Reviews from

in the past

Donkey kong voltando as origens do Snes, jogo super divertido mas bem desafiante, fases e chefes icônicos, vale muito a jogatina. Recomendo a todos

very fun with friends but hard too lol

Might be the best game on the Wii U. It’s hard in all the right ways.

that fucken tiki mask that i hate

For some reason, I found most of the bosses quite hard to beat, unlike the other parts of each level which were pretty straightforward and basic

Soooooo good! Get those bananas! What are you waiting for?

I'm really sorry I know it's objectively a good game but I really do not enjoy it or care for it :(

No other 2D platformer has blown me away in the way that Donkey Kong Frozen Ape. I was pretty young when I first played this, so I struggled a lot, but I was so determined to finish this game that my brother ended up helping me out.

truly classic. So lovingly crafted that I would say that most mario games don't hold a candle to it. Mario Wonder is the closest theyve gotten to this level of quality in 2d platformers and even then, this game blows it out the water. Would love another entry in this franchise, but Donkey Kong is stuck in the freezer right now (no pun intended) so i don't know when I'll see my favorite gorilla again.

A good game that I am TERRIBLE AT

Easily one of the best platformers of all time. And the soundtrack holds up to the amazing legacy of DKC soundtracks.

absolutely stellar game. a must play for monkey maniacs new and old. it's going bananas. not as good as dkc2 (what is?) but it's damn damn DAMN close. let's keep it up!

Might be the best game on the Wii U

Game looks and sounds quite nice, but compared to the level design in the original DKC1-2 and Returns, I didn't particularly care for how many levels from the third world onward force you to keep moving forward without any breaks by having the level fall out from under you.

I finished the game (not 100%) back in 2015 on the Wii U, but I probably did it a disservice by playing it in multiplayer, which might have exacerbated my issues with it; might be worth revisiting by myself at some point down the road.

Exactly as good as everyone says. Fluid controls, tight level design, and a general love for the series all contribute to this possibly being one of the greatest 2D platformers.

This is probably one of my most replayed games of all time. I love the world. The music. The feel. All those tiny little details that go by in a fraction of a second. The developers truly made something special with this and basically no other 2d platformer reaches the same quality as this one.

This doesn't mean that this game is perfect. Firstly my biggest criticism are the boss fights, which are just all right. They're not bad but the boss fights feel kinda bland and forgettable and they are often times the reason I stop playing. In Donkey Kong Country Returns they somehow felt a bit cooler for me. Maybe because they were more connected to the overarching narrative. Or Maybe because they felt a bit more diverse.

Another criticism I have is that Dixie Kong is way better than Diddy or Cranky. There literally is no single reason to choose anyone other than Dixie unless you want to diversify your playing experience.

To summarize I just want everyone to play this game and realize they slept on the best platformer from atleast the last 10 years. The team of Retro Studios created some of the most incredible environments, platforming and audio and made some of the most beautiful scenes in all of gaming.

If you are a fan of 2D platformers, this game is a MUST.
The level design is some of the best I have ever played, the music is god tier AND you can play as Funky Kong.

Actually one of the best Wii U games

it's hard but not in the same way as the snes games or a megaman or ninja gaiden in that's it fun to conquer, since even when you complete each platforming challenge consecutively there's a distinct lack of forward momentum that a fast platformer ought to have to be "fun"
it's just kind of repetitive

This review contains spoilers

[Major Spoilers!]
Beautiful graphics! The gameplay was awesome too! You can jump, roll, slam, duck, swim, climb, bounce, swing, float, fly, and more! With a partner on your back you gain two more hearts and gain a special ability, attack, and screen clear which would kill all enemies on screen and replace them with something useful. The world's were unique! Autumn Heights, Bright Savannah, and juicy jungle with juice and jello! There were also some classic worlds; sea breeze cove with water levels but also wind to deal with! Lost Mangroves was the first and it had all the classic elements plus some amazing surprises with the environment! Drop down platforms, vines, hanging from grass above! Then the final world is all fost which changes how bouncing platforms work and adds breaking platforms, and more.

There are also many special levels that do something really surprising but only in that one level. There's a Sea breeze Cove level that's underwater as usual, but then it's dark and you can only see silhouettes of everything! There's a Savannah level that is jumping across animal puppet heads that is awesome! There's jello to bounce through in one level in Juicy Jungle, there's a blizzard level with fast paced platforming in the final world(Donkey Kong Island) which is frozen over by the bad guys. There's falling leaves to platform across in Autumn Heights. A fire starts in Bright Savannah! There's an octopus to contend with in Sea Breeze Cove! A factory with chopping and spikey berry picking to dodge through in Juicy Jungle! Tornados in Brights Savannah! A sawmill to kart and boat through in Autumn Heights!

There are also amazing bosses! They all require you to memorize their move sets! They are all different animals just like previous Donkey Kong Country games! There a seal that slides and throws fish, an owl that swoops and throws feathers and strong wind your way, three baboons that a so much fun to face co-op!! and will swing and bomb in many ways, a pufferfish that.... sucks and blows both literally and figuratively.. I hate this boss... He puffs up so large you can barely avoid him!, a polar bear that swings a hammer and flings ice in many forms!, and I Walrus that charges you and uses ice and lava! He fires ice squids and lifts lava, and shoots ice dragons!! He also requires you to throw enemies at him as he tries to avoid and it's hilarious!

There were a few annoying things like the game doesn't explain well that you can clear all of the enemies on the screen by pressing L or R. I didn't use it the whole game because I didn't know about it until the end. Also it doesn't explain that you need to continuous press X or Y or make the rino run! That caused a lot of deaths. These were minor and didn't cause too much trouble overall. The ability to visit the shop and buy lives helped make up for this so much!

Besides these things there's also mine Cart levels, rocket riding levels, rino riding levels, and barrel blasting levels in each world!

The most fun part of the whole game is the co-op with my 6 year old. She loves gaming with me and we had so much fun playing this game together as she learns to play and we laugh together!!

Donkey Kong: mamaco gelado é por enquanto é o melhor jogo de plataforma 2D que já joguei, level design perfeito, a gameplay fluída e precisa, a direção de arte estupidamente no ponto e ainda chamaram o Davi sabido (David Wise) de novo para fazer a trilha sonora. Retro Studios no seu auge, pena que nunca mais fizeram um jogo depois dessa MASTERPIECE.


Not as good as 3 since it's not as well paced, the first world is mid, and it takes time to truly get going. It takes until the 3rd world where I'm really used to the controls.

El mejor plataformas 2D de la historia. Su diseño de niveles es algo fuera de este mundo y David Wise hizo magia con su banda sonora!

An incredible 2D platformer that is nearly flawless; this game absolutely rocks! The movement is spectacular, with a lot of skill and tech to create a satisfying, fun speed game, as well as fantastic visuals and great exploration. Each level is unique and wonderfully created, and the art direction is superb, featuring insane background details, especially considering this released on the Wii U of all things. I cannot recommend this game enough to platformer enjoyers, as this game blew me away with how it gets pretty much everything right, including the fantastic boss fights (which usually suck in platformer games). Also Funky Kong is the best thing to ever exist.

Easily one of the greatest 2D platformers ever made, I'll be damn excited if we ever get another Donkey Kong Country game.