very well. In addition to that, there are a couple of sections where the game isn't super clear on what you need to do next, but nowadays there are loads of video guides online, so you should be fine. This is not a perfect game, it's janky as hell, sometimes unfair and often confusing. Yet, I can't help but appreciate COJ for trying to do something a bit different and succeeding. In 2023 the datedness of this thing only adds to it's charm, an interesting addition for any collection.

I really enjoyed this way more than I thought I would. This is my favorite in the series.

Gameplay - 6
Trilha Sonora - 7
Gráficos - 7
História - 8

Nota - 7

Reverendo ray é literalmente eu

I remember seeing gameplay for this as a kid and thought it looked really next gen at the time, but that's not the case now.

The gameplay is divided into combat and platforming where both aspects feel quite clunky. Combine this with oversized empty maps it does feel like a bit of a chore to play at times.

Without a doubt the most enjoyable part was the story. Throughout the game you switch between the two characters and see events from both perspectives. The voice acting is well done and so is the pacing, making it easy to get invested into the plot.

Overall a decent game with some annoying parts sprinkled around. It doesn't last too long, so worth checking out.