Reviews from

in the past

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Прекрасная игра, люблю мам своих тиммейтов

Bag of mixed emotions.

Lots of nostalgia
Euphoric once in a blue moon
Pretty good some of the times
Frustrating the rest of the time

It was a great experience in the beginning, but with time it becomes a chore, there are way better things to spend time on, just took me a bit too long to realize that. I still come back from time to time, way less frequently, because of friends, that makes it much more enjoyable for me.

На старых патчах игра была очень глубокая как тактически, так и стратегически. Последние несколько лет баланс слишком сместили в сторону Макро. Коммьюнити как и во всех компетитив играх - много токсичности, руинеров, людей не уважающих время тиммейтов и не прикладывающих достаточных усилий для победы в матче. Но иногда может и повезти - найдете людей, с которыми можно будет приятно провести много времени вместе.

This is the game that made me realize i am extremely good at gaming, that i can learn anything, and cemented my confidence in all other games i play. Am the strongest among known friends, have an equal but he's my cousin; Competed in total of 15 competitions, won in only 2.

Reached second highest rank [last recorded - Divine: 4655MMR] in my peak days, still have the screenshot in my drive. Have now loosen & given up that life, now only play casually in arcades. Still much more room to improve but i no longer care.

I played 4-8 games upon my friend's request. I played Tusk, Riki, Snapfire, and Gyrocopter. I also played a game where you play a random hero upon dying and did best with Slardar.

I am very clearly out of my element. I don't typically play games with keyboard + mouse and I have no experience with MOBAs other than a short time with Pokemon Unite. Very basic things like movement and camera positioning took a while to get used to, so more complex things like leveling and equipment was rough.

But I liked it. I always love large-roster competitive games, especially where there's a lot of asymmetry and this does it. I don't think I would ever actively practice or initiate, but I wouldn't mind if someone invited me.

Muito difícil de aprender a jogar, tem uma curva de aprendizado ENORME, mesmo assim, é um bom jogo quando você aprende

Dota 2 is the game I just can't quit. It's in my very being...
There are eternal bugs that will probably never get fixed, there are the eternal tides of the meta that constantly change and never feel quite balanced, yet I still come back to this. Its fun to watch others play, the International especially.

It's really fun to play once you have the systems down but honestly if you have never played a Moba: Stay away. Its archaic, overly complex and not newbie friendly. But if you do dare and you really get into the weeds it can be great fun.

listen. this is THE fucking multiplayer online game. a few decades ago, it was uo. then eq. then wow. this though? this is is. this is the greatest multiplayer game of alltime. i struggle to see what your argument would be as to why it's not except some 'blah blah blah I'm a basic bitch that hates isometric games I need to go back to playing on my 600 dollars sony toaster strudel oven playing one-button action games' type shit

Acho incrível a capacidade desse jogo de me fazer parecer um imbecil toda vez que tento jogar ele... tenho 12 anos de League of Legends e mesmo assim o Dota é algo que você sente que precisa aprender do zero, parabéns pra quem cosnegue, mas não é pra mim. Jogo bom com um mercado bem formulado, e preços acessíveis.

every once in a while i come crawling back

boring ass moba junk. all the characters are ugly AF, you just spend 90% of the time running between towers while people scream at you because u dont know the premo meta. id rather wipe my butt with sand paper

Coming from LOL, Dota 2 was different in all the wrong ways. Did not enjoy.

Don't hate the player. Hate the game.

I have too much hours in this game alone compared to half the games I played combined.

Dota is super fun and rewarding when you get it right but 80% of the time I don't and it's as punishing as it is rewarding. So, that's not my fault, it's core not carrying me. Blame him, I'm just chilling

Least fair game I have ever played. That being said, its still fun at times.

Simultaneously a half star and five star game. Still my most played game on steam and I haven't played a full match since like 2013.

não sei como gabriel gosta dessa bomba

The most complete, deep and engaging MOBA ever. Absolutely compelling esports scene as well. I've never been very good at it but I always want to play it

This review contains spoilers

soul-sucking, taught me many different languages but only the worst words in each. Not for the faint of heart. Community will destroy you and rebuild you similar to the army just more f'd up.

DOTA 2 may just be one of the greatest games I couldn't play, still can't play, and probably never will be able to play now. Watching sub 500 mmr games from nearly a decade ago to now is staggering, the bar is up there and it feels utterly alienating even just to touch, but just to peer into the windows, that you might get a glimpse of watching someone else have a go at it is enough.

It's the best game ever but it's a moba.

Update: I miss the times when people played games because they liked them and not attracted by a diabolic gamepass and some weird rankings.

I might be one of the few last ones left who plays online games to enjoy them.

La curva de aprendizaje de este juego es fácilmente una cuesta de 90º

C друзьями по кайфу, но в это прям уметь и учиться играть надо.